10 things that are dangerous to keep in your wallet

In our age, you constantly have to think about how to protect yourself from various troubles. Especially of a financial nature.

A wallet has long ceased to be just a “money house”. We keep everything there: photos, discount cards, all sorts of small things. Therefore, losing your wallet is like losing half your life. And God bless them, with money, less and less people carry cash with them, and a plastic card can be blocked in one move. But it’s better not to keep these 10 things in your wallet – for your own safety.

1. Too Much Cash

Experts say that we spend more money if we pay by card. This is because it is more difficult to part with money in its physical embodiment. And the amount on the card is something more ephemeral. Therefore, spending increases by an average of 10 percent. From this point of view, of course, it is much better to carry cash with you. But the plump wallet we get when we pay for a purchase instantly makes us the most attractive target for a thief.

2. Discount cards

Firstly, because they make our wallet visually puffier – count how much excess “plastic” you carry with you. Secondly, just imagine how many accumulative programs you will have to go through again! After all, in order to get a gold card in some cosmetics store, you left a lot of money there. And it’s not a fact that it will be restored to you. So all the buns due to you under the loyalty program will have to be earned again.

3. Old bills and checks

If we are to store such things, then at home, in a separate daddy. You have no idea how much information potential fraudsters can extract from these old pieces of paper! Therefore, it is better to get rid of checks immediately or keep them at home – if, for example, it is a check for the purchase of expensive equipment, without which it will be problematic to return it in case of breakdown. And by the way, psychics also do not advise keeping checks in your wallet – for reasons of an esoteric nature.

4. Photo

If this is really old film photograph, do yourself a favor – keep it in your photo album. Do you really want to carry this particular picture with you? Digitize and print. Just imagine how sad it would be to lose the original. Besides, it will certainly wear out, and rather quickly.

5. A piece of paper with passwords

All your bank cards and pin codes for them are a real gift for a fraudster. It can only get worse if you write the passwords right on the card. If you really can’t remember the access code for the most expensive one, write it down in the notes on your phone. There it will not be much, but it will be preserved. By the way, it is also better not to carry bank cards with you all at once. Keep one in your wallet – which you use more often.

6. Business Cards

Ours, not strangers. Still, a business card should be neat, clean, as if only from a printing house. Otherwise it is a shame to hand it over to someone. And in the wallet, it will very quickly turn into a fierce shame. Imagine handing someone a tattered piece of paper with your name on it … Brrr. Better to write the number on the palm of your hand.

7. Spare key

Here we will not even comment on anything. A spare car key or, even better, from the front door is a cooler gift than a leaflet with pin codes.

8. Flash drives

If your old essay on philosophy is on the flash drive, then you will hardly feel sorry for it. But if the reporting, accounting records, and even not your own, but your company … Losing this is very insulting. And it’s not safe.

9. Documentation

Rights, SNILS, a child’s birth certificate, some important certificate that you knocked out from bureaucrats for a long six months, a power of attorney for which the notary took a lot of money from you. All this has no place in a wallet. In any case, in the form of originals. If you think that any of these documents may be needed at any time, make a copy and wear calmly.

10. Condoms

No, this point has no financial background. Adult condoms, of course, should be on hand. But not in your pocket or in your wallet. The constant friction and heat will make the latex porous and the contraceptive useless.

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