Pregnancy is a time when the body is particularly delicate and therefore susceptible to colds. Even a banal runny nose and cough, if left untreated, can have serious consequences. At the same time, however, you have to forget about many medicines and herbs, which is why many women do not know how to treat a cold during pregnancy.
You must not take painkillers based on substances other than paracetamol during pregnancy. It is worth reading the ingredients carefully, because many of them contain paracetamol and an additional substance. One of them is often caffeine, which should also not be consumed in excessive amounts during pregnancy due to the risk of inducing premature labor. Therefore, it is worth limiting painkillers to a minimum during pregnancy and using only those based on paracetamol.
During pregnancy, it is worth giving up expectorant, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. During this special time, let’s only reach for what the doctor in charge of pregnancy has recommended. Self-selected cough syrup may contain pseudoephedrine, which in large quantities has amphetamine-like properties and is therefore prohibited during pregnancy. Aspirin thins the blood, so it should also only be used during pregnancy if your doctor agrees.
The organism of the future mother is particularly sensitive to artificial colors, sweeteners and substances added to medicines (anti-caking agents, glazing agents, etc.). That is why it is worth betting on natural recipes for colds at this time.
Pregnancy is a good time to try herbal teas. It is best to reach for those with the simplest composition – e.g. from dried raspberries or forest fruits. Beware of richly sweetened tea blends, which may contain herbs in addition to dried fruit, which should not be used during pregnancy.
Garlic is one of the most powerful natural antibiotics. However, during pregnancy, you must not overdo it with its amount. Therefore, let’s limit its consumption to a small tooth a day. Equally antibacterial effect has onion, which is worth including in the diet during illness.
It is an excellent remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs natural honey. It can be added to drinks or baked goods. It soothes irritations and moisturizes.
In pregnancy, it is also good to reach for warming infusions. Although you cannot exaggerate with the amount of warming spices eaten, it is worth reaching for tea with the addition of ginger, cinnamon or cloves once a day.
The body of the future mother needs more than usual rest and the body of a pregnant and cold lady – even more. That’s why it’s good if we can limit activities during the illness. A popular mistake is to use the cold time for overdue household chores. They are often just as taxing as work! That’s why it’s better to take care of overdue reading or watching movies than cleaning up.
Antibiotics should not be taken during pregnancyeven if they were prescribed by a doctor before pregnancy. It is imperative that you consult your healthcare professional before administering medication. Often information on the administration of drugs during pregnancy is also available on the leaflet and on the Internet.
Many herbs, including thyme, have an abortifacient effect. Therefore, during pregnancy, you must not reach for throat pills with this ingredient.