10 tips to better manage your bladder leaks

Talking to your doctor about incontinence problems
Urinary incontinence is a generally taboo disorder, which is why many people with incontinence are reluctant to see their doctor. As proof, it is estimated that only a third of women who suffer from urinary incontinence seek treatment.1. This taboo is linked to social values, to the feeling of loss of one’s femininity and probably to the idea of regression or aging that accompanies incontinence. These feelings can lead to the patients withdrawing into themselves, who then prefer to use the protections available for sale rather than seek medical treatment. Yet urinary incontinence is a disorder that can be effectively treated once it is taken care of.2.
The simple fact of being informed of the various treatments such as rehabilitation of the perineum, anticholinergic drugs that reduce bladder contractions or even specialized treatments such as surgery, allows you to be reassured about the reversibility of your condition and to play down the situation. . In this sense, going to see your doctor is the first step towards improving your urinary incontinence problem.