Every day we encounter many people and objects. And who can know what these “meetings” are fraught with and what threat they pose to our health.
There are probably not many people left in this world who are unaware of the existence of germs, so it is more or less clear to each of us that hand washing is one of the main remedies against these invisible enemies.
But there are such dirty objects that most of us have to deal with every day that doctors recommend washing our hands thoroughly with soap and water every time we come into contact with them, otherwise we risk letting whole hordes of pathogenic bacteria into our body.
Ten such things will be discussed below.
10 Touch screen
When you use the touch screen to order yourself at a fast food restaurant, remember what you read about in this article.
Scientists warn that by touching such screens, you can easily get Listeria, Staphylococcus and many other pathogens as a “free bonus”.
Just imagine how many hands such a menu goes through. Experts say that the menu probably contains 100 times more pathogenic bacteria than under the rim of the toilet.
Many visitors to such establishments add spices to food, put sugar in coffee, but not everyone does this. But every visitor takes the menu in his hands.
Of course, all this does not mean that you need to give up the next trip to your favorite restaurant. You just need to wash your hands well after studying the menu, or at least treat them with a bactericidal spray.
Remember, good hygiene is one of the most effective ways to prevent dangerous microorganisms from entering your body.
8. Trolley handles in a supermarket
People freely exchange pathogenic bacteria through the handles of a shopping cart or grocery basket.
Buyers do not think about the fact that when they touch such a dirty object, they transfer hordes of microbes to their hands.
To make your trip to the supermarket as safe as possible, it is recommended to wipe it with special bactericidal wipes before using the basket.
With constant contact with a huge number of fingers, elevator buttons can become a breeding ground for bacteria, viruses and fungi. From the elevator button, you can catch SARS or even the flu.
If you prefer the thrill of walking up the stairs to riding in an elevator, then you should always have an antibacterial agent for disinfecting buttons with you.
6. ATM keyboard
ATM keyboards are literally colonized by dangerous microorganisms – from E. coli to parasites that can cause skin diseases.
Be vigilant: whenever you go to the nearest ATM to withdraw cash or make any other financial transactions, its keyboard may be contaminated with germs, which can also cause intestinal disorders or even sexually transmitted diseases.
By the way, to this day, the ATM keyboard is considered an absolutely unexplored environment of microbial communities.
5. Soap dispenser
Many people know that pathogenic microorganisms accumulate on the surface of a bar of soap, so even those of us who do not neglect the good habit of washing our hands risk catching some kind of sore.
Is there a way out? The answer is obvious – use liquid soap with a dispenser! But not everything is so simple here either.
It turns out that according to the latest research by American experts, the soap dispenser in public toilets is one of the most polluted items of daily use. So, the danger came from where they did not expect …
4. Doorknobs
While modern pens are usually designed to keep bacteria out, these types of products are not always effective.
And old door handles (even 5-10 years old) pose a particular danger in terms of the spread of bacteria. It is worth keeping this in mind, being not only in a public place, but also at home.
3. kitchen sponge
It turns out that one of the dirtiest items of our daily use is a dishwashing sponge. Scientists have found that there are 200 times more bacteria on it than in the toilet bowl.
After each washing of dirty cups, pots and plates, a lot of food and fat residues invisible to the human eye remain on it, which is an excellent breeding ground for various bacteria, among which Escherichia coli naturally occupies a leading position.
Any literate person is more or less aware of what food intake can threaten from dishes that were not rinsed very well after being treated with such a sponge: at least we are guaranteed an intestinal upset, and at the maximum – infection with a serious infectious disease, such as dysentery.
2. TV remote
The buttons of this little thing, almost native to many of us, constantly “polish” fingers, on which bacteria accumulate.
Therefore, if the TV remote control is not periodically treated with some kind of antiseptic, then a “cocktail” of bacteria, parasites and fungi that is dangerous for the health of households is formed on its surface, just waiting for the opportunity to “jump” into your mouth.
1. Money
The money that we pass from hand to hand every day is very often the cause of the spread of infectious diseases.
Imagine where they just do not happen: in the hands of people infected with some kind of bacteria, people living in unsanitary conditions, drunkards, drug addicts, and so on.
It was the high contact feature of money that prompted bacteriologists to conduct a complete bacterial analysis of them.
The first data showed that pathogenic microorganisms on money are represented quite widely. Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pathogens of pneumonia, viral hepatitis, intestinal infections, skin and venereal diseases, meningitis and even Ebola were found on paper banknotes.
In addition, fungi and parasites, causative agents of various human helminthiases, can “settle” on banknotes.
It must be borne in mind that old worn-out banknotes are much more soiled, since they have been in circulation longer. It is also interesting that denominations of higher denominations are cleaner than small money, since they are much less often used.
Metal money also poses a lesser threat to human health, since metal for bacteria is a less favorable environment for life.