10 things in the house that make you tired

The whole day, being at work or just outside your home, you feel full of energy, and returning to your native harbor you feel a breakdown and think only about how to get to bed faster?

If all this takes place in your life, then most likely something in the house simply “eats” your strength.

Psychologists and physiologists have long established that some things that are present in our houses and apartments can provoke fatigue unnoticed by their owners.

Introducing 10 things in the house that take away your vitality.

10 Your smartphone

10 things in the house that make you tired According to the National Sleep Organization, almost a fifth of all young people under the age of 30 wake up at least once during a night’s sleep to read incoming messages. Even if the smartphone is put on silent mode, a sudden flash of light from the screen will most likely interrupt your sleep.

In addition, do not forget about the blue range of visible radiation, which inhibits the production of the hormone melatonin by the endocrine glands, on which the quality of human sleep largely depends.

The result of such nightly correspondence can be chronic fatigue, depression and decreased performance.

If you don’t want a similar fate for yourself, then before going to bed, put your smartphone away from the bed (or better, out of the room), and use the good old alarm clock instead.

9. Lowered blinds and blackout curtains

10 things in the house that make you tired Now some design solutions involve the presence of blinds or curtains made of dense material. However, if you regularly feel like you don’t have enough energy throughout the day to do the simplest things, then try adding a little more natural light to the interior.

Of course, for quality sleep you need darkness. However, in order not to feel sleepy in the old day, let the light into the rooms.

8. cool room

10 things in the house that make you tired We all know that a cold shower helps to cheer up in the morning, but if your home is maintained at a cool temperature all the time, then in such an environment you will constantly feel sleepy.

Therefore, the air in the bedroom should ideally be 19°C.

Of course, it will also be almost impossible to fall asleep in a room that is too hot, so don’t overdo it. Just do not forget to ventilate it before going to bed – such a measure helps many to comfortably fall asleep.

7. Chips, candy and other tasty treats

10 things in the house that make you tired These products are harmful not only to the lining of the stomach and the rest of the digestive tract, but also to your activity during the day.

It is especially harmful to eat them before going to bed. Even if you are not very worried about the safety of your waist, then at least think about the fact that such a colossal amount of glucose and simple carbohydrates will instantly drive away sleep, and this, in turn, will affect your condition throughout the next day, when at night cheerfulness will have to pay with drowsiness after.

6. Aroma candles

10 things in the house that make you tired The greatest harm to our well-being is caused by the beautiful aroma of lavender. Many people love this smell in perfumes and in stench removers, however, according to scientists, it can provoke insomnia.

Therefore, it will be more useful to replace lavender with the smell of mint or some citrus fruits.

At the same time, it should be remembered that scented candles should not be abused.

Too much concentration of bright aromas in one room can cause headaches and unreasonable fatigue.

5. Wine before bed

10 things in the house that make you tired You do not abuse alcohol, but sometimes you like in the evening, looking at the purple sunset, to the soothing music, skip a glass or two of red wine?

In general, there is nothing catastrophic about this, as long as you do it at least 3 hours before bedtime. But if you allow yourself to drink alcohol and then immediately go to bed, then do not be surprised that the next day you will not have enough vigor and energy for business.

This is due to the fact that, contrary to popular belief, small doses of alcoholic beverages before bedtime give not a sound sleep, but a restless night. And, as a result, weakness throughout the next day.

4. Strong coffee

10 things in the house that make you tired We all know that strong coffee in the morning is the most effective way to recharge your energy for the whole day. However, this is only partly true.

Undoubtedly, coffee can really tone up and give energy. But, unfortunately, the effect of this energy drink will not be very long, and when it ends, you are more likely to feel even more tired. This happens about four hours later.

Therefore, for a cup of coffee during lunch, we often pay with drowsiness at home.

3. Sleep under TV

10 things in the house that make you tired You probably know that sleeping in front of the TV is a very bad habit. And we are talking not only about the useless waste of electricity, but about the harm that you do to your health in this way.

The thing is that the blue range of visible radiation suppresses the production of the same melatonin, due to which a person has drowsiness at the end of the day.

As a result, nighttime sleep becomes fragmented and shallow, so after waking up you will not be able to feel completely rested, which will definitely affect your performance during the day.

2. Blue walls

10 things in the house that make you tired It may surprise you, but according to a study conducted by American scientists, the blue color, this very calming shade of the walls, provokes a decrease in heart rate and lowers heart pressure. Due to this, a person begins to feel sleepy.

1. A mess

10 things in the house that make you tired Of course, due to the increased load at work or with children, you may simply not find the physical strength to put things in order at home.

However, you should keep in mind that the constant mess in the house keeps your brain in constant tension. And such a psychological load becomes the cause of the development of nervous exhaustion and, as a result, a feeling of chronic fatigue.

To get rid of permanent stress, accustom yourself to dedicate at least one hour every weekend to cleaning your home.

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