10 things to remember when traveling by sea

Going to the sea today, in the 10st century, it is hardly possible to get off with swimming trunks alone. Still, civilization has stepped far ahead, and there are really suitable devices that will only contribute to a comfortable stay. Of course, you should not stuff your suitcase with everything that comes to hand, but there is a certain list of things you need on a pleasant and long-awaited trip. Some of this is a real trifle, but the absence of this item in a certain situation can play a cruel and annoying joke with you. So, XNUMX accessories that you need to remember when traveling to the sea.

10 Sunscreen

10 things to remember when traveling by sea

“Thank you, Captain Obvious!” our dear reader must have thought. In vain, by the way, you are being ironic. After all, those who go on vacation often forget sunscreen precisely because this thing is always the first thing on the list, and against the backdrop of the confidence that the tube will certainly be in the suitcase. Since you have made a list and topped it with a cream, then if you please, first complete the item and put the coveted bottle in your luggage, and then switch to swimwear. No, of course, there is another option that you don’t need a cream at all, and you go to the Barents Sea, but this is not so, right?

9. Umbrella

10 things to remember when traveling by sea

No matter how optimistic you are and no matter how the weather forecasters assure you that “plus 35 will be without clouds, I swear by a thermometer”, but you should still take an umbrella with you. Mother nature is unpredictable, and where the sun was shining 5 minutes ago, now it can pour like a bucket. Even when it comes to resort towns. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to occupy half of the suitcase with a presidential umbrella – it is enough to take a miniature version that folds conveniently and compactly. Agree, the loss is not great if the umbrella is not useful, but in unwanted rain this assistant will be very useful. So we take.

8. insect spray

10 things to remember when traveling by sea

Annoying midges, mosquitoes and flies are traditionally an integral part of cities with a hot climate. These insects do not particularly appeal to humans, and even during the long-awaited vacation, their presence nearby is generally undesirable. Well, the apogee of hatred for buzzing creatures comes at the moment when you have just left the sea, and several mosquitoes are already in a hurry to stick around you. Along with sunscreen, bug spray tops the list of suitcases. Be sure to put a bottle in your luggage, otherwise the holiday experience is in danger of being spoiled a bit.

7. Medicine chest

10 things to remember when traveling by sea

Of course, no one expects to get sick on vacation. And certainly no one wants to get sick at sea. Nevertheless, no one canceled such a thing as acclimatization. In addition, when bathing by negligence, you can run into a sharp pebble and injure your leg. Another factor that overshadows the rest can be poisoning. Of course, you do not need to tune in that all this will certainly happen to you, but it is still desirable to have a small first-aid kit with you. It will be enough to put banal hydrogen peroxide, plasters, activated charcoal, a piece of bandage, and headache pills into it. All this can easily fit into a small box.

6. selfie stick

10 things to remember when traveling by sea

O times! Oh manners! Yes, yes, we live in a time when a cigarette is charged from a computer, the phone instantly issues a voice request, and taking a picture of yourself is much easier than determining the gender of a resident of Thailand. And if some trends of techno fashion raise doubts about their viability, then the selfie stick is a time-tested reliable assistant. At the very least, it is very convenient – take as many pictures of yourself as you like, and at the same time it is absolutely not necessary to blunt your gaze in front of an outsider in order to ask to reshoot an unsuccessful shot. With all this, a selfie stick is quite inexpensive and takes up minimal space in a suitcase. We are wrapping up!

5. A small teapot

10 things to remember when traveling by sea

“Well, why else?” you are probably asking. There are 2 options here. Suppose you are going to the sea together or in a company without children. In this case, a teapot can come in handy if you suddenly decide to drink a cup or two of coffee, but you don’t want to run to a cafe at all. Or is there another situation. For example, you went on a trip with a small child. Then a kettle will be needed to quickly boil water for preparing infant formula. And one more case, which can be an unpleasant surprise. There simply will not be a kettle in the room, or it will be broken (believe me, this happens easily upon arrival).

4. Power Bank

10 things to remember when traveling by sea

Everything here is banal and unambiguous. Such a little thing as a Power Bank is simply necessary on a long trip. Portable charging is sure to come in handy both on the road (be it a car or a train) and on the beach. Power Bank will not hurt during a long excursion away from the hotel. Even if you are sure that your phone keeps charging properly, still take a portable as a safety net (anything can happen, and you are alone in the middle of a strange city). Such an accessory will definitely not be superfluous in a suitcase, while the space will require the very minimum. The only thing, do not forget to charge the Power Bank itself (otherwise it will somehow be awkward).

3. Children’s toys on the beach

10 things to remember when traveling by sea

Yes, this is the only point that applies exclusively to travelers with small children. If the adults have finally waited for the holidays and just want to bask in the sun and splash in the sea, then the kids do not know fatigue – the little ones are ready to play almost around the clock. Therefore, you need to make sure that your baby has something to do on the seashore. It can be various molds and buckets (wet sand is just perfect for Easter cakes), a ball for playing in water or a circle in the form of an inflatable duck (fun and safe). In addition, do not forget to take your child’s favorite toys with you, with them the baby will feel more comfortable and confident.

2. Toothpaste and brush

10 things to remember when traveling by sea

And again, to your attention are the things that you need with you without fail and that you can so easily leave at home. By the way, if you suddenly do not even expect to take dental supplies on a trip, then you are acting very meanly in relation to your own oral cavity. No chewing gum even comes close in effectiveness to traditional toothpaste and brush. And it’s just that if you don’t brush your teeth for a long time, there is a feeling of discomfort, you know. So be sure to wrap your brush and toothpaste with your sunscreen as the very first item. By the way, it is better to buy a small tube of toothpaste and an inexpensive brush separately for the trip. At least it’s less to carry back.

1. Keys to your house

10 things to remember when traveling by sea

Well, the apogee of absurdity will be the situation in which you forget to put the keys to your own house in your suitcase. It is clear that in most cases you yourself close the home, and the keys are automatically with you. However, there are a bunch of other options. For example, you called your parents to help pack your suitcase, and just sit on the path. They can easily close the door behind you, and the next meeting with her will bring you a lot of disappointment and annoyance. The same thing can happen to friends you have asked to look after a cat or dog. In general, when collecting a suitcase, it’s impossible to lose vigilance.

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