Sex is an integral part of the lives of most adult women and men. This activity is not only pleasant, but also very useful. It successfully replaces sleeping pills and painkillers, stimulates the production of brain cells, and helps relieve stress.
Perhaps the most important thing is the psychological state. People who have sex regularly feel much happier.
But sex is different for sex, and it often happens that the planned pleasure remains only in dreams. It’s not about failed dates, there’s something worse. Often partners make mistakes that affect the quality of sex.
Dreams of a beautiful night of love are shattered by harsh reality. No pleasure, instead partners feel annoyed, they are unhappy with each other. It often happens that one person remains disappointed, while the other believes that everything went perfectly.
Below are 10 things that annoy partners in sex. You will learn how to behave during the “X” moment and what mistakes should not be made.
10 Short prelude
For a man, this is not so important, although many of them are also not able to quickly get excited, and most importantly, tune in to “continuation”.
Yet women suffer much more from short foreplay. After all, the end result depends on it. From the point of view of physiology, foreplay is obligatory; during caresses, a woman releases a lubricant that makes the process easy and enjoyable.
Foreplay is of great importance for the emotional state of partners. They help to relax, tune in to pleasant sensations. Therefore, do not try to immediately take the “bull by the horns”, take some time foreplay, because this is the beginning of the path to the perfect orgasm.
9. Jokes in bed
Even if you have a great sense of humor, don’t forget. The bed is not a stage, and you are not Petrosyan. Joking during sex is allowed only for those partners who have known each other for a long time and can predict each other’s reaction.
If you have never had sex before, the jokes will be inappropriate. Don’t laugh at your partner’s appearance or how they act in bed.
Otherwise, forget not only about pleasure, but about sex in general. Most likely, your chosen one will be offended and will never want to have anything in common with you again.
Yes, by the way, after sex, joking is also undesirable. Of course, if you do not want to see your partner again.
8. Poor hygiene
It seems that this is out of the question. If a person was going on a date, hoping for a “continuation”, he had to take care of the cleanliness of his body. But no, these situations happen very often.
To a greater extent, this is a problem for men who believe that they are irresistible even without a daily shower. Although very quickly it becomes a problem for women who agreed to have sex with him. If a partner stinks, what kind of pleasure can we talk about?
Some girls are also not very clean. If you didn’t have time to take a shower before a date, you can do it right before sex. Do not be afraid, the partner will not run away and will not have time to get bored.
7. Complexes due to appearance
Women experience complexes because of their appearance much more often than men. Instead of enjoying the process, they think about their asexuality.
Extra pounds or skin problems can be a big obstacle to orgasm. Such a woman will ask you to turn off the light and will bashfully hide behind a sheet. It looks pretty funny.
If you decide to have sex, discard all complexes. The desire of a partner will not be affected by the presence of cellulite or excess weight. To always feel confident, take care of your body, cherish, cherish, pamper it.
6. Partner is distracted
Distraction during sex is unacceptable. If during the process you decide to chat on the phone, respond to a message on a social network, or watch football or a series with one eye, get ready for a negative reaction from your partner. He will feel your indifference and may be very offended. Forget about business and enjoy intimacy with your loved (or not so) person.
Also, do not try to discuss pressing issues during sex. You don’t need to talk about relationships, choose a more opportune moment for this.
5. The animal jumps on the bed
If you have a pet, you have probably come across this situation more than once. The animal jumps on the bed, some of them even try to “participate” in the process. If the pet is kicked out of the room, he starts screaming and scratching the door.
The mood deteriorates, the desire disappears. Of course, there are people who are not embarrassed by witnesses, but there are very few of them. Most under the gaze of a cat or dog will forget about all their desires.
Therefore, before having sex, take the animal to another room. Again, no one canceled the feeling of guilt in relation to the pet. Comfort yourself with the thought that it won’t be long.
4. Inability to discuss actions
If partners have only recently started having sex, they may be embarrassed to discuss such matters. Another thing is a couple who have been together for several years.
It seems that partners have long known how to please each other, but no. They are afraid to touch the topic of sex. For many, this is a taboo, they are shy, feel uncomfortable. Even if they don’t like something, they hush up the problem.
This cannot go on forever. Forget about embarrassment, tell your partner what exactly you like and how. You will be surprised how the quality of sex will change, you will get much more pleasure.
3. Self confidence
The self-confidence of a partner is very annoying. If he considers himself a guru in sex, it will be difficult to dissuade him from this. Often sex with such a person is very mediocre.
The partner is disappointed, not only did he not receive pleasure, they also force him to thank and listen to commendable speeches.
Unfortunately, such a person cannot be changed, only a frank conversation will help. Although most likely he will be offended, and you will never see him again. He will leave you with the thought: “I am for her … But she does not appreciate it. All the previous ones were happy. There must be something wrong with her.”
So if your partner has an unnecessarily high opinion of himself, prepare for an unpleasant conversation. If on the contrary, you consider yourself No. 1 in sex, maybe you should not be so self-confident?
2. Selfishness
Another thing that will infuriate even the most calm person. When during sex a partner thinks only of himself, it’s sad. An egoist (usually a man) will never ask a partner about his desires, but he will declare his own. Many women tolerate egoists in their bed because of love, they do not think about themselves, about their pleasure.
Of course, if you are comfortable with this situation, you can endure for a long time. It’s worth considering that in your entire life you will never know what real pleasure is.
1. Perseverance
Among men (and women) there are many who do not want to understand their partner. They worry only about their desires and their perseverance is amazing.
For example, one partner wants to do something that is unacceptable for another. It is difficult to say which of them is right. Therefore, it is best to discuss such issues “on the shore”. Yes, it’s difficult and unpleasant, but you will find out your partner’s preferences and understand whether it is worth agreeing to “continue” dating.
If you love your partner, and he is too persistent in his desires, maybe it’s worth a try? Let yourself loosen up. Do not forget that you can do anything in bed, as long as it pleases both partners.