10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

When something good happens to a person, very often they say about him: “Lucky.” Someone is rapidly walking up the career ladder, although they do not make any effort for this. Someone successfully marries or marries. There are lucky people who win large sums in the lottery. If nothing like this happened to you, do not be sad. Remember, for sure, a miracle has ever happened in your life.

The heroes of our article were lucky with food. Many people can’t even imagine what that means. It’s simple, a person buys one product, but it turns out that there are actually several of them, or the buyer finds another bonus in the package. No, we are not talking about the action “Buy two packs of dumplings and get the third one as a gift.” If you still do not understand what we mean, then read our article.

10 double banana

10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

If you meet banana twins in the store, don’t be alarmed. Rather, grab them and put them in the basket. Outwardly, this banana differs from others, it seems to be a little flattened. But inside is not one fruit, but two.

These bananas are very rare. By the way, this is very beneficial. The buyer purchased one fruit, in fact there are two of them, and there is only one peel. She weighs quite a bit, by the way. They also pay for it. Abroad, there are signs regarding fused bananas. In Thailand or the Philippines, girls eat them if they dream of having twins or twins. So, if this is not in your plans, avoid double bananas.

9. french fries mutant

10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

French fries are a favorite food of many people. How can you refuse fragrant hot potatoes? Only if such a mutant is found in a package with potatoes, a person will have doubts about the naturalness of the product.

Famous fast food cafes constantly assure their visitors that they do not use powders and non-natural products in their preparation. They claim that it is made from special varieties of potatoes, which, by the way, do not grow in Russia. Therefore, potatoes are brought from Poland. It is processed, cut and frozen.

However, there is a version that french fries are made from powder. The finished puree is squeezed out through the holes. In this case, you can adjust the length and width of the strips. Be that as it may, the buyer is incredibly lucky. Maybe he will never taste such french fries again in his life.

8. Roll with poppy seeds

10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

We don’t know when or where this photo was taken, but it really is an outstanding case. Thin dough and a lot of poppy seeds, such poppy seed roll lovers can only dream of. Usually everything happens the other way around, a handful of poppy seeds and a lot of dough.

If you do not like poppy seed roll, you have probably come across pies with fillings that are no larger than a pea. Therefore, those people who bought such an appetizing roll were fantastically lucky. Moreover, poppy is very useful for the body. Again, the daily intake of poppy should not exceed 130 grams. The main thing is not to harm yourself in such cases, because for many people at such moments the brain “turns off” from joy.

7. Double Surprise

10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

The child received not only a surprise, a toy and a chocolate egg, but two whole eggs. How this is possible is unclear. The technology for making chocolate eggs is quite simple.

Hot chocolate is poured into the molds, then they turn over, all the excess drains. It turns out half an egg. Similarly, the halves are covered with white icing. Next, toys are placed in the eggs, then they are fastened together and wrapped in foil. The process is fully automated. Apparently, you should not rely on technology for everything. There was some kind of failure, but one child became twice as happy.

6. extra cookies

10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

How often does it happen that the weight of the package differs from the declared one? This often happens, but it doesn’t occur to people to weigh packages of cookies. The product dries up and becomes lighter. Again, one should not exclude the option when someone else ate the cookies, and then the package was again put on display. Let’s not talk about sad things, this article is about fantastic luck.

It happens that extra cookies are put in the package. Cookies in factory packages are packaged by machines, so it is not known where the extra ones came from. Maybe it’s a bonus from a cookie company? No matter where the cookies come from, they will never be superfluous.

5. Seedless watermelon

10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

Some people are incredibly lucky. People bought a watermelon, and it is pitted. There is nothing to be surprised at, such watermelons have been sold for a long time. True, they are much more expensive than usual. The fact is that growing such a watermelon is much more difficult, proper care is required.

There are a lot of varieties, such watermelons are bred in Holland and the USA. Outwardly, the watermelon is no different from the usual, so they can be easily confused, especially if you buy on the market. What can I say? The buyer was lucky, but the seller was not so lucky. He himself is to blame, henceforth will be more attentive.

4. giant strawberry

10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

In this situation, before rejoicing, you should think. Undoubtedly, a giant strawberry is pleasing to the eye, but how did it manage to reach such a size? If you choose berries, take medium-sized ones, they are tastier. But the giant strawberry is most likely tasteless. It is watery or stuffed with fertilizers. Or maybe it’s a mutant.

In any case, do not risk your health. It is best to ask the seller, there are many giant varieties. If the seller tells you what kind of variety it is, where the strawberries come from, then everything is in order, feel free to eat it.

3. Chocolate with nuts

10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

Often people buy chocolate with nuts, but you have to look for nuts there with a magnifying glass. “A couple of nuts, more than enough,” says the manufacturer. You just need to learn how to choose chocolate. There are manufacturers who do not spare nuts and other additives. Again, such chocolate cannot be cheap a priori.

If you have already found such chocolate, do not change it. Again, don’t expect it to be like this forever. The manufacturer can start saving, gradually there will be fewer nuts. If you come across a good tasty chocolate with lots of nuts, enjoy it and don’t think about anything.

2. chocolate chocolate

10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

With nuts, everything is clear, but how to treat a chocolate bar, which should have a filler, but it does not. For example, everyone’s favorite waffle bar may turn out to be completely chocolate inside. Probably worth rejoicing.

Chocolate costs more than a waffle. Plus, it’s more convenient. Fantastic luck, however, the photo does not look very appetizing. By the way, don’t tell anyone about your luck. Skeptics will start telling you that it’s a fake and convince you that there can’t be such failures in the factory.

1. The vending machine went crazy

10 Times People Have Fantastically Lucky Foods

These people are the luckiest. The vending machine became generous and gave them everything. Most likely, there was a failure, or maybe the “lucky ones” tried themselves. There are many ways on the network how to deceive the miracle machine. Manufacturers of vending machines note that failures often occur in inexpensive models. The machine will accept money and not give out the goods, but it may become generous. If problems arise, in the event of a malfunction of the machine, people are advised to call the service center. His number is written on the vending machine. A person will come to help solve the problem. I wonder the lucky ones called this number?

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