10 tips to help you stay calm in the bustle of the New Year

10 tips to help you stay calm in the bustle of the New Year

Together with an expert, we figure out how to stay calm in the bustle of the New Year.

How to deal with stress before the New Year: 10 simple and useful tips

A person’s resistance to stress, that is, his ability to calmly, without health consequences, endure various types of stress (especially at the end of the year), directly depends on the stable work of the nervous system. Everyone is quite within their power, observing some rules, to maintain and maintain their nervous system in a harmonious state. It turns out that these measures are prophylactic, that is, they will help prevent excessive stress and, subsequently, disruption of the ability of the nervous system to ensure the adaptation of a person to various stress factors and stressful situations. ⠀

Physician neurologist, neurologist-vegetologist, candidate of medical sciences, head of the Clinical Center for Autonomic Neurology

Basic rules for maintaining the stable work of the nervous system ⠀⠀

1. Change of work and rest, change of activities ⠀

The first signal that the nervous system is tired and will soon turn on its reserves is the appearance of a feeling of fatigue. Rest is needed. For the nervous system, rest is a change in the type of activity. Thus, different parts of the nervous system will be included in the work, replacing and giving each other rest. In practice, for example, you can switch from working at a computer to light physical activity, from working with numbers to any creative task. ⠀

2. Work breaks ⠀

It is useful to take breaks of 15-20 minutes every hour or two during the working day. For example, you can just stretch your neck and back muscles, walk a little. Relieve the nervous system from monotonous work a little, if it is not possible to change the type of activity. ⠀

3. Distribution of forces ⠀

When mastering a large material, for example, when preparing for an exam or a large project, it is necessary to evenly distribute the workload over the allotted period of time. It is optimal to gradually increase the load and not try to do it all at once or leave it for execution at the last moment. ⠀

4. Healthy sleep

An important factor for the health of the nervous system is a sufficient duration of a quality night’s sleep. This is approximately 8 hours for a healthy person. In a dream, recovery, release, and release of the nervous system from a state of tension occurs. For the proper quality of sleep, the external environment is important – silence, the absence of light stimuli, the level of oxygen and humidity. Fresh and humid air promotes fast falling asleep and deep sleep. ⠀

5. Correct breathing ⠀

In a state of stress, the nervous system seems to go astray from the normal breathing cycle. Consciously controlling your breathing in an emotionally uncomfortable environment will help your nervous system cope with it more easily. To do this, you need to breathe into the account – five counts inhale and five counts exhale, while exhaling, count twice as slowly. Thus, it will be possible to get away from shallow breathing, return a longer exhalation, which will reduce anxiety and stabilize the nervous system. ⠀

6. Water procedures

Contrast shower – this procedure maintains the daytime tone of the nervous system. A warm shower, which is best taken in the evening, has a relaxing effect. ⠀

7. Moderate physical activity ⠀

Scientists have proven that it is a moderate load, such as simple walking, that maintains the proper tone in the work of the nervous system. It is recommended to walk 5-7 km a day. Swimming and balance classes (yoga, pilates) are also helpful. ⠀

8. Aromatherapy

The essential oils of lavender and geranium have been shown to be effective in relaxing the nervous system. Grapefruit essential oil has a tonic effect. Thus, it is optimal to use grapefruit during the day and lavender in the evening. You don’t even need to refuel the aroma lamp, it is enough to inhale the smell from a bottle of essential oil for about 5 minutes. ⠀

9. A full day off ⠀

Science knows that getting regular rest at least once a week is more effective. Such a systematic rest supports the body’s performance better than the annual large vacation. ⠀

10. Balanced diet ⠀

It is highly desirable to take food 4-5 times during the day. This means full breakfasts, lunches, dinners and small snacks in between. So the nervous system will be fully resourced all day.

These measures may seem too simple and quite often they are not given much importance, however, as follows from the well-known expression, “everything ingenious is simple.” Your full life is only in your hands. ⠀

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