10 things you will do differently after having your second child

Children are happiness. Many parents do not stop at one child, and the first-born often asks for a sister or brother. But there are those who recall with horror the sleepless nights, the first teeth, while realizing that they will never decide on a second child.

This topic is often discussed. There is an opinion “one child is not a child”, “they will raise an egoist”, but you should not rely on other people’s arguments. Having a second child or not is up to you.

If you are still thinking about this question, know that with the second child, everything will be completely different.

Experience plays a big role, you have already gone through all this, you do not have to ask friends for advice or read forums on the Internet. For every question, you will have an answer ready.

Below are 10 things you will do differently after having your second child.

10 Don’t want to rush things

10 things you will do differently after having your second child

Moms (and dads, too), who raised two children, admit that events were constantly tracked with the first child. Indeed, parents are always waiting for the child to start crawling, sit down, walk, talk …

With the birth of your second child, you will understand that you need to appreciate every moment and do not rush. Children grow up so fast. Only those parents who have already gone through all this will enjoy every stage of the child’s growing up to the maximum.

Time is so fleeting, you have not noticed how the first child has matured and you do not want the second to be exactly the same.

9. You will appreciate what you have

10 things you will do differently after having your second child

When your first child was born, you dreamed of something more. It constantly seemed to you that you didn’t have enough free time, you had little fun, you didn’t visit guests, you didn’t attend events, you didn’t get enough sleep, you didn’t rest.

The fact is that it is difficult for parents to get used to a new way of life, so instead of enjoying the first achievements of the baby, they mourn their sad fate. It has already been noted above that time flies very quickly.

With your second child, you will begin to appreciate every minute. You will be glad that today the child slept for half an hour longer, that you managed to watch a movie or go to the shower. You will not perceive the child as a burden, but this also happens, even if you love him very much.

8. Make it easier for your baby

10 things you will do differently after having your second child

The most asked questions on mommy forums are about sleep patterns. Women ask how to adjust the regimen of a child who was born a week ago.

You already know that some babies prefer to sleep during the day and stay awake at night. Also, you are aware that the regimen of the child is constantly changing. Such questions simply will not bother you.

Mothers of second children try to live according to their regimen. They will not wake the child or keep him awake in the hope that the daily routine will change. They understand that there is no need to talk about the regime in the first few months. Therefore, each stage is much easier.

You do not have to keep track of how many hours the child slept and how many times he ate during the night. You will meet the baby’s needs for food, sleep and “handles”, he will become calmer, which means you too.

7. You will clearly plan your time

10 things you will do differently after having your second child

Mothers who have given birth to one child think with horror about the second. Now they do not have time to do anything, it seems to them that it will be even worse. This is not true.

Mothers of two children have much more time. You already know that household chores can be done with your child, and his sleep is your legal rest. You correctly prioritize and are not afraid to entrust the child to loved ones in order to go somewhere.

In addition, you have a great advantage – the first child. Usually older sisters and brothers are happy to entertain the baby. If the first child is already independent, he will be able to help you a little.

If the difference between the children is small, then it will be easier for you in 1,5-2 years. Children will spend a lot of time together, play, explore the world, and you can do household chores or devote time to your appearance.

6. Don’t demand too much

10 things you will do differently after having your second child

The problem of all mothers is that they demand too much: from themselves, from their husbands, from their children. They want their home to be in perfect order so that they have time for themselves. They dream that the husband would earn a lot of money, give flowers, help around the house and look after the child, despite the fact that he works most of the time.

Certain requirements apply to the child. He must learn to go to the potty at six months, speak in sentences at one year, and sing songs in English at three. What is a happy family?

When you have a second child, you will no longer engage in perfectionism. You will rejoice in the achievements of children and not demand more from them. Relations with your husband will also improve, especially if you try to understand him.

5. You will spend more time with your little one

10 things you will do differently after having your second child

With your first child, you dreamed of sitting in silence, the best time was when he was sleeping. Household chores, TV, social networks, phone calls – most mothers regret that they spent too little time with their child.

You have a chance to fix everything. You don’t want to leave the baby to grandma or hire a nanny to go out and have fun. You will not return to work as soon as the child is one year old. You will enjoy spending time with your child.

4. Get better at coping with childhood illnesses

10 things you will do differently after having your second child

Parents of the first child panic even in the simplest situation. They do not know how to help when a child has colic or teething. They are afraid of a runny nose and indigestion.

You are already savvy in this matter. You know in which cases it is worth calling a doctor, and in which you can give medicine. You have learned a lot of other ways, for example, during an attack of colic, use a warm diaper.

The most important thing is that you will feel confident, will not panic over trifles, and will be able to help your child.

3. You will be more attentive to your health

10 things you will do differently after having your second child

If with the first child you did not pay much attention to your health, then with the second it will be a little different. You know that a child needs a healthy and rested mother. You will eat well, take every opportunity to rest, find time to exercise.

Perhaps you have learned from bitter experience. Many women do not pay attention to their health, ignore problems, and then they need inpatient treatment. After childbirth, many health problems worsen.

Moms who are raising two children will not delay going to a specialist. After all, they do not want to leave their children to their father or grandmothers.

2. Be patient and calm

10 things you will do differently after having your second child

Mothers of the first child read a lot of literature on psychology. They think they know how to properly raise children. Only the child has his own opinion on this matter. He is not interested in psychology, and he behaves completely different from that child from the book.

Your first child also jumped on the couch, broke toys, scattered cat food, dropped flower pots. You have already experienced all this, so you can adequately get out of such a situation.

Surely you have already accumulated a whole “arsenal” of tricks, you know how to calm the child, what words to choose to calm him down and not upset him.

1. You won’t worry about trifles

10 things you will do differently after having your second child

When your first child was behaving differently than usual, you started to panic. You worried about the slightest thing. When a child cried on a walk or made a scandal in the clinic, you wanted to sink into the ground.

When he slept longer than usual or ate less, you called the doctor or ran to him for a consultation. Now you understand that you were worried about every little thing.

With a second child, you will be much more confident and calm, you will be able to enjoy the happiness of motherhood without being distracted by various trifles.

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