10 tips for finding meaning in life in your 30s and beyond

Good day, dear readers of my blog! In this article, I want to spend time on the question of how to find meaning in life in your 30s and beyond. Do you know that during the life of every person there are age crises? And it doesn’t matter whether we notice them or not, we still encounter and live with them.

Age crises

The crisis of 30 years is just connected with a rethinking of one’s life. Previously, there were some expectations for this age, and now it has come, but they did not come true. Then a person undergoes a reassessment of values, when it is required to discover a new purpose and purpose. And this process can begin earlier than 30 years or later, not necessarily everything changes dramatically with the onset of this date.

Age psychology concerns absolutely everyone, so everyone goes through such sensations, regardless of status, stamp in the passport or social status. And my further advice will help to cope with anxiety about thoughts about how to live on and, perhaps, will bring clarity to understanding yourself and your aspirations.


10 tips for finding meaning in life in your 30s and beyond

1. Listen to yourself, what do you like to do?

Sometimes it is difficult to answer such simple questions about yourself and your interests. Explore yourself, preferences and hobbies. After all, how to find peace and feel satisfaction from life, if you do not know for what reason and in what situations it arises in you?

2. Periodically addressing yourself with the question: “What do I want?”

It is so habitual to do what is considered appropriate for society, relatives, to live in such a way as to justify the expectations of others. Run away from yourself without listening, but what do I want right now?

Is this what I do because my parents wanted it to, or is it my choice that brings pleasure? If you are not able to recognize your needs, then they will remain unsatisfied. That over time will begin to cause dissatisfaction with life and will push a person to search for and give meaning to such an existence.

3. The value of one’s own life

Even if you do not yet understand why you were born, the most important thing is to feel the value and significance of every day you live. Your life is given for a reason, and even if you don’t understand why now, this should not devalue the fact of your existence. Love yourself and take each day with gratitude.

4. Think about what exactly pushes you to search?

Indeed, in order to take a step forward, to move further, it is important to understand where I am coming from and where I am going. Are you experiencing a loss that has left you with no joy for a long time? Or disappointed in the work, realizing that this is not your calling? Faced with the betrayal of a loved one, and now do not know how to continue to live? There can be many reasons, and everyone has their own, you just need to be aware of it, then it will be clearer what to do next.

5. Learn to recognize yourself

Has it ever happened, dear readers of the blog, when they give you a compliment, and you brush it off, they say, do I know how I look today? That’s it … Learn to be proud of your results, notice them. Suddenly you know how to do something special, but do not allow yourself to admit it? And at the same time resist the responses of others?

Or, on the contrary, did someone close to you devalue your work, and you, believing him, quit doing what you liked? If you listen to yourself, your inner feelings, you can feel joy and pride that something goes well, which means that your life is not given to you in vain.

6. The meaning of life is always there, it’s just that sometimes we don’t realize it.

But it is important at least until the age of 33 to decide what you really want. Waiting for a meeting with a millionaire and at the same time dreaming of a family and children is a very difficult and difficult goal. Try to decide what you really want in this life. Even if this search takes several years, the result and the answer to the question “how to find your destiny?” is important. When you take responsibility for your life into your own hands, you will feel the value of every minute, and then you will not want to waste it.

7. Be bold

Something new causes both anxiety and excitement. And if you do not take a risk, hiding behind shame or fear, stopping yourself, then this unrealized energy will be retained in the body, which over time will lead to dissatisfaction and apathy. Look through the children’s album, remember what you dreamed about, but did not dare to realize? Maybe you always wanted to dance, but your parents were against it? And then the family, chores, and now 50 years have come and it became embarrassing to go to courses?

Take courage and take a risk, yes, it will be awkward at first, but you will notice how the energy comes and life takes on colors.

8. Learn to notice the present

Yes, it is important to dream, remember the past too, but sometimes it happens that we ignore the present. Then, of course, unsatisfied needs accumulate, goals are not realized, which leads to a feeling of the futility of one’s existence. It is not necessary to try to come up with a desire of a global nature, start small. Try to find yourself here and now, at this moment, reading my article. Are you sitting comfortably? Warm or cold? What do you want? What thoughts arise?

9. No need to try to live the way you used to if the conditions have changed

For example, couples around the age of 42 begin to feel the “empty nest syndrome” when children grow up and leave. They are accustomed to taking care of them all their lives, considering this their meaning of existence. And now he’s lost. And instead of trying to bring the children back or just suffer — try to discover your true desires. If the need for care is so great, get a pet, pay attention to your loved one, yourself …

10. Evolve

Every day, receiving new information, you will notice how you begin to get involved in life. Read books, watch movies, go to the theatre, opera… Turn off the TV and spend your free time outside the house. You will make new acquaintances, which, perhaps, over time, will be able to inspire a quality life.

Self-development gives self-confidence, causes a sense of respect. Hobby relaxes and brings pleasure. Get rid of routine and monotony. Finally find time for English courses or guitar lessons. Realize your dreams, despite work, age and other excuses.

We have already discussed more about self-development. Here is a link to a previously published blog article: “What is self-development and 5 basic ways to move forward”

Exercises to Understand the Value of Life and Motivation

10 tips for finding meaning in life in your 30s and beyond

And finally, some very resourceful exercises that will help you reflect on your life and understand desires:

1. Choose a time and place where you will be alone and no one can interfere or distract you. Sit comfortably, relax, and imagine that you only have 24 hours left to live.

When you can imagine and feel, ask yourself:

– what would I like to hear in my address after death?

– What would I like to complete, but didn’t have time and now I regret it?

What exactly am I going to be proud of?

Then think about the things you could and would like to do on your last day. Make a list and start implementing it. This exercise can be performed together with a loved one. Take turns telling each other about your thoughts, share answers to questions. Listen carefully without interrupting and respect the opinion of the other.

2. And a completely opposite task. In the same way, alone, sit comfortably, relax. Think about the fact that you are given a chance to live your life again.

Carefully observe the emerging pictures, because what you would like to change will give an answer about what is missing now. Or maybe you would leave some events, mistakes? After all, they helped to make the experience out of an unpleasant situation, to become what you are now. This task helps to rethink your life, accept yourself and your mistakes. And also decide in which direction to move and how you want to live the rest of your life.

You can see more exercises in the article “What is the meaning of human life and how to find it?”.


That’s all, dear readers of my blog. Enjoy life, help your loved ones, realize yourself and then you will find peace of mind and peace. See you soon!

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