10 things not to do in Israel

The promised land of Israel is, of course, not only an interesting place in itself with an ancient and rich history, but also a special, unlike anything culture.

A modern high-tech state in which one of the most ancient (and most dogmatized) religions is practiced.

A small country with flourishing cities and gardens in a waterless desert (whose neighbors do not have particularly warm feelings for it).

Peaceful, pious and hospitable (but always ready to give a decisive rebuff to any enemy) population.

All this is Israel. And, of course, there are some features here that all guests of the country should know – these are small taboos, the violation of which can lead not only to misunderstandings, but also to serious problems.

So, here you can’t:

10 Stand on the green light


10 things not to do in Israel No, it’s not that it was directly forbidden by law (or at least traffic rules), it’s just that Israel is still more of an eastern country, and therefore there are appropriate standards of behavior, including on the road.

And if in Europe everyone is just getting ready to move to the yellow light, then somewhere on the streets of Tel Aviv they are already impatiently signaling.

Well, at the green light they will gently but persistently push you in the back (exclusively out of the kindness of your soul – what if you have poor eyesight and you didn’t see that the light at the traffic light has changed? Or just thought too much).

9. Joking with security

10 things not to do in Israel In fact, this should not be done at all in any country, but in Israel, where, alas, not without reason they take the threat of terrorism very seriously, such jokes can end up especially unpleasant for you.

Yes, sometimes to the question of a police officer or a border guard like “Are you carrying weapons, drugs or prohibited items?” I want to answer: “Yes, a full suitcase! What do you want?

Well, doesn’t he see that in front of him is the most ordinary tourist, and not a bandit armed to the teeth or a drug lord?! Of course he sees, but this does not make you an exception, a person who does not need to be examined.

And your playful mood will definitely evaporate instantly when you are taken to a separate room for a thorough inspection and kept there for several hours, searched really everywhere.

8. Driving on the Day of Atonement

10 things not to do in Israel Yes, you may have heard that, for example, on Shabbat (that is, on Saturday) nothing works at all in Israel – neither offices, nor shops, nor restaurants and coffee houses, nor even public transport. Like, this is the strictest religious prohibition: working on Saturday is a great sin.

In fact, this is not entirely true: if you come to Israel, then make sure that on Saturday you can have a great lunch in a restaurant, and take a taxi to the place you need, and see something repairing workers. Sabbath is observed very strictly here, practically, only by the orthodox.

But there is a holiday in Israel, the rules of which are followed by all Israelis without exception (regardless of their religious affiliation), – this is the Day of Atonement (or Yom Kippur).

On this day, you cannot drive a car (that is, absolutely). It is allowed to roller-skate, scooter, bike, etc., but not by car.

But on the Day of Atonement, you can easily walk right along the road.

7. Offend children

10 things not to do in Israel Children in this distinctive country are something almost sacred and inviolable (not just a joy for parents and “flowers of life”, but a real cult).

If a child wants something, then he will get it, do not even hesitate. He can do anything and everything: eat a cake in a crowded cafe, half hanging down from a chair and wiping his hands on the pants of the gentleman sitting at the next table (while periodically screaming piercingly); run wildly between the guests at an adult party and get into conversations; mix all the goods on the shelf in the store, etc.

And no one will condemn such unbridled behavior, and will not even make a remark to a petty hooligan – this is not accepted and even indecent.

Children’s will is the law. And you (whether you like it or not) will have to put up with it temporarily.

6. Refuse food

10 things not to do in Israel Another truly cult thing in Israel is food (fortunately, it is really very tasty and quite varied here). No one will believe you (and simply will not pay attention) if you say that you do not want to eat.

If at the same time you are also not well-fed enough, then hold on – they will feed you to satiety at all costs, almost by force. Because the thin ones are a pity (those who eat without appetite are also, because such a person is probably sick with something).

So get ready in advance (and especially at a party!) to absorb a variety of hummus, falafels, minced meat, yogurts with date syrup, etc., etc. in gigantic quantities.

5. Smoking in public places

10 things not to do in Israel In fact, in the past few years, smoking (especially in public places) has been banned in many countries.

But if, for example, in the same Europe, smokers live a little easier, because in restaurants, bars, nightclubs, train stations, etc. there are special places for smoking, then in Israel they decided to fight this bad habit in the most radical way.

Here you will not be able to smoke in any public place, neither at the bus stop, nor, especially, on the balcony of the hotel.

4. Ride without clothes

10 things not to do in Israel This ban is also spelled out quite officially. Even if it is very hot outside (after all, you are, for a moment, still in the Middle East), or you need to drive only half a kilometer – just to the beach, you still have no right to drive with a naked torso (by the way , this also applies to your passengers).

No options like “naked top and beach shorts”, and even more so “mini-bikini”. In this case, the penalty will be unambiguous and very tangible.

And in general, in this (we remind you – the Middle East!) Country, excessive nudity is not welcomed in principle. After all, it is full of Orthodox, as well as devout Muslims.

3. To be a retrograde

10 things not to do in Israel Hmm … Bright pictures immediately flashed before your mind’s eye: Orthodox Jews in black wide hats and sidelocks, Muslim women wrapped up to the very eyes, etc. Progress, as they say, is evident! In fact, these are special cases. Religion (especially on the verge of fanaticism) is, of course, a powerful thing, you can’t argue with it.

But in general, in general, Israel is a country of new technologies (and often the most advanced ones). And for the majority of its population, the latest gadgets and their latest models are considered almost an obligatory attribute of not only a successful, but simply a normal person.

If the phone, then only the one that came out just a couple of months ago, if the charging is wireless, it’s better to defiantly pay for the purchase with a phone, etc. Otherwise, you are a backward person.

2. Give up your seat on public transport to young women

10 things not to do in Israel For the most part, the citizens of Israel are very well-mannered and intelligent people, and they are well aware that in transport you need to give way to the elderly and weak people (which is not surprising, because many of them come from the former Soviet Union, and there with a “domestic” upbringing everything went very well).

But if you suddenly liked the beautiful brown-eyed girl standing next to you, and suddenly feeling like a gentleman, you decided to give her your place, then get ready for a possible negative reaction.

Young people here also have very advanced concepts of “gentlemanship” – you can easily be accused of literally desecrating modern principles of equality and publicly humiliating a girl (quite independent and emancipated!).

1. Flirting with girls on the street

10 things not to do in Israel The same can be said about meeting girls on the street. Our playful: “Does your mother need a son-in-law?” it won’t work in Israel (even if you heard that the beauty just spoke Russian, which means she, most likely, was the former “ours”).

The fact is that in Israel, especially in the main tourist places, beautiful girls get so tired of constant obsessive attention (especially since – see point 2 – they are really very emancipated here) that after a couple of minutes you may be unpleasantly surprised, having met with the local police, to whom the object of your completely innocent courtship complained.

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