10 things I love when I’m pregnant

Pregnancy: my 10 favorite tips

Have a dream chest at Lætitia Casta

This is not to displease your companion. Under the effect of hormones, your chest is increasing. Your breasts are preparing for possible breastfeeding. You can take up to one or two cup sizes. Take advantage of this because they will return to their original size after you give birth. And to keep them looking their best, be sure to wear a good bra, keep them hydrated, and stand up straight.

Feel my baby move

You can feel your baby move inside your belly. But patience, you often have to wait until the fifth month, the second trimester of pregnancy, to really detect her movements. Share this feeling with your spouse, then invite him to put his hand on your stomach as soon as you feel something. And suggest that she prepare for childbirth together by choosing haptonomy, for example.

Let someone take care of me!

When we are pregnant, we no longer belong to each other: everyone wants to brood you, protect you. Your companion, your mother, your friends… Let them pamper you. Then in the metro, accept that a person gives way to you, you are a priority person now. Also take the opportunity to have your breakfast brought to bed and if your mother wants to help you with the housework or the shopping, give in to temptation.

Decorate and furnish my baby’s room

Whether you have the option of rearranging a room or setting aside a corner for it in your apartment, you must get there soon enough. You will enjoy flipping through a few decoration magazines to choose the dominant color for your child’s room. Blue or pink depending on the sex, yellow, beige or green, if you do not yet know… His little bed, his changing table, his chest of drawers, etc. Think about a furniture arrangement. Have the little ones already soft toys, stickers on the wall and why not small ones fluorescent stars on the ceiling to help her have sweet dreams.

Have a great sexuality

Once the nausea and fatigue have passed, the second trimester of pregnancy is very conducive to fulfilling sex. It is not for nothing that this period is nicknamed “Honeymoon”. You are happy, you feel good, and your desire is increasing. Especially since you no longer have to worry about your method of contraception. Your companion finds you beautiful and he is fascinated by the transformation of your body.

10 things I love when I’m pregnant!

In video: 10 things I love when I’m pregnant

Not having my period anymore

An egg has been fertilized by a sperm and you are no longer having your period. This is often how the onset of pregnancy is detected. Although some bleeding may appear during the first trimester, you may forget about your regular cycle and other abdominal pain for a few months. A real pleasure that leaves even more room for your sexual relations.

Eat “for two” (reasonably)

Of course, it is within reason : you don’t have to go to extra lengths to feed yourself and your child… But you still have the right to eat a little more apart from the foods to avoid when you are pregnant. You can also more serenely satisfy your cravings for strawberries, raspberries … The best way to be ready and sure to regain your hourglass figure after baby: watch your weight. A future mother of normal build can take between 10 to 12 kg.

This new “healthy” life while waiting for baby

Most expectant mothers stop smoking, drinking, and paying attention to what they eat … You have a better lifestyle, especially since you have retained a sporting activity. The swimming pool is the ideal sport for a pregnant woman, you feel lighter and you relax more easily. You enjoy this feeling of a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Sweet Dreams

It’s hormonal! We dream a lot more when we are pregnant. Yes, the arrival of a child boost your imagination and your great need for sleep stimulates this dreamlike life. And then, if your hormones increase your libido, they also lead you to have erotic dreams. Don’t try to interpret them at all costs but just take advantage of this unique period.

Take time for me

Take care of yourself! It’s also part of your preparation for childbirth. You are on maternity leave and this period is conducive to cocooning. Why not lavish yourself some soins du corps ? And then, do not hesitate to have your groceries delivered to you, for example, to avoid a tiring trip or an unnecessary walkabout. Pretty Woman? It’s your cult film, and what if you indulge yourself this afternoon to watch it for the umpteenth time?

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