10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

Expectant mothers, in anticipation of their first child, feel disorientated, because they have no practical experience in caring for a baby, and knowledge of what accessories to choose for this. So, getting into a children’s store, the customer is lost, especially contemplating the diversity and functional heterogeneity of products. Remember how earlier the child had one stroller and a wooden playpen, and they fed him from adult dishes with a teaspoon? Children now have their own line of accessories, including a wide selection of “vehicles”.

Every mother wants to choose a comfortable stroller that would easily “swallow” modern off-road conditions, enter the elevator without any problems and be equipped with additional comfort features.

Today we will give you 10 tips on what to look for when choosing a stroller for a newborn.

10 wheels

10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

One of the most important indicators of a stroller is its maneuverability, which will allow you to easily steer, choose a new direction, turn, etc. Maneuverability depends on the number of wheels, their type and size. Tests show that the best levels of stability and maneuverability were recorded with large rubber wheels with inflated tires. But such products make the stroller heavier and more cumbersome. If you are going to walk only on paved roads and in parks, then any easily steerable wheels will do. As for stability, double wide wheels can boast of this characteristic. And if you don’t want to “waltz” on ice with a newborn, then prefer models with inflatable tires, which, by the way, need to be regularly pumped up and inspected for punctures.

9. Depreciation Features

10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

The indicator is more important for the baby and his comfort during a walk. If you roll the stroller off-road, then the crumbs can shake and rock hard. A smooth ride is ensured by stable shock absorbers, the function of which is laid by two different systems. The spring allows you to equip the structure with special springs that dampen shocks well while driving, help to overcome road bumps more easily. The belt system consists of connecting the wheelbase to the sleeping area using movable belts, which also provide soft spring cushioning.

8. Materials

10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

Modern mothers should be for a healthy lifestyle, as well as for natural hypoallergenic materials in the composition of strollers. Of course, products made of leather, cotton and linen will provide maximum comfort and protection to the baby, but parents will cost a pretty penny. The main purpose of the materials, however, is to protect the bed from precipitation, excessive moisture and wind. It will also be nice if the inner elements and covers can be removed for care and washing. To purchase a summer stroller, choose light colors that do not attract the sun’s rays and do not create a “steam room” in the bed. Also, leatherette contributes to heating – not the best material for warm weather. But for winter, a product made of leatherette and dense canvas fabric would be appropriate, especially if there is not enough money for natural materials.

7. Device weight

10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

Of course, the lighter the stroller is, the easier it is to pack it into a vehicle, lift it up the stairs, take it for a walk. Modern walking “canes” are suitable for babies from six months and can weigh from 4 kg. But for babies, the minimum recommended weight of the product should be from 10 kg, which provides the necessary safety and stability. It is difficult for a mother weakened after childbirth to push a bulky and heavy stroller, and even with a growing baby, so choose a model with the expectation of the future. Try not to put unnecessary items in the product: personal heavy bags, sets of change clothes for the child, drinks and food (it’s easier to buy one snack in the store), etc.

6. Shopping baskets

10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

Of course, a mini trunk in children’s transport is very convenient, because now there is no need to carry a huge bag with diapers, water, change of clothes, an extra blanket and care products. Now all this can be placed in a special basket, which is also used as a container for shopping in a supermarket. Now there is such a little thing in almost every stroller, but in some European products it is missing. Sometimes places for storing small items are placed directly on the steering wheel, along with convenient cup holders.

5. Pen Features

10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

It is very important that the height of the handle is adjustable and customizable to your height and gait. Too low position of the handle forces you to bend over, which overloads your back and neck. A high position increases the load on the shoulders and deltoid muscles, which is not at all useful for a mother who has recently given birth. By the way, there are fashionable models in which the handle has an adapted shape to reduce the load on the brushes. Also, the handle should change direction when rebuilding the stroller from the “toward” position to another “away from you”.

4. Ability to fold the stroller

10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

One of the prerequisites, because people living in large cities should be able to bring the stroller into their homes, load it into transport or store it on the balcony. At the same time, it is also desirable that in the folded position the product is fixed, and not just leans back. Strollers that fold like a cane are the lightest and take up the least amount of space. “Books” are more weighty and overall, but are characterized by stability.

3. Dimensions

10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

For a newborn, choose a large stroller, as it is characterized by excellent shock absorption, safety and stability. The spaciousness of the cradle guarantees the comfort of the baby and the preservation of the optimal climate inside the bed. Do not forget that in autumn and winter a voluminous blanket is also placed there, as well as thick clothes, so sufficient space must be provided inside. Strollers are basically all compact, so you can choose a model to your liking and according to the physiological parameters of the baby.

2. Optional Accessories

10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

Modern parents will appreciate the convenient features and additional accessories that the selected stroller can be equipped with. Nearly all of the latest designs include a baby footmuff, rain cover, mosquito net, and duffel bag. As a bonus, a hand muff for winter walks, a protective visor from the sun, a basket for groceries under the seat can be offered. It is very good when a transforming stroller comes with a car seat, which facilitates operation in vehicles.

1. Seasonality

10 tips for choosing a stroller for a newborn baby

Before purchasing a stroller, determine whether it is suitable for the weather conditions of the area. For the winter and autumn period, you need to take an overall stroller with dense walls, high sides, a warm cape on the legs and moisture-resistant material, which will protect the little one from the weather. Also, such products are equipped with large wheels that are stable on ice. For spring and summer, lightweight options for strollers made from natural materials are chosen. It is good if they are equipped with a competent air circulation system, which will allow you to maintain an optimal microclimate inside the sleeping place in the summer heat.

These are simple but important tips for those who want to buy a reliable and high-quality product for many years with the ability to pass it on “by inheritance”.

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