10 things to do before pregnancy

The birth of a child is a responsible step. Future parents are preparing for this event: they buy things, read books about the development of children, the girl regularly visits the antenatal clinic. But not everyone knows that the moment of conception must be approached no less seriously. Or they know, but do not attach much importance to it. According to statistics, only 10% of couples are preparing to conceive. But preparation will eliminate the risk of having an unhealthy baby, as well as health problems for the mother during pregnancy. If you are increasingly thinking about children, it’s time to start preparing. A list of things to do before pregnancy will help you with this.

10 Visit the gynecologist

10 things to do before pregnancy

For starters, of course, you need to visit your gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, prescribe the necessary tests for you. A cytological examination will be carried out, as well as an examination for the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. If your health is not good, the gynecologist will prescribe treatment for you. In addition, the doctor will suggest that you drink a course of vitamins, most likely these will be preparations containing folic acid. In no case do not neglect a visit to the gynecologist, justifying yourself with the stories of friends who became pregnant without any preparation. If their pregnancy proceeded without complications, and the child was born healthy, this does not mean that you will have the same. Do not risk your health and the health of your unborn baby.

9. Eliminate bad habits

10 things to do before pregnancy

It is very important to eliminate bad habits in advance. If you smoke, use alcohol or drugs, your baby is more likely to be born sick. In addition, there is a risk of miscarriage and premature birth. A child may be born with pathologies. Leading a healthy lifestyle should not only you, but also your partner. Scientists have proven that nicotine negatively affects the ability to conceive. In a man, the number and motility of spermatozoa decreases. Do not forget that harmful substances are not removed from the body immediately, so after giving up cigarettes and alcohol, at least three months should pass.

8. Eat healthy foods

10 things to do before pregnancy

Be sure to take care of your diet. If you used to have coffee and cake for lunch, and chips and salad for dinner, you need to reconsider your diet. Eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Choose whole grain bread. Eat dairy products every day. You need to stock up on nutrients so that there are no health problems during pregnancy. Eat spinach, legumes, liver more often. These products contain folic acid, which is essential for the normal development of the fetus.

7. Get your weight back on track

10 things to do before pregnancy

It seems that weight has nothing to do with pregnancy. You have seen a lot of pregnant girls, among them were both thin and fat women. But the fact is that if your weight is close to ideal, conception will most likely occur without problems. There are many stories when girls could not get pregnant. On the advice of a doctor, they lost weight or gained weight, and soon everything worked out. Calculate your body mass index, if it is below 20 or above 24, then you need to bring your weight back to normal.

6. Get exercise

10 things to do before pregnancy

If you played sports only in physical education classes, while skipping half of it, then fill in these gaps now. Light exercise will prepare your body for pregnancy. Practice at least half an hour a day. If you’re bored with working out alone, you can go to the gym. But choose group classes, it is better if it is stretching or yoga, rather than active strength and cardio loads. If you don’t feel like spending time on sports, go for a walk. If distance permits, walk from work. Walking in the park will be a great solution. This is both physical activity and the ability to take a break from the hustle and bustle.

5. Have a sexually transmitted infection screening with your partner

10 things to do before pregnancy

If you have already visited your gynecologist, most likely he has recommended to you what tests you need to pass. But in a regular antenatal clinic, they are unlikely to take tests for all sexually transmitted infections from you, most likely they will be limited to a cytological examination. You will have to take the rest of the tests in paid clinics. Do not spare the money and go through a full examination. If you become pregnant and it turns out you have some sort of infection, you will need to be treated during your pregnancy. Not all medicines are suitable for a pregnant woman. If the disease is serious, the doctor may raise the question of interruption. It is better to prevent such situations.

4. Visit the dentist

10 things to do before pregnancy

If you still haven’t, visit your dentist. Some girls are afraid of dentists like fire. If you are one of them, overcome your fear, no one will hurt you. Now there are different types of anesthesia, some of them can be used during pregnancy. But it is better to take care of your dental health in advance. Hormonal changes can negatively affect your body. The child will take away a lot of nutrients, including calcium. You do not want to be left without teeth, then you need to monitor their condition and check every six months.

3. Take vitamins

10 things to do before pregnancy

Your gynecologist will prescribe vitamin complexes for you. You need to consume 400 micrograms of folic acid daily. In this case, the risk of having a child with a neural tube defect will be reduced by 70%. Folic acid is sold both separately and in various vitamin complexes. But don’t take vitamins without consulting your doctor. Also make sure that there is no excess of vitamin A in the vitamin complex. If the amount of it exceeds 700 micrograms, ask your doctor. Too much of it can lead to birth defects.

2. Stop taking hormone pills

10 things to do before pregnancy

After you and your partner have been tested for sexually transmitted diseases, you can stop taking hormonal drugs. Here the opinions of doctors differ. Someone says that you can get pregnant immediately after stopping the pills. Someone recommends at least three months after the cancellation to be protected by barrier methods and only then to try. Everything here is very individual, and depends on which hormone pills you took. Therefore, discuss this directly with the gynecologist. Never stop drinking oral contraceptives in the middle of the package. No matter how much you want to get pregnant quickly, finish the package you have started, otherwise irregular bleeding may begin.

1. Complete a comprehensive examination of the body

10 things to do before pregnancy

In addition to the gynecologist, you need to visit a therapist. He will assess your condition, if there are health problems, he will send you for a consultation with specialized specialists. If you have any serious illness, then you need to go for a consultation. The doctor will predict the risk of developing the disease in your child. If you need to take your medication regularly, your doctor will select medications that are compatible with pregnancy.

Now you know how to properly prepare for conception. Listen to these tips, then the pregnancy will be easy, and the baby will be born healthy.

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