10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

Many Russians dream of a fabulous life abroad. In the minds of people, another country seems like an ideal place to live. Probably the most popular country for dreamers of overseas goods is America. It is no secret that at different times many artists, athletes, musicians and just citizens of the USSR moved to the United States. Nowadays, Russian people go to the United States to get an education, to work, to start a family.

However, once in a foreign land, immigrants from Russia face many inconveniences and problems that they could not even think of in their homeland. The established way of life is strikingly different here from the usual Russian way of life. The significant difference in mentalities makes it difficult for Russians to perceive some aspects of the life of ordinary Americans. Some rules and laws seem unreasonable to Russian people, and sometimes even ridiculous. Much causes bewilderment, and sometimes irritation among the settlers.

1. To buy a house, you need to get permission from neighbors

10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

A citizen of any country can buy real estate in America. Of course, there is no official law that obliges the purchaser to obtain permission from neighbors. However, some points must be taken into account:

  • New neighbors will immediately show a keen interest in the one who settled nearby;
  • They will come to visit with cakes without invitation to ask questions concerning your life;
  • Any non-standard (in their opinion) manifestations of your life, such as: loud music, a party, guests or an incorrectly parked car, will be immediately reported to the police. Which will definitely result in a fine.

At the same time, one should not think that Americans are very evil people. They just care about their safety. For them, this is quite normal. Local residents do not consider it shameful to complain about a neighbor.

2. American food

10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

The culture of food, in the usual sense for a Russian person, is alien to America. The industry of fast food and semi-finished products is very well developed here. Nobody cooks the first second and compote at home.

The average American eats breakfast and lunch at a cafe or inexpensive restaurant. The food here is prepared from the same semi-finished products. The main goal of catering is fast, satisfying and inexpensive.

Therefore, the portions are very large, richly flavored with ketchup, mayonnaise, butter and something else. A huge number of enhancers and taste improvers literally “hook” the consumer on fast food. Obviously, such food cannot be called healthy. Hence the result – overweight people are found everywhere.

Stores also do not please with an abundance of useful products. Supermarket shelves are littered with frozen hamburgers, pizzas, sandwiches. The variety and range of such products is truly grandiose.

3. American hypocrisy

10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

Many people from Russia are discouraged by the constant desire of Americans to ask a stranger: How are you?

An ordinary passer-by may tell you: Cool shirt! In any store or at a gas station, the staff smiles so widely and joyfully that one gets the impression that you are incredibly welcome here.

At first, such a manifestation of attention greatly surprises and even pleases. But having lived in the USA for some time, it becomes clear that all such manifestations are nothing more than a habit. In fact, a passer-by does not care about you, and the saleswoman will not smile after you. It is worth turning away and a serious mine will reign on the joyful face of the girl.

4. Lack of public transport

10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

America is the land of cars. Even high school students have their own car. The habit of traveling by car has long and firmly entered the daily life of local residents.

Public transport functions more or less tolerably only in megacities. Smaller cities can easily do without public transport or with a minimum of it.

There are practically no regular buses here. There are school buses that transport only children to and from school. An adult will not even be allowed into such a transport.

There are several public routes. However, they go very rarely, the length of the path is very limited. This means of transportation is mainly used by the poorest segments of the population.

5. Space prices for medicine and housing

10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

Medical care in America is tightly tied to insurance. A working citizen pays an impressive amount of his income to provide health insurance. At the same time, even the presence of the necessary policy does not guarantee full coverage of the costs of treatment.

If you do not have insurance, you will have to pay the full cost of all medical services.

  • An ordinary appointment with a specialist will cost at least $ 200.
  • Examination, tests, ultrasound and more – from $ 300 and more.
  • Calling an ambulance (911) – from $ 900.
  • Dental appointment – $ 350.

In fairness, it is worth noting that the quality of medical care in the United States is at a fairly high level.

The situation is similar in the housing market. Any transaction for the acquisition and hiring is not complete without the participation of a realtor. Accordingly, a commission to an intermediary is added to the price of housing. The remuneration to the agent is not less than 20% of the transaction amount. The average price for renting a small apartment varies around $200.

6. Криминал

10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

America has gained notoriety for crime areas, which are not recommended for a respectable citizen to enter. The free carrying of firearms is legalized by law. Homeless people, vagrants and other antisocial personalities are found everywhere on the streets. Their behavior is characterized by arrogance, aggression. In the middle of the working day, you can witness a robbery attack on a store or a chase with a shootout. One gets the impression of a complete lack of control on the part of the authorities.

7. Lack of full maternity leave

10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

For the birth of a child in the United States, it is necessary to carefully prepare and plan the upcoming event. The problem is, maternity leave doesn’t exist in America. A woman who decides to become a mother must prepare in advance the material basis for her existence with the baby.

The employer can provide short (up to two weeks) unpaid leave. The family bears the subsequent expenses for raising a child exclusively from its own budget.

There are no child care benefits in America. As soon as the baby is born, the mother is forced to return to work. Here, each family decides for itself whether to hire a nanny for the child or leave the mother as a housewife.

8. Prices in stores excluding taxes

10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

When shopping in American stores, you need to know the peculiarities of pricing in this country. Price tags on goods indicate only the cost of the goods, excluding taxes. Thus, having collected a whole basket of products in the supermarket, and roughly representing the resulting total amount, a surprise awaits you at the checkout.

The usual tax for everyone (in Russia it is VAT), is calculated only at the time of payment for the purchase. That is, if you planned to spend about $ 100, the cashier will tell you the price of interest is 10 higher.

This price system is explained by the fact that in America the sales tax goes directly to the state treasury, and not to the selling network. This is not a whim of shops, this is the internal policy of the state.

9. Ugly girls

10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

Young American women do not look after their appearance. Young girls do not know how to make up, do not do their hair, do not follow fashion. The American way of life as a whole is distinguished by indifference to one’s own appearance. Therefore, young people look unkempt, even untidy. On the streets you can meet a lot of full girls in tight clothes. The main criterion in choosing clothes for young people in America is convenience. That is why girls from Russia compare favorably with local residents.

10 Attitude towards immigrants

10 things that infuriate Russians living in the USA

Americans treat people from other countries differently. It cannot be said that the locals are hostile towards visitors. It all depends on the specific situation. In many ways, negative attitudes towards themselves are provoked by immigrants themselves. Where people from other countries live, work, observe the law and local customs, as a rule, there are no problems in relations with the local population.

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