10 taboos on sexuality

Frequency of intercourse
The frequency of sex is not an easily accessible topic in a couple’s life. In general, it is maximum during the first months of the union, witness to the desire that drives new lovers, and decreases over time. A French investigation1 showed that couples had on average 8,7 intercourse per month. This is the third national survey on sexual behavior in France, after the Simon survey of 1970 and the ACSF survey of 1992.2. As astonishing as it may seem, it seems that this frequency does not vary across the ages and even presents an apparent homogeneity between culturally close populations. A survey of Montrealers conducted in 1987 found a frequency of 8,4 sexual intercourse per month while an American survey gave the number of 8,9. On the other hand, among sexually active people, it decreases steadily from 13 the first year of life as a couple, to 7 after 15 years.
An ideal frequency?
In reality, the question is whether there is an ideal frequency. A team of researchers decided to investigate the matter by determining to what extent the frequency of sexual intercourse influences well-being.3. They were able to show that the more frequent the intercourse, the higher the reported happiness. But they also discovered that in order to be truly satisfied with her sex life, it is necessary to have a little more reports than the average. Sexuality being a private matter, how to estimate the number in our entourage? By consulting the media according to Tim Wadsworth, one of the authors of the study, but also by discussing with those close to him. “Man being a social creature, all self-awareness is dependent on the gaze of others,” he adds.
Bajos N., Bozon M., Beltzer N. Survey on the “Context of Sexuality in France”, INSERM, INED, ANRS, http://www.science.gouv.fr/fr/actualites/bdd/res/2551 / enquete-sur-le-context-de-la-sexualite-en-France- / Henri Leridon, The frequency of reports: data and consistency analyzes, Population, Volume 48, Number 5, pp. 1381-1407. Filomena Maggino, Social Indicators Research, An International and Interdisciplinary Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement, Journal no. 11205, http://www.springer.com/social+sciences/journal/11205