10 things that, according to signs, you can’t keep at home

Home is a place where we relax, gain strength, rest from the daily hustle and bustle. Everything in it should be pleasing to the eye.

But sometimes, instead of positive emotions, when we are at home, we experience only irritation and negativity. Constant scandals, quarrels lead to the fact that negative energy is collected in it, due to which health problems and troubles at work can begin.

In addition, there are items that can also become an additional source of negativity. It is better to remove them from the apartment, replacing them with new ones.

10 broken mirrors

If cracks appear on the surface of your mirror, you need to get rid of it urgently. It is believed that evil spirits can enter the house through them. The evil spirits are trying to harm the residents, which can cause illness, large financial losses and failures.

There are many signs according to which one should not look into a cracked mirror. The British believed that because of this, one could lose health and youth.

In Spain, they warned that anyone who looked into a mirror fragment would lie in the grave ahead of time.

The Mexicans believed that this bodes grief or disaster. The French believed that one who looks into a broken mirror can lose his family.

In Switzerland, they said that looking into a mirror fragment, a person greets a demon.

9. Things of the deceased

Clothes and other things absorb human energy. Many people suffer from illness before they die, and their clothes and bed linen absorb negativity.

But, even if you don’t believe in such things, just by looking at your grandmother’s favorite robe or the dress of your dead mother, you will remember and worry about them. Therefore, it is better to get rid of all the things of the deceased.

You can give them to those in need, bring them to the nearest church, where they will be given to families in difficult situations. If a thing is expensive, it can be sold, and everything old and worn out can be thrown away. You can leave something for yourself, as a keepsake.

It is better to distribute things before the 40th day, because. it is during this period that the deceased need prayerful commemoration. Having received something valuable from relatives, acquaintances and friends can pray for him. And he needs this, because. up to 40 days, the posthumous fate of a person is decided.

8. Dubious Gifts

There are gifts that are not recommended to give to other people, because. they can bring bad luck. So, in many countries it is not customary to give knives and other piercing objects, mirrors, handkerchiefs.

If you were presented with such a present, and you believe in omens, pay for the gift. Payment can be symbolic, for example, 1 ruble. But it will help to maintain a balance of energies and prevent misfortunes.

If you are afraid that the gift has brought negative energy into the house, because, for example, the giver is seriously ill, hold the gift under running water. It can be river water or ordinary tap water. If she rinses the things presented to her, all bad things will be washed away. Or leave it for 5-10 minutes. under the sun.

7. Chipped dishes

Esotericists do not advise using dishes with chips or cracks. It is believed that it attracts negative energy. If you constantly use such dishes, then you will have a bad mood, a series of failures will begin, there will be constant quarrels from scratch.

People say that if there is from such dishes, relations in the family will be just as chipped or there will be no money in the house. A cup or plate is a symbol of the family, flaws on them indicate problems.

Those who do not believe in omens should also get rid of old dishes. It shows that you are ready to be content with little, do not strive to improve your financial situation, and this is the psychology of poverty. The dishes are not so expensive, and they can be easily replaced.

In addition, a cracked cup can fall apart at the most inopportune moment, scalding you with boiling water, you can cut yourself on its edge. And in the cracks, food residues accumulate and harmful microorganisms multiply, which contribute to a decrease in immunity and poisoning of the body.

6. Artificial flowers

Artificial flowers do not fade, always bright and beautiful. But they are not advised to keep at home. A living flower, having opened, gradually fades, but fruits or seeds appear in its place. This is a symbol of procreation. If you replace it with an artificial flower, then there will be no fruit, so they have always been a symbol of death and sadness.

In the house, they can predict trouble or trouble. Lonely people will not be able to find their soul mate, and conflicts, quarrels and betrayals will begin in existing families. Artificial flowers, as it were, “pull out” happiness. They are especially dangerous if they are in the matrimonial bedroom.

Instead, you can decorate the house with images of flowers, bunches of fragrant flowering herbs, spikelets of wheat, oats, rye, which will attract wealth and prosperity to the house.

5. old wardrobe items

The more often a person used this or that thing, the more it is saturated with his energy. If you had a difficult period in your life, you were seriously ill, or you were haunted by failures, do not keep the things that you wore during this period. It’s better to get rid of them.

Old clothes and shoes, especially worn and full of holes, should be thrown away immediately. Previously, people believed that a hole in a thing spoke of health problems with its owner. Luck, success, well-being go through holes.

Torn and old clothes promise poverty. Once upon a time, only beggars walked in it. Throw away all junk if you want to improve your life.

4. animal horns

The horns of dead animals have an evil aura. If they are placed in the house, then gradually the health of family members and their well-being will deteriorate. Sometimes they can cause premature death.

But if the animal itself dropped them, and you picked up these horns in the forest, their energy is not so gloomy. Such a find portends good luck and will bring peace and prosperity to the house. It is better to hang them in the corridor, not far from the front door.

Horns in the bedroom can provoke infidelity or worsen your sleep, and in the kitchen they can lead to quarrels.

3. Items of previous owners

If you bought a house or apartment, make sure that there are no things of the previous owners left in it. They could absorb their energy, and not necessarily positive.

It is better to get rid of old furniture and other forgotten things. Return them to the former owner of the apartment or give them to those in need if the owners did not want to come for their property.

2. old calendar

It is better to get rid of them, because. they seem to stop time. As long as you have old calendars hanging in your house, there will be no significant changes, everything will seem to stand still.

This is the energy of stagnation. Throw away all old junk, including calendars that have already served their purpose.

1. Non-working hours

It is impossible to keep a stopped clock in the house, because. because of them, stagnation in business can happen, there will be no positive changes.

Old unnecessary watches are best taken to the trash immediately. If they are dear to you, like a memory, they need to be hidden in a box and taken to any secluded place, for example, in the pantry.

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