10 Things You Can’t Keep Near a Wi-Fi Router

And its location itself is worth thinking about – not all places are equally well suited for this device.

Our current life is hard to imagine without a Wi-Fi router. Literally everyone depends on the Internet: someone works from home, someone watches movies on the Internet, and someone talks for hours on video. Any gadgets are connected to the wireless signal: from smartphones to laptops, even smart home appliances. Usually the device nests in the corridor, in a niche above the front door. But there are also alternative solutions: if there is nowhere to fix the router, then it can even be placed on the refrigerator. And in this case, you need to carefully monitor the environment of the router.

In general, it is difficult to influence a router to drown out its signal. But he himself can demagnetize cards with a magnetic stripe and reduce the transmission quality of portable devices. For example, key fobs from a car or a barrier, etc.

Also, you do not need to store nearby bank cards и discount from shops. They will quickly deteriorate. But a card with a chip will not suffer from the effects of a router.

Car alarm keychain may also start to work intermittently. You should also move away intercom key и bluetooth headset.

Standing next to microwave oven will jam the Wi-Fi signal strongly. The same category includes a working a vacuum cleaner и other devicesthat have engines.

Do not block the router metal objects, since the metal dissipates the energy of the electromagnetic field. Place it away from concrete and brick niches in the walls. Otherwise, the signal from distant corners of the apartment will not pass. And if the Internet does not work well in the apartment, do not rush to scold the provider. Check if you yourself are making these mistakes.

Also, try do not place Wi-Fi near sleeping places. It must be understood that, although its radiation is small, it is still dangerous if you come under its influence regularly and for a long time. Recently, American scientists conducted an experiment. They put several rats in a cage next to a switched on router. Seven percent of the rodents began to develop tumors. In addition, the animals became nervous and too active.

However, do not make a real monster out of a router! You just need to take precautions that will help preserve your health. Experts advise move Wi-Fi to the balcony behind the glass, from where its signal will definitely be safe for both households and things in the house.

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