10 tips to help prevent cancer

Every year, about 10 million people around the world are faced with a frightening diagnosis – “cancer”. In Russia, oncology ranks second in terms of mortality, after diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Everyone can get sick, but people at risk, with bad habits, those who sunbathe without protective equipment, are at particular risk, are forced to work with radiation and chemicals.

Affects health and hard work with increased nervous stress, constant depression and stress, a sedentary lifestyle.

Taking care of your health can reduce your chance of getting a tumor. If we are talking about such a dangerous disease as cancer, then prevention will not only help maintain health, but also save a person’s life.

10 Quality sleep

10 tips to help prevent cancer Almost everyone knows how important it is to get enough sleep. But few follow this advice. In the evening, after work, you need to redo all household chores. I want to chat with friends, relax in front of the TV.

But scientists warn that a person should sleep at least 8 hours. If he spends half the night at the screen of a computer or smartphone, the production of melatonin is suppressed. Lack of this hormone increases the risk of developing cancer.

So, scientists from the University of Bristol found that female owls are diagnosed with cancer 1,5 times more often. And for those who suffer from insomnia, the risk of oncology increases by 48%.

Scientists led by Sarah Markt were able to prove that in people with high levels of melatonin, the risk of developing prostate cancer is reduced by 75%. And in women, with a lack of sleep, breast cancer can occur.

9. Green tea consumption

10 tips to help prevent cancer Recent studies show that green tea can help fight certain types of cancer. It contains polyphenols, which are powerful anti-cancer compounds. They slow down the growth of tumor cells, help start detoxification processes.

Scientists from Columbia University gathered a group of 40 women with breast cancer. One subgroup was given green tea extract. In those patients who took this extract daily, the tumor did not grow as quickly. Green tea also helps fight prostate cancer.

8. Refusal of excessive sunburn

10 tips to help prevent cancer Scientists warn that in recent years, cases of skin cancer in people who spend a lot of time in the sun have become more frequent. At risk are people with weakened immune systems.

Only in England about 2 thousand people die from melanoma a year. This does not mean that you should completely abandon the tan. Sun exposure produces vitamin D.

But in the summer, try not to spend a lot of time outside from 10 am to 16 pm. Going to the beach, do not forget about sunscreen. Refrain from frequent trips to the solarium.

7. Using spices when cooking meat

10 tips to help prevent cancer When we cook meat with a crispy crust, carcinogenic compounds are formed in it. These substances are called mutagenic, because. because of them, changes in DNA appear that can provoke cancer.

To reduce their impact on the body, it is advisable to use spices. Some of them have been proven to have anti-cancer effects. They need to marinate the meat for at least an hour.

So, the results of more than 20 scientific works of American scientists were able to confirm that ginger contains gingerol and capsaicin, which can activate the processes of destruction of cancer cells.

Also, for the prevention of cancer, you need to add turmeric, rosemary, chili peppers, etc. to dishes.

6. Normal weight

10 tips to help prevent cancer Scientists from the American Society for Cancer Research claim that there is a link between obesity and the occurrence of cancer.

They analyzed data regarding the prevalence of obesity and cancer incidence statistics from 1975 to 2016.

It was possible to find out that 13 types of cancer can develop due to being overweight. On average, a direct link between obesity and oncology was observed in 3,9% of cases, and in developed countries this figure has increased to 7-8%.

5. The Mediterranean diet

10 tips to help prevent cancer The benefits of the Mediterranean diet were first brought to light in the 1950s, when it was noticed that Italian men had less heart disease. Later they were able to prove that it is suitable for the prevention of type 2 diabetes, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and also protects against cancer.

Those who follow this diet eat fruits, fish, grains, beans, and other healthy foods. They contain a lot of antioxidants that protect cells from DNA damage and the development of oncology.

So, in women, the probability of getting uterine cancer is reduced by 57%. And the risk of colon cancer is reduced by 86%.

4. Regular examinations

10 tips to help prevent cancer Many do not want to undergo standard examinations, because. afraid of getting a bad diagnosis. But it is they who help to identify the tumor at an early stage.

A person is sick, but he does not know about it yet, because. at the first stage, there are no symptoms of the disease. If the doctor was able to detect a tumor, the prognosis is favorable, the patient can be completely cured. But most people go to the oncologist after the onset of pain, which occurs closer to stage 4.

It is almost impossible to cure stages 3 and 4 of cancer, doctors can only prolong the patient’s life.

3. Cruciferous vegetables on the menu

10 tips to help prevent cancer Scientists advise including broccoli, kale and regular cabbage in the menu, which protect the intestines from cancer.

Researchers from the Francis Crick Institute in London claim that when they are digested, indole-3-carbinol is released, which prevents the oncology.

In addition to cabbage, to prevent cancer, you need to regularly eat garlic, parsley and tomatoes.

2. Exercise stress

10 tips to help prevent cancer Scientists say that the best prevention of breast and colon cancer is exercise or sports, which reduce the risk of developing cancer by 10-40%.

Dr. Marilia Gamon believes that exercise repairs DNA damage caused by carcinogens. Sport normalizes hormonal levels and extinguishes foci of inflammation in the body.

1. Rejection of bad habits

10 tips to help prevent cancer We have heard many times that smoking is harmful. But scientists from the National Cancer Research have confirmed this. Maki Inue-Choi and others conducted a study in which 290 older people took part.

It was possible to find out that 1 cigarette per day increases the risk of dying by 69%, and the risk of lung cancer by 9 times. Those who smoked up to 10 cigarettes were at greater risk. The probability of their death increased by 87%, and the development of oncology – 12 times.

Alcohol is no less harmful. Scientist Jenny Connor is sure of this. She has evidence that at least 7 types of cancer in humans are caused by alcohol. Those who drink often and a lot are especially at risk. But others are also at risk. Scientists advise to completely abandon alcoholic beverages.

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