10 Symptoms of Schizophrenia You Shouldn’t Ignore

Schizophrenia is a very serious disease that causes a violation of the perception of reality. It develops in several stages. Quite often, schizophrenia occurs almost imperceptibly: at first, people may not even pay attention to some of its signs. However, if they are not recognized in time, the disease can develop strongly in the future. You should learn to understand how to distinguish between a normal mental crisis and schizophrenia, which does not allow people to lead a normal life. Consider the main signs of this disease, which everyone should know about.

10 Obsession with the supernatural

Many people who are prone to schizophrenia suddenly become addicted to esotericism, mysticism, or some kind of religious movement. In such cases, patients try to somehow explain to themselves what is happening to them, to reconcile imagination with the real world. At first, such people can only slightly lose touch with reality, but the further they go, the more difficult it is: their ideas and beliefs become more and more delusional. If your relative or acquaintance enthusiastically talks about the fact that demons or lower entities have moved into him, this is a reason to think seriously.

9. fast speech

A person with schizophrenia may speak very quickly and indistinctly. The thinking of such people is fragmented, and often this is strongly reflected in speech. Many schizophrenics find it difficult to take part in conversations, follow their progress, they may lose the thread of the conversation. The speech of people suffering from such a disease is often incoherent, confused: they abruptly switch from one topic to another, answer inappropriately. Some schizophrenics invent words whose meanings are known only to themselves, and actively use them in conversations.

8. Indifference

A symptom of schizophrenia can be “emotional dullness.” A person begins to tensely relate to the manifestations of feelings of relatives and friends, but he himself seems to feel nothing at all for them. Often there is unreasonable aggression, as well as irritation. At the same time, the patient quite adequately and calmly contacts with neighbors, acquaintances, colleagues (with those people with whom you do not need to show any emotions). Over time, the schizophrenic begins to give the impression of a completely insensitive person.

7. Memory problems

In schizophrenics, memory can deteriorate significantly: some of them forget not only old events, but also what happened to them a few minutes ago. It is worth noting that people with schizophrenia have problems not only with remembering events, but also with intellectual activity in general. At the same time, the point is not in the intellect itself, but in the ability to use it. Schizophrenic dementia regresses if the patient is properly treated during periods of exacerbation of the disease.

6. Auditory hallucinations

Most people with schizophrenia experience auditory hallucinations, which many refer to as voices in their heads. They can even order something, enter into disputes with a person, praise him or condemn him. Auditory hallucinations in many cases cause memory lapses, problems with concentration. Some patients begin to believe that these thoughts were inspired by them with the help of secret technologies, by inducing damage. Hallucinations in schizophrenia can be not only auditory, but also visual, tactile.

5. Change in appetite

Many schizophrenics show indifference to food. Some people suffering from such a disease develop anorexia: a person begins to eat less and less, because he seems to be very fat. This can lead to disastrous consequences. More than 5% percent of people with anorexia die as a result of suicide or exhaustion. Of course, anorexia is far from being a symptom of schizophrenia in all cases, but it is still worth considering this symptom.

4. Insomnia

People with schizophrenia feel tension all the time: many of them are sure that they are in some kind of danger. Schizophrenics trust virtually no one. People with this mental disorder often think that everything in the world revolves around them. For this reason, they see secret messages, signs everywhere. Some schizophrenics think that even the people around are not real passers-by, colleagues, but only actors playing certain roles. To keep track of everything that happens, patients may refuse sleep.

3. Derealization and depersonalization

The schizophrenic has a disturbed perception of the surrounding reality and himself. Everything around him seems not quite real: similar sensations occur in healthy people in dreams. A person who is still developing such a disease can himself understand that something strange is happening to him. In such situations, people usually share their experiences with relatives and friends, who must definitely listen to the words of a dear person.

2. strange movements

Signs of schizophrenia can be slow blinking, frequent twitching of the legs, arms, corners of the mouth, very active work of facial muscles. However, it should be borne in mind that all this can be congenital. You should pay attention only to those unusual movements that arose suddenly. People with schizophrenia can give free rein to their hands, become disinhibited. In some cases, such movements even begin to interfere with others.

1. Closure

This sign of schizophrenia is very important. A sick person stops communicating with colleagues, acquaintances, even with his close relatives. A schizophrenic is most often more comfortable alone with himself: he practically does not leave the apartment, he completely ceases to show interest in the world around him. In some cases, close people at first do not even pay attention to the fact that a person is turning into a hermit. The main reason for this is that at the present time, many people limit the circle of their acquaintances to interlocutors from the Internet, and this is considered absolutely normal.

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