10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

A person who flies for the first time always experiences fear and excitement. Airplanes crash and there seems to be no chance to survive…

If a large-scale plane crash happens, then a person really has a minimal chance of surviving, but there are stories when passengers remained safe and sound. How did they manage to do it – luck or did they know how to behave?

So, if you are going to fly somewhere, but feel anxiety before it, read this article – so at least you will calm yourself, knowing that if the plane starts to shake strangely, then you will not be at a loss.

10 Get fit

10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

This applies to both men and women. A person who plays sports and keeps himself in shape is more likely to survive – this applies not only to a plane crash, but also to other areas.

For example, if a person is attacked on the street, he will not be at a loss, relying on his strength and physical fitness. Elderly people are weak and unfortunately they don’t have much of a chance of surviving a plane crash.

Keep yourself in shape, play sports and be strong – this will be useful to you in life.

9. Watch for hours

10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

You say: “How can I keep track of the clock when I got into a plane crash?” But it will help you to act without delay.

Take a look at your watch and note the time – you have exactly 90 seconds to get out of the plane after the crash happened. This is important to remember, because during this period the flame covers the entire fuselage.

If you try to calm down and act quickly, you have a chance to escape.

It is not necessary to count down the time, just act faster.

8. Forget about things

10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

Of course, each of us has expensive things – not only in the material sense, but also dear to the soul. But your life is at stake, and you can’t risk wasted time collecting your stuff.

68% of passengers die not because of the disaster itself, but in the fire that occurs after it. Rolling out your luggage along the rescue ladder – you are wasting not only your time, but also other people.

Do not waste your time collecting things, this is the price of life and death. Every second counts.

7. Get closer to the exit

10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

If people read the article and want to book seats in the back compartment, then it will not be fair if someone gets seats in the front, but what can you do …

Those who have time to order – those have a better chance of surviving, because being in the back compartment, you are safer. The nose of the aircraft crashes on the ground, but the tail can also be damaged, so it is better to choose a place that is located within 5 rows of the emergency exit.

If you are further than 5 rows from the exit, then you are less likely to survive.

6. Choose a big plane

10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

Both small and large planes crash. But if you have to choose an aircraft to fly, then choose large aircraft with several hundred passengers – such aircraft have more thorough checks, aircraft preparation is much better, and a more trained and experienced crew.

Everything, of course, depends on the personnel of the liner – pilots and mechanics can be incompetent, so you can’t guess which aircraft is better.

But still, try to choose large planes – it’s more reliable.

5. Remember the plus 3 / minus 8 rule

10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

What does it mean? Plus 3 refers to the first three minutes of takeoff and 8 to the minutes of landing.

Studies were conducted, and it turned out that 80% of crashes occur at this time, while the rest of the flight period reduces the likelihood of a plane crash.

In the first 3 minutes and the last 8 minutes before landing, you need to be focused: do not sleep, wear well-laced shoes, fasten your seat belt, do not drink alcohol.

You don’t have to get paranoid at all, but be on the lookout.

4. Put on your oxygen mask

10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

When pressure is lost in the cabin, oxygen masks fall from the top panel. It must be put on immediately, if you do not, then you will begin hypoxia – nausea, dizziness …

During a descending plane, a person has 18 seconds of “useful consciousness”. If during this time the body does not receive oxygen, it can cause brain damage or even death.

By wearing a mask, oxygen will flow to the nose and mouth, and it will be possible to breathe normally.

3. Learn the shockproof posture

10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

You need to bend over as far as possible and lower your head down, putting your hands on it. Feet should be straight and legs moved back.

When you put your hands on your head, or rather, on the back of your head, do not cross your fingers, and the leading hand (for most it is the right one) needs to be covered with the left. This posture will help you protect the bones of your dominant hand from possible fracture. So you can easily unfasten the seat belt.

Before you go on a flight, it is advisable to learn the pose.

2. Adopt a safe body position

10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

When you get on the plane, you will see safety booklets – they show the positions of the body that you must assume if a plane crash occurs.

At first glance, the postures seem useless, but the correct position of the body increases the chances of survival.

Do not neglect the seat belts – they should always be fastened, such belts are really effective, because they can withstand almost 1 kg.

Trust your seat belts and always buckle up.

1. Rely only on yourself

10 tips to help you survive a plane crash

Some people don’t know how to deal with a plane crash, so they rely on others to show and tell them.

However, relying on others is not effective either in disasters or in life in general – people think about themselves more than about others, especially at such a critical moment.


Do not forget about the children if they fly with you, many behave inappropriately in the event of a disaster. Take the child and hurry to the emergency exit.

And don’t forget that you have 90 seconds. Don’t think about things – you’ll buy others when you get off the plane.

It does not matter if you are flying for the first time or for the hundredth – do not forget to read the safety rules – they tell you how to act.

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