10 things that happen to a mom in the first 24 hours after giving birth

From now on, your life will never be the same again. Everything has changed, everything is new now.

This day is probably one of the most eventful in the life of any woman. Their status is changing – they are no longer pregnant, not expectant mothers, they are now mothers! For the first time, a woman understands what contractions are, what childbirth is, for the first time she feels the smell of a baby who was put on her chest and in front of which all the pain and torment recede, dissolving somewhere outside the birth zone. But the change doesn’t end there. The mother’s body begins to rebuild again: now you no longer need to carry the baby, you need to raise him. These are new tasks that my mother will definitely cope with. But on the very first day she will experience many more things that have not happened to her until now.

1. Birth of the placenta

The first cry of the child – the work of the mother is not completed on it. For a long nine months, the body raised not only the baby, but also the placenta, an organ that was the link between the mother and the baby, providing him with everything he needs for development. The placenta is usually detached immediately after the baby is born and slips out without problems. It takes literally a few seconds. But there are times when the placenta grows to the uterus, and in this case, surgical intervention is required.

2. Cutting the umbilical cord

Supporters of lotus childbirth refuse this procedure. But in most cases, the umbilical cord is still cut. And often it is trusted to do the baby’s father, if he is present during childbirth. This is not done immediately, but when the placenta is born and the umbilical cord stops pulsing. Doctors are still not sure if the baby feels the moment the umbilical cord is cut. But if the baby is already breathing, the pulse in the umbilical cord has stopped beating, there is no longer any need for it. The baby is now able to extract oxygen by itself.

3. Suturing

This applies not only to those who have had a caesarean section. Many mothers go through an episiotomy procedure – when an incision is made in the perineum so that the fetus can squeeze out normally. Some mothers complained that they were cut just in case and alive. And then they sewed it up in the same way. But with a competent approach, this manipulation helps to avoid major health problems: if ruptures occur, it is more difficult to sew them up, and they heal longer and worse.

4. First feeding

The baby is applied to the chest almost immediately after birth. These first drops of colostrum are very important for his health, they awaken the immune system of the baby and provide him with excellent protection. In addition, this moment is very important for establishing a bond between mom and baby. This connection is quite special, but you need to know that maternal feelings do not always wake up in the first seconds. For many, it takes up to six months “on the machine” – and only then that unconditional love falls on the heads of young mothers.

5. Hormonal boom

The first day after giving birth is like a roller coaster for the female body. After conception, our body rebuilds to the new reality, throughout pregnancy it continuously adapts to the new needs of the growing fetus, and in childbirth – another hormonal explosion … And these are mood swings, and emotional swings, and the state of health can be so-so. The body rebuilds again, adapting again to the needs of the baby.

6. Pain again

So, the birth is behind, the stitches are imposed, then everything should only get better. No matter how it is. At the first feeding, by the way, “second contractions” will begin – the uterus contracts, and it is very painful. And after the second birth, the sensations are usually even more hellish. After all, the uterus is, in fact, a huge muscle that has increased in size several times. Now she needs to shrink again to about the size of a fist. During feeding, oxytocin begins to be produced, which contributes to the contraction of the uterus. Therefore, it hurts at this very moment.

7. Establishing breastfeeding

Many have difficulties with this point. In an amicable way, in every maternity hospital there should be a specialist who will help to establish the process, because nothing is better than breast milk for a child. But often all participation comes down to an indifferent look and a remark about incorrect attachment. So, you need to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible for milk to flow. But in any case, it will go only on the third day after childbirth. Until then, there will be only colostrum, but this is enough if you still apply the baby more often. And that can hurt too.

8. The first trip to the toilet

In general, getting out of bed after childbirth in itself can be a real challenge for a mother. Everything hurts, legs give way, weakness … Not many are able to recover in a few hours. But usually, even to the toilet there is no strength to go unaided. If there were tears or episiotomy, even peeing will be very painful. And it’s also scary, because the prospect of straining your stomach causes an inner tremor. In addition, often young mothers simply do not feel the urge to urinate. Therefore, you need to go to the toilet “just in case.”

9. Pressure measurements

Repeatedly. This is not the only test that a woman in labor must undergo: examination by a gynecologist, blood for sugar, if there was gestational diabetes, and later an ultrasound scan. Every day in the hospital, a young mother will be examined by a gynecologist, even if the birth was perfect. And on the first day, the mother should measure the pressure several times in order to exclude possible postpartum preeclampsia. The first signal of this dangerous condition is a pressure surge. In addition, this symptom can warn of possible stroke and other complications.

10. First sleepless night and first panic attack

Your toddler is likely to sleep like a groundhog tonight. But not you. Firstly, it is very nervous – after all, this is something completely new, sleeping next to your newborn baby. Secondly, as we remember, you need to put the baby to the breast more often, preferably every two hours. Many mothers are generally afraid to close their eyes even for a second, because they want to constantly look at the child. Panic is also a common condition. Changing a diaper, washing, feeding – not everything works out clearly and correctly the first time. The mantra “I am doing everything wrong” will ring in your head. But after about a week, everything will return to normal. In addition to sleepless nights, there will be plenty of them.

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