10 tips to avoid electric hair

10 tips to avoid electric hair

Winter is, par excellence, the season for electric hair. In this season, when the air is drier, the hair becomes charged with electricity and becomes indomitable. But it only takes a few good reflexes to achieve the style you want.

Are you one of those who suffer from electric hair all winter long? Here are some tips to make them fall back easily.

1. Use a mild shampoo

In winter, the first thing is to adapt the washing of your hair. Your shampoo must be gentle enough to respect the keratin of your hair fiber and prevent the slightest friction from generating static electricity.

2. Opt for a special conditioner for dry hair

If you have naturally dry hair, you will be particularly prone to electric hair. Do not hesitate, in this case, to use a special conditioner, with or without rinsing., your hair will be nourished and will charge less easily with electrical particles.

3. A styling cream to tame your hair

For dry hair, here’s a quick tip for those mornings when your hair is doing its best. Use a styling paste, which you will rub a small amount of between your hands. Then apply it to the lengths of your hair, avoiding the scalp. Guaranteed result in seconds!

4. Choose a natural bristle brush

If you use a plastic bristle brush, it will be more difficult for you to style your hair in winter. Now is the time to switch up and opt for a natural bristle brush. They are also softer and will damage your hair less.. For best results, you can also put a little spray of dry or damaged hair care on the bristles of your brush before styling. Also note that some brushes have the power to neutralize the positive charges at the origin of your electric hair.

5. Watch out for temperature changes

Abrupt temperature changes are known to promote static electricity. If you’ve just entered your very hot and humid bathroom, after spending some time outside, wait a few minutes before styling your hair for your hair to adjust to the temperature.

6. Stop degraded cuts

Change your cut for the winter! It’s time to go to the hairdresser and reset this gradient for which you had opted during your last visit. Straight cuts weigh your hair down and make it less permeable to electricity.

7. Avoid synthetic materials

Many everyday objects absorb very little moisture from the air, and thus become conductors of electricity. This is the case for synthetic clothing, but also tights, and even carpet.. Opt for more natural materials and you will see a real change.

8. Always have hand cream in your bag

In a fitting room, it’s common to suddenly find yourself with totally electrified hair after trying on a sweater. To regain a normal head before going out, apply some face or hand cream, which you have in your purse, on your hair. They will fall back quickly.

9. Dry your laundry naturally

It is certainly difficult to dry your laundry in winter, but it’s time to forget your dryer. You will get electric hair more easily when you put on clothes that have undergone intensive drying.. If you can’t do without it, program it to stop just before it is completely dry.

10. Water to calm electric hair

Sometimes all it takes is a little water to calm your electrified hair. Run your hands under the tap, and bring them closer to your hair to gently brush them. The moisture will absorb the electrical charge and your hair will fall back gently.

Gaelle Latour

Read also Beautiful and healthy hair naturally

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