10 Things You Didn’t Know About The Avengers

The first Marvel comics were released back in 1939, and every year their popularity has increased. This time has become a real era of superheroes.

At the beginning of the XNUMXst century, the Marvel film studio moved to a new technological level and, seriously taking up the release of films based on comic books that were sensational at the time, gave these stories a “second life”.

Now it is difficult to find a person who has not heard of the Avengers. However, it is impossible to capture the history of the whole universe in the movies, so many events are changed or overlooked in the movies. Below is a list of facts that may surprise you.

10 The ‘Avengers’ team was born out of typography problems

10 Things You Didnt Know About The Avengers It is worth starting with the history of the emergence of the Avengers team. In the 1960s, Marvel creator Stan Lee and his colleagues were at the height of their popularity, releasing comic after comic.

However, the release of the Daredevil cartoon story was significantly delayed due to printing problems. In order not to torment fans with anticipation, Stan decided to release another comic. In it, he brought together existing heroes together, at the same time competing with DC’s Justice League.

9. Wasp named the team, not Nick Fury

10 Things You Didnt Know About The Avengers According to the plot of the film, the director of the S.H.I.E.L.D. organization, Nick Fury, decided to assemble a team of superheroes, uniting them in a group called the Avengers. However, if we turn to the original comics, we see that this was not the case.

The name of the team was given by Osa, one of the founders of this group. In addition, she pursued the goal of picking up a dramatic and vivid phrase and blurted out the word Avengers by accident. Friends liked it, and everyone agreed to call themselves that.

8. Captain America was not part of the original team

10 Things You Didnt Know About The Avengers On the big screen, Cap has traditionally been the head of the Avengers. In fact, he appeared in the team far from immediately. Scientists found him encased in ice and thawed, after which the members of the Avengers took him in.

With this plot twist, Stan Lee cleverly and interestingly introduced the hero of the Second World War into the story with “modern” characters.

7. The Avengers fought the Justice League

10 Things You Didnt Know About The Avengers The best crossover between Marvel and DC turned out to be the series where the Avengers and the Justice League met – the two most popular and rival superhero teams at the time.

In the series, the characters visited each other’s planets, clashed and even fought. Thus, significant differences between their groups were shown.

6. Black Widow is older than she looks

10 Things You Didnt Know About The Avengers Natasha Romanova is one of those on whom the Super Soldier serum was tested, so she is a long-liver. Despite her young appearance, Stark’s former lover is already well over 70 years old.

The girl was born before the Second World War, in Stalingrad. She lived in the Soviet Union and was a KGB agent, but the Marvel film studio delicately hid this side of her life so as not to cause unnecessary scandals.

5. Hulk was a huge robot clown

10 Things You Didnt Know About The Avengers When the green giant Hulk lost the first battle with the Avengers, he fled to a traveling circus. He wanted to be left alone. It is not clear exactly how this happened, but the Hulk was able to perform in the arena in a robot clown costume under the name Mechano.

In part, this story resembles the plot of Thor: Ragnarok, when the green participated in the battles on the planet of the Grandmaster.

4. Doctor Strange was married to Dormammu’s niece

10 Things You Didnt Know About The Avengers Clea briefly ruled the Dark Dimension, which Dormammu subsequently conquered. She studied under Strange and was a promising student. He constantly saved his gray-haired student, striking her with masculinity and perseverance.

After dangerous adventures, they returned to Earth together and got married according to the laws of the Dark Dimension. However, the life of the supreme sorcerer and relative of Dormammu did not become calmer. Fate often separated them, but they maintained a strong relationship.

3. Tony Stark charged his suit with an outlet

10 Things You Didnt Know About The Avengers The suit is the most high-tech item Stark has ever created. However, in the 60s there were no devices that are in the modern world. Therefore, the way to charge the suit for us today looks a little funny. Tony Stark plugged it into a regular household outlet at the Avengers residence.

It is difficult to imagine what kind of bills the heroes received for electricity, obviously considerable, since Iron Man was a millionaire.

2. Loki was a woman

10 Things You Didnt Know About The Avengers

In the Thor: Ragnarok comic, the god of thunder and lightning ended the cycle of Ragnarok, which led to the death of Asgard and many inhabitants in all nine worlds. Loki’s body was also damaged. Therefore, the Norse god of deceit used Thor’s beloved, Lady Sif, as a vessel and lived in her body.

1. Lady Death made Thanos a villain

10 Things You Didnt Know About The Avengers The name of Thanos is based on the name of the ancient Greek deity Thanatos, personifying death itself. According to the plot, Thanos was born on the planet Titan. He was distinguished from his fellows by the fact that he was born with a defective gene. The mutation gave advantages in strength and ability. This is what made him the most powerful representative of the race in the future. But because of the same trait, his peers hated him and even tried to kill his own mother. Once a titan was a quiet and polite child, passionate about science and drawing. In addition, he completely could not stand the sight of blood, and also avoided any conflicts. Everything changed when he met Lady Death – an eternal being that takes the form of a woman. Thanos tried to impress her, which caused him to do many evil things.

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