10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

Scientists have confirmed that alcohol in small doses benefits the body. In particular, the risk of dying from heart disease or atherosclerosis is halved. But you need to be very careful with him. In order not to harm the body, you should limit the amount consumed. If you get too carried away with it, you can get serious health problems.

But even if a person drinks infrequently, he can experience quite unpleasant sensations the next day. Hangover. Only those who have never tried alcoholic beverages are not familiar with him. The best way to deal with it is sleep, but this is not always possible.

There are quite a lot of other ways, some of them are widely known, and some most do not even know about. We present to your attention 10 sure ways to get rid of a hangover.

10 Brine

10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

Perhaps, this method is known to all. A hangover occurs due to a violation of water metabolism. There is a lack of water in the vessels, and an excess in the tissues. To distribute it, just drink a glass of brine. By the way, this method has been known for a very long time, but earlier they used not cucumber pickle, but cabbage pickle. If there is nothing to choose from, any brine will do, it will replenish the amount of electrolyte salts in the body. Pressure normalizes, nausea and chills, headache will pass. The hangover will flow much easier and faster. Be careful, the marinade will not help in this case. You should not drink more than one glass of brine, as this will not affect the body very well. Edema will increase, the load on the heart will increase, and the head will hurt even more.

9. Maconi

10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

This sour-milk Caucasian product will help you cope with a hangover. If you have never had yogurt in your refrigerator, take any other fermented milk product: ayran, kefir, koumiss. They will help to process the toxic decomposition products of ethyl alcohol. In addition, they have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, replenish vitamins, and increase appetite. You have probably heard a lot about the alcohol content in fermented milk products, but you won’t get a hangover, its percentage is negligible, only 0,05%. Doctors recommend not to exceed the allowable daily dose of matsoni, which is 600 milliliters. It is best to drink fermented milk drinks on an empty stomach, in small sips.

8. Fruits and vegetables

10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

A very tasty method. If you want to return to normal health, lean on vegetables and fruits. Among vegetables it is better to give preference to tomatoes. They are able to eliminate the symptoms of alcohol poisoning. Tomatoes contain antioxidants that will make the intestines work, as well as normalize the process of cell repair. Among fruits, apples have a similar effect. They will remove all harmful substances and toxins from the body. Bananas contain potassium, thanks to which the cardiovascular system will be less affected by toxic substances. But pears are considered the best remedy for a hangover. They will quickly lower cholesterol levels, remove harmful substances, and reduce inflammation of the digestive system.

7. Mineral water

10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

She fights dehydration very well, is able to get into the blood faster than usual. It acts already in the oral cavity, thanks to the bubbles. They irritate sensitive mucous membranes, sending stimuli to the brain. Mineral water helps to speed up the digestion of food, the intestines are more likely to be released. It normalizes the volume of circulating blood, relieves tissue swelling. Regulates the acid-base balance, because after drinking alcohol it is disturbed. When choosing, you should pay attention to the medicinal table mineral water.

6. Berries

10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

Everyone knows that sour berries are good for a hangover. A couple of tablespoons of cranberries or cranberries can alleviate the condition of the body. They will replenish lost vitamins and minerals. Even better if you can make berry juice. Plus, it will cope with dehydration of the body. It’s not that hard to make it. Therefore, gather your strength or ask household members to help you prepare a fruit drink. Do not rely on fruit drinks prepared industrially. They will quench your thirst for a while, but will not bring any benefit.

5. Honey

10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

Honey contains trace elements that have a positive effect on metabolism. The decay products of alcohol are converted into harmless substances. It is also rich in fructose, which will help to process alcohol faster. Fructose speeds up the breakdown of alcohol. The mineral salts that it contains help the intestines work. Honey restores the acid-base balance. It contributes to the formation of increased sweating, with sweat all harmful substances are removed from the body. In addition, you can not be afraid to use it, it is a completely natural product. For such a case, dark varieties of honey are suitable, you need to eat it in small fractional portions during the day.

4. Special drugs

10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

All special preparations for a hangover contain acetylsalicylic, ascorbic and succinic acids. Their differences are that the composition contains various additives. Before drinking pills for a hangover, you must carefully read the instructions. If your first aid kit does not have such remedies, take a citramone tablet, it will relieve a headache. You also need to take care of your liver. No-shpa or conventional sorbents can remove harmful substances. Often use effective and inexpensive activated carbon. Aspirin will become an indispensable assistant, it will help to remove the decay products of ethyl alcohol from the body.

3. Cold and hot shower

10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

If there is an opportunity to visit a bath or sauna, use it. If not, you will have to limit yourself to a contrast shower. It promotes perspiration, removes all harmful decay products. Temperature receptors on the skin are irritated under the influence of different temperatures, the condition returns to normal. Soon you will feel full of energy. It is very easy to take a contrast shower, start with hot water, switch to cool after 30 seconds. But this method, despite the fact that it quickly brings to life, is not suitable for everyone. People with heart disease, high blood pressure should not use this method.

2. Seafood

10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

Of course, seafood will not help you cope with nausea and headaches, but they can make up for the lack of important elements. After excessive libations in the body, the electrolyte balance is disturbed. Phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium – all these substances are excreted in the urine. Seafood contains them in abundance, so you need to eat them as much as possible. In addition, they are able to increase appetite, speed up metabolism. And what is no less important for the symptoms of a hangover, they will calm the nervous system.

1. Water with lemon

10 surefire ways to get rid of a hangover

This is a very simple method and at the same time very effective. Citric acid will speed up the process of processing nutrients. The processing of harmful decay products of ethyl alcohol will also accelerate. Lemon contains useful substances such as magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium. It is better to use warm water, if the water seems too acidic, add a spoonful of honey. Citric acid is part of some drugs that relieve hangovers. But lemons are more affordable, they are present in the diet of many families, which means you don’t have to run to the store for it.

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