10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Don’t Know It

Almost all people carefully study the composition and expiration dates of products purchased in supermarkets. But many do not read the composition of cosmetics intended for skin care. The desire to make a purchase is caused by bright attractive packaging, promising advertising slogans for products, but not the composition. And, in vain, because it is necessary to know what the product daily rubbed into the skin consists of, since harmful substances easily penetrate into the body and through it. Next, we will acquaint you with a list of toxins that are contained in some cosmetics and slowly harm your health.

10 Lead

10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Dont Know It

Lead is a heavy metal that is often added to lipstick to keep the product on the lips for as long as possible, without losing color and brightness.

Daily use of cosmetics containing this substance leads to its accumulation in the body, and this threatens the development of infertility, weakening of the immune system, diseases of the skeletal system, provokes memory deterioration, increased fatigue. Also, the toxin interferes with the absorption of calcium, zinc and selenium in the body.

9. Petrolatum

10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Dont Know It

Petrolatum is a mixture of paraffin and oil ceresin, it is obtained during the process of dewaxing petroleum oils, outwardly it looks like a light brown mass with a viscous consistency. The substance may be included in the composition of cosmetic products for or against sunburn. On the packaging of the product, it is often referred to as E905b.

Frequent use of products with this toxin leads to clogging of the pores of the dermis, prevents the normal process of sweating, prevents toxins from leaving the body, and prevents the penetration of oxygen into the cells of the epidermis. On the skin of a person, as a result of the use of lotions containing petrolatum, inflammatory processes and fungal infections can develop.

8. Lanolin

10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Dont Know It

Lanolin is an animal wax obtained from the evaporation of sheep’s wool. The substance is found in moisturizing body creams, cosmetics for hair and nails. Cosmetic products containing this component are designed to maintain the water balance of nails, hair and skin, but such cosmetics can clog pores, because of this the dermis becomes covered with acne, wen, and other rashes.

7. Dihydroxyacetone

10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Dont Know It

Dihydroxyacetone is a monosaccharide found in self-tanning creams or bronzers. It is this substance that provides the skin with a tan shade.

The component was discovered in the 1920s, it was originally used for medical purposes, but this idea was soon abandoned.

The question of the harmfulness of this ingredient is still underway, many cosmetologists believe that self-tanners, despite their composition, are less harmful to the skin than exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Cosmetics containing this component are not recommended for pregnant and lactating women, as there is a risk of an allergic reaction, and for people suffering from asthma.

6. Formaldehyde

10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Dont Know It

Formaldehyde is an organic compound with a pungent odor, colorless gas, soluble in water. The ingredient is found in many lotions, shampoos, mascaras, nail polishes, masks and creams. The substance is considered a carcinogen, toxic. It negatively affects the organs of vision, the respiratory system, the skin, causing dermatitis. The component is dangerous for the nervous system.

Cosmetics containing formaldehyde should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, asthmatics, with a tendency to allergies.

5. Hydroquinone

10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Dont Know It

Hydroquinone is called an aromatic organic compound, is a representative of phenols. The component is often included in cosmetic products with a whitening effect, such as face creams, concealers, cleansers, etc.

If you use cosmetics containing hydroquinone for a long time, you can disrupt the production of melanin, the skin becomes less elastic, wrinkles, rashes, dermatitis and itching may appear.

4. sodium benzoate

10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Dont Know It

Sodium benzoate refers to food additives, preservatives, is the sodium salt of benzoic acid, looks like a white powder, almost odorless. The substance is often included in cosmetics for face and skin around the eyes. In combination with vitamin C, which is also often included in cosmetics, benzoate becomes benzene (the simplest aromatic hydrocarbon found in gasoline), dangerous for human skin, provoking the development of oncology.

3. Sodium lauryl sulfate

10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Dont Know It

Sodium lariul sulfate is a surfactant used in shampoos, bath foams, face masks and make-up removers.

Daily use of cosmetic products containing this ingredient threatens dry skin, dandruff, premature aging of epidermal cells, and dermatitis. In addition, the substance helps to reduce the protective functions of the skin, it becomes easier for microbes from the outside to penetrate into the body.

2. Propylene glycol

10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Dont Know It

Externally, propylene glycol looks like a viscous liquid that has no color, but has a sweetish taste and hygroscopic properties. The substance is part of most creams, deodorants, and is also present in decorative cosmetics.

Products containing this ingredient can cause allergic reactions in the form of skin rashes, itching, and also provoke the development of eczema.

Cosmetologists believe that if less than 10 percent of propylene glycol is present in a cosmetic product, then it can be used without harm to health.

1. Triloxane

10 Toxins You Are Constantly Rubbing Into Your Skin And Dont Know It

Triloxan is an organic compound of synthetic origin with antibacterial properties. The substance is capable of destroying many types of bacteria and fungi. The ingredient is found in soaps, deodorants, toothpastes.

The component is considered toxic, causes irritation on the skin, and if it enters the body, it can accumulate, which leads to disruption of the functions of the endocrine system, problems with the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

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