10 things to live with when your child starts to walk
With the advent of a baby in your life, you will have to admit that there are certain things that you no longer control. Instead of fighting the inevitable truths, just accept them and you will be happier.
The first rule for everyone who has a toddler is your boss! You cannot control the child, he controls you. The sooner you understand this, the better.
The kid does not think that you like order in the kitchen or clean clothes. The kid only cares about his own desires – mainly about ruining your kitchen or wiping snot on your jeans.
You certainly have room to maneuver. You can try to gradually accustom your child to your rules, but the tactics of fighting must be very wise. Your main concern is keeping the boss well fed, healthy and happy, but these three tasks cannot always be combined. Especially if the kid wants to eat a cake while drawing on the walls at the same time.
Here are 10 things you should let in your world as soon as your little one starts to get out of bed.
Carpet? What a rug … From the moment your baby stops eating from the bottle, you will be constantly scraping food from the floor of your dining room. And your kitchen. And your bedroom, of course. You live in the hope that it will pass, but it will not. The food on the floor will be a constant companion of your life until the child grows up. You can try laying a rug, but toddlers are smart and can throw food quite far away. You can limit the feeding time and always do it in a specific room with an easy-to-clean floor, but babies are cunning and still manage to drag food into a room with cream carpets. It will be pasta. In tomato sauce. Enjoy all the methods of wet cleaning stains.
The kids are just masters of this! There is a lot of information on the Internet about why you shouldn’t publicly shame your children, but little about why they shouldn’t make you blush. Maybe because toddlers can’t read and don’t spend time on the Internet?
The kid does not yet understand the boundaries and will use the chances to humiliate you at every step. They will describe your pubic hair to a neighbor, tell the postman that you are constipated, and share their impressions of your tampons with everyone in kindergarten.
Toddlers love to get up early. You will be regularly woken up by the joyful stomp of a toddler running towards you. If you are not yet awake, the baby will wake you up by jumping on the bed and at the same time on your face, chest and maybe even crotch. It will hurt. It’s even more painful when you realize that it’s 5 a.m. and there’s no way to convince your baby to go back to sleep. You will not get enough sleep until he gets older. Even getting a little nap during the day won’t help when your sleep deficit has been going on for two years.
This “decoration” will become a part of your family life. Caterpillar snot will be present in every family photo for six months, greet you with a kiss every morning, look at you at the dinner table at every meal. You can try to fight them. You can wipe your baby’s nose every few seconds throughout the day, but the caterpillar snot will still be there. Sometimes you will think that they disappear only to reappear a moment later. Just accept it as your toddler’s best friend and move on.
You can try to avoid tantrums. No, you really can. Perhaps for a short time you will feel that you are in control. You will become one of those self-righteous parents who explain that it is only a matter of parenting and tantrums can be completely avoided. And you will feel great in this role, until one day your smug self-confidence will not fly apart with a bang! This will be the day when you need to leave the park in a hurry, or you refuse to buy another toy in the supermarket, or you won’t guess what color your little one wanted to drink from. Then you will curse the day when you decided that you can cope with the elements. You can not.
6. Reading the same book over and over
Toddlers love repetition. They want to play the same games and read the same stories over and over. Nothing makes them happier than knowing exactly what will happen next. Your child will choose a favorite book as soon as he gets out of the diaper, and you will be forced to read it three times a day until school. Yes, and it won’t be a good book. This will almost certainly be the worst book you have in your home. Very boring and with nondescript illustrations. And yes, you will always read this book.
Remember when you had a newborn baby, you couldn’t get to the right place on time? Get ready for the second phase of this phenomenon. Unlike an infant who can be easily moved from place to place, a toddler who has begun to walk likes to walk on its own. All along the way. Even if it takes 15 years. The time factor certainly doesn’t matter when he wants to stop and look at every rock and every insect that you meet along the way.
8. Pockets full of stones
Toddlers love to pack. Especially the things that are lying on the ground, although you would probably prefer that your children never touch them. These things will be picked up, analyzed, studied, transferred to the category of favorites, and then transferred to you for safe storage. You should expect that when you get home, you will weigh at least 2-3 kilograms more thanks to sticks and stones filling your pockets. And don’t think that you can easily empty your pockets when your little one is not looking. You can not. He will know. So don’t risk it.
Dirt is another favorite of your baby. He can find her anywhere, even where you could not imagine that she exists. If you leave your child alone in a completely dirt-free room for three seconds, you can be almost sure that when you return, you will find your child naked and covered in mud from head to toe. The walls will be smeared with dirt and the floor will be covered with prints, and you will never in your life guess where all this dirt came from.
Toddlers love to do anything to make adults look like idiots. They love it when you pretend to fall, especially if you are in a crowded mall. They love it when you sing out loud on the bus. And you portray the screams of animals in a restaurant. And do some silly dances in the park. Basically, anything that makes you feel like a complete fool should be done over and over again. They enjoy your embarrassment.
You could try to control all of these things for a while. You can try to be ready for them and meet all the troubles with a mop in hand. But the sooner you come to terms with the inevitable, the faster you will find harmony in the world where your baby is growing.