10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

In childhood, almost everyone gathered in a circle of friends and told each other scary stories about terrible monsters or ghosts. It was scary, but it amused us so much that we didn’t stop doing it.

There are such disgusting monsters from the movies that make you feel uncomfortable even now! Iconic monsters, which are already many decades old, overshadow all the modern ideas of horror masters.

Take a look at this compilation – you’ve definitely seen these monsters in the movies at least once, after which it was difficult to fall asleep.

10 gremlins

10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

Gremlins are the creatures that scared all the kids. According to the film, the boy finds a furry animal, and calls him Magway. You just need to be very careful with him – a stream of sunlight directed at him can kill.

Also, you can not allow the animal to get water, and feed it after midnight. What will happen if this is done, it’s scary to imagine …

Cute animals become terrible monsters, and no one can stop them…

9. Fly

10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

A talented scientist is concerned about the topic of teleportation, he started with the movement of inanimate objects in space, but decided to conduct experiments with living beings.

Monkeys participated in his experiments, the teleportation experience was so successful that he himself decided to become an object for the experiment.

But, by mistake, a small fly flies into the sterile chamber … The insect changes the life of the scientist forever, he becomes a different creature …

“The Fly” is the greatest horror movie of all time, you feel real fear from the monster …

8. Leprekon

10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

Leprechaun is a character in Irish folklore. They are portrayed as very cunning and treacherous creatures. They love to deceive people, take pleasure in deceiving them, and each of them has a pot of gold.

By profession, they are shoemakers, they love to drink whiskey, and if by chance they manage to meet the Leprechaun, he must fulfill any 3 desires and show where he hides the gold.

Several parts of the film have been shot about Leprechauns, and it’s called “Leprechaun”, after watching it becomes really creepy …

7. Graboids

10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

The Graboid is a fictional creature from the movie Tremors. They are huge sand-colored worms that live underground.

Their mouth consists of an upper massive jaw, and 3 huge fangs that allow them to suck the prey into themselves. Graboids have three languages, more like snakes. Sometimes it seems that languages ​​live on their own and have a separate mind …

These creatures have no eyes, no legs, but they can quickly move underground, having spikes on their body.

They have weaknesses, and only those who reveal their weak spot can be saved – this is a tongue, a wall – if a monster crashes into it, it will die. Watching the movie makes you feel uncomfortable, because you don’t know where and when a Graboid will appear from under the ground…

6. Goblins

10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

In 1984, the film Goblins was released, the film can hardly be called a horror movie – if it scared us in childhood, it certainly won’t scare us now.

It’s more of a horror comedy that includes elements like an old house, a party, a séance… And, of course, goblins.

Goblins are humanoid supernatural creatures that live in underground caves and cannot stand sunlight.

Goblins are one of the ugliest and most intimidating creatures in European mythology, which is why they are often mentioned in fairy tales and films.

5. Pumpkinhead

10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

The 1988 film Pumpkinhead opens with a group of teenagers heading into the mountains on motorcycles. One of them accidentally knocks over a little boy, who dies, and his father decides to take revenge.

To do this, Ed Harley turns to the witch for help – the sorceress says that by taking the blood from the boy and from herself, you can awaken the Demon of Death …

Thus, an ominous monster is obtained, called the Pumpkinhead. The creature looks very believable, the filmmakers did their best in this.

4. Jeepers Creepers

10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

Jeepers Creepers are bird people, since ancient times, many peoples had myths about an incredible race, and if we talk about facts, now people are receiving messages in which they say that they met with bird people. They have gray plumage and a wingspan of up to 4 meters. They are met in Mexico and the Amur region in the warm season.

In the Jeepers Creepers movie, a funny song plays on the radio, which only adds horror to the picture … Jeepers Creepers can appear out of nowhere, you never know where he will be – on the roof of the car or behind you … This is what scares everyone who watches the movie . You can’t hide from the monster…

3. Chuckie

10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

The first movie about Chucky was released in 1988. Some people have a fear of dolls – it’s called pediophobia. But if people are afraid of even cute dolls, what happened to those who saw the movie “Chucky”?

In it, the plot revolves around a seemingly innocent doll, but only the soul of the most crazy maniac lives in it …

The sinister and terrible Chucky kills everyone who gets in his way and with each new series he becomes more and more bloodthirsty…

2. Xenomorphs

10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

The xenomorphs from the movie Alien are a different lifeform, a race of anthropomorphic aliens. They have better intelligence than primates and are sometimes even smarter than humans.

Xenomorphs move quickly on their 4 limbs, they can jump and swim, they have very sharp claws with which they can cut even metal…

A terrifying creature plunges its long tail into the body of the victim and thereby kills it.

1. Toothpicks

10 terrifying monsters from the movies of our childhood

Critters are reminiscent of Gremlins – they are fluffy and seemingly harmless, but in fact, no one can compare with their ferocity …

Furry, terrifying creatures that have arrived from outer space have one goal – to destroy human civilization. They began their mission from a Kansas farm, where they devour everything they see, including local residents …

But there are also brave heroes in space who want to help frightened people. Maybe something can become bloodthirsty little animals.

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