- 1. Your core strength will improve
- 2. You will lose and strengthen your belly
- 3. You will strengthen your back
- 4. You will benefit from boosting metabolism and burning fat
- 5. You will increase your flexibility and reduce your risk of injury.
- 6. You will benefit from healthier bones and joints
- 7. Your posture and balance improve.
- 8. Daily tasks will be easier
- 9. You will be happier and less stressed
- 10. You will become addicted!
- 11- (Bonus) What do you need?
- How To Plank Correctly
- Variations on the board
1. Your core strength will improve
One of the main benefits of doing regular planks is that they strengthen the central part of the body – the muscles, bones, and joints that connect the upper and lower body.
Because we are constantly straining the center of the body in everyday life – when we lift, turn, stretch and bend – this is probably the most important area of the body to work on.
Successfully maintaining the plank position requires that you push and hold all of the major core muscle groups – the transverse abdominus, rectus abdominus, external oblique muscle, and glutes.
When core strength improves, daily tasks become easier, we feel stronger, and our athletic ability increases.
2. You will lose and strengthen your belly
Forget about everyday abs – they’re not that good for getting a flat, toned stomach anyway. A recent editorial in the Navy Times, an independent publication in the United States Navy, also referred to sit-ups as “an outdated exercise” considered today to be a leading cause of lower back injuries. back.
Instead of that, planking is the solution ! A study published in the Journal of Force and Conditioning found that the plank uses 100% of your muscles from the chocolate bar while against only 64% for the abs.
Regular planking means your abdominal muscles will get stronger, and tighten. Plus, you’ll tone other areas of your body as well, and get more for your money.
3. You will strengthen your back
While some core exercises can weaken and potentially injure the back (like sit-ups or sit-ups), the plank will actually help strengthen it. In particular, the muscles of the upper back become stronger.
Additionally, the plank is performed while maintaining a neutral spine, which eliminates the possibility of constant strain caused by flexing and extending the spine.
According to the American Concil on Exercicse (ACE), “because the plank exercise requires minimal movement while contracting all layers of the abdominal fascia, it is a great way to strengthen the central part of the body. which, in turn, helps reduce lower back pain ”.
4. You will benefit from boosting metabolism and burning fat
While a quick plank or two won’t burn as much fat as a cardiovascular exercise, it is a way plus effective eliminate fat. When you train to increase your strength, your metabolic rate increases even after you stop exercising… this is something that doesn’t happen with cardiovascular activity.
For every half a pound of muscle you gain, your body burns about 50 more calories per day. So if you gain 5 pounds of muscle, you can burn up to 500 more calories per day than you burned weaker.

5. You will increase your flexibility and reduce your risk of injury.
Staying flexible throughout life is essential for preventing injury – which is why functional exercises that increase flexibility should be part of any well-designed training plan.
Performing some simple, everyday exercises, including the plank, can compensate for some of the natural loss of elasticity in muscles, tendons, and ligaments that comes with age. This can be a particularly useful tool for those who sit at a desk all day.
Planks work to increase or maintain flexibility by strengthening and stretching the muscles around the shoulders, collarbone, shoulder blades, hamstrings, and even the arches of the feet and toes.
To really warm up, consider adding planks alongside your workout routine. These stretch the oblique muscles, especially if you extend your arm above your head in line with your body.
6. You will benefit from healthier bones and joints
Physical activity isn’t just about keeping our core body part healthy and our muscles toned – it’s vital for the flexibility of our bones and joints.
In particular, exercise with weights is essential for healthy bones. These types of activities stress the bones attached to our muscles, and stimulate them to rebuild themselves. Supporting your own body weight – like you do with the plank movement – is a fantastic weight tolerance exercise that will keep you from going overboard.
For more ways to develop and properly maintain healthy bones in old age, check out these tips.
7. Your posture and balance improve.
Doing planks greatly improves both your posture and balance, and, when done regularly, helps you sit or stand with ease.
Strengthening major muscle groups leads to better posture while the stomach and back muscles have a huge impact on other muscle groups in the body (which is why they are known as the “core”!). The planks also help prevent or reverse postural deficiencies, including lordosis and posterior pelvic tilt that result from weakness in the abdomen or hip flexors, respectively.
Side planks or planks with extensions are especially beneficial for building balance, as are planks performed on a stability ball.
8. Daily tasks will be easier
Planks are classified as a “functional exercise” because the benefits they bring manifest in “real world” activities – this is one of the reasons some members of the Navy are advocating the replacement of the sit- up in the Navy’s physical readiness test by the plank.
Taken regularly, planking sessions make real-life tasks easier because they don’t focus on single muscles, but are designed to use multiple muscle groups simultaneously – exactly how our bodies are designed to function.
As you lose fat, build muscle and strength, improve flexibility, bone and joint health; and enjoy better mobility and better balance. You should notice that things like shopping, cleaning, decorating, and gardening all require much less physical effort!
9. You will be happier and less stressed
Like most exercises, planks can clear the mind (and increase your energy levels).
Sedentary workers in particular should take note of the benefits of the plank for their mood – these poses help stretch and relax muscles in the neck, shoulders, and back which often become stiff and tense with prolonged sitting.
The Yoga Journal recommends plank exercises to reduce stress, as they say “to help calm the brain”.
At least one scientific study has shown that increasing strength training can help relieve symptoms of depression. Some fitness experts say that weight bearing exercises can improve mood while strengthening the core of the body gives you an overall sense of strength.
10. You will become addicted!
Once you start to plank everyday and see the benefits for your body, you can’t stop!
By continuing to challenge yourself – increasing the duration or type of pose – you’ll never get tired of the board.
Consider adding extra movements to your planking routine like sit-ups or jump exercises and make good use of equipment like stability balls, weights and resistance bands – the possibilities to test and improve your skills. your fitness and planking abilities are endless!
11- (Bonus) What do you need?
That’s the beauty of the board .. you hardly need anything. A gym or yoga mat is all you need to get started.
Then a watch with a stopwatch. A bracelet to track your activity can also be a useful little gadget 🙂
How To Plank Correctly
To perform a basic plank you must:
- Enter into a press-up position. Bend your elbows and rest your weight on your forearms.
- Your body should form a straight line from the shoulders to the ankles. Make sure your hip, head, and shoulders don’t fall.
- Engage the center of your body by pulling your belly through your spine.
- Hold this position for 15 to 60 seconds depending on your ability to hold. Remember, it is better to maintain the correct posture for a shorter period of time than to stay in an improper posture for a long time. Eventually, you may be able to hold on for longer periods of time.
- Rest for about a minute and repeat this three to five more times.
This video is a good source of information for beginners as it shows what a perfect basic board looks like, and common mistakes:
Variations on the board
While there are many variations on the board, two of the most common are:
- The side plank – which is great for training the oblique muscles which, in turn, work to stabilize the spine and pelvis, which is the key to a healthy spine.
- The inverted plank – this helps isolate and strengthen the gluteal muscles, hamstrings, abs and lower back, while the upper body muscles lift you up.
Once you get used to these types of boards you can get more adventurous and try a board with straight arms, side board with abdo, board with arm / leg lift, boards with jumping jacks », A running board, a rocking board, the dolphin board or doing planks using a stability ball or resistance bands to name a few!
Remember, as with any exercise, you could injure yourself if you don’t use the right technique. If you have any health or physical issues like joint problems or back problems, always talk to your doctor before starting a new exercise routine.
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