An interesting article was noticed on one American resource – it tells the Americans how to behave in the Russian Federation (it turns out that not only we are worried about the rules of America, but also our Americans). It is interesting how our customs are interpreted by the inhabitants of the United States, and also that in some rules we do not understand them, but they do not understand us. For example, for a typical American it is considered quite normal to go into your house and lie on the bed in your shoes, but for us it is wild! In general, what they tell about us is interesting, so do not spare your time by spending it on reading the article.
10 Dressing too easy
Americans are sure that if you want to make an impression, you need to look 100% in Russia! Residents of America in everyday life wear simple, loose clothes, comfortable shoes, women do not wear makeup. In our country, women spend more than an hour in the morning to put themselves in order: they do their hair, put on makeup, put on high-heeled shoes. In general, they gather like a holiday. If the room will consist of Americans and Russians, then the first ones in it will be the most “gray”, regardless of gender. But Americans try to look beautiful if they go to dinner, important events.
9. Pay a purse
When inviting a woman somewhere – a date or a meeting, you know – she will not pay for herself. It is the responsibility of the man, so he must make sure he takes enough money with him. This applies to the theater, and cinema, and a restaurant … If you offer her to pay for dinner on her own or buy a ticket – this is risky, you may not see each other again. She may have left the money at home. A typical Russian woman may take her wallet with money, but this will mean that she is not interested in a man, and she perceives him as a friend.
The phrase “To your health!”, which is often used by Russians, is said when a person answers another for gratitude for a dish he has prepared. Americans don’t know about it. People who speak other languages think that this phrase is meant for toast. But you can also find long expressions, Russians prefer to come up with difficult phrases. But the Russians’ toast sounds short: “For you!”
7. burp in public
If you, while somewhere among the Americans, allowed yourself to burp, expect surprised looks. But if it did happen, there is no need to apologize, because each of us can have something happen by chance. By apologizing, you will only draw unwanted attention to your deed. The Russians, if this happens, will experience extreme discomfort, they will pretend that someone else who is nearby, and not he, has burped. Try to keep the burp to yourself or go somewhere private, otherwise you will be remembered.
6. Come to visit empty-handed
It doesn’t matter who you visit, but you simply have to buy something or take something with you: for example, a cake or a toy for a child. It is not customary to visit Russians without a gift. If you do this, then the husband and wife can discuss this act among themselves, it will seem ugly to them. Russian hosts are also not stingy when they expect guests: especially for their arrival, they buy some food and prepare a dish. Even if they do not do this, they still definitely treat their guest with something.
There is a saying “give away the last shirt” that is used by Russians, and it literally means what it says. Russian residents usually offer their guest everything they have: food, decor items, some things from their wardrobe. But they don’t offer things or food out of a desire to get rid of it – it’s just the custom to do so out of politeness. If you want to seem like a decent person, refuse everything that is offered to you. The hosts will stand their ground, and yet you can take something, but then give something in return.
4. Don’t take off your shoes in someone’s house
Entering an apartment in Russia, everyone should take off their shoes. Russian streets are very dusty, and the inhabitants of the country walk a lot on the ground. They are not accustomed to moving only by car, and then immediately go into the house. Russians, having entered the apartment, change their shoes into slippers. If someone is going to a party, they usually take spare shoes with them. If you sit without changing your shoes, you will become a black sheep, and you will not be understood.
3. Letting Women Carry Weights
In Russia, they forget about equality when it comes to heavy bags. If a woman leaves the store and carries large bags to the car, the man should offer his help, because he is physically stronger. The same applies to the woman’s partner – if he does not offer help, most likely, the woman will misunderstand him, and then she will remember this act. Therefore, if you want to appear polite and not get a judgmental look, help women with heavy bags!
2. joke about parents
Russian people are not politically correct. If you want, you can tell jokes about any stereotypes: be it gender or ethnicity. But if you tell a joke about Russian parents, expect sidelong glances. But at the same time, men often tell jokes about their evil mother-in-law among themselves, because young couples do not have their own housing at the beginning of their life together. If a man moves in with his girlfriend, then tensions may appear between him and his mother-in-law.
1. Behaving disrespectfully with older people on public transport
Russians, traveling around America, are very surprised that older people are standing in transport, while young people are sitting. But in America, if you offer your seat to an elderly person, it may be considered an insult. In Russia, the opposite is true – if an elderly person stands next to you as a young person, and you do not offer him your place, all people moving with you in any transport will look at you with condemnation. The same goes for pregnant women.