10 successful Russian film producers

Behind the scenes of Russian cinema, which we usually criticize more than praise (though not without reason), are film producers. It is they who first of all decide whether to give the green light to this or that project, although, in case of failure, there are much fewer claims against them than against the director or the cast.

Let’s take a closer look at the ten largest Russian producers whose films almost everyone knows.

10 Sergey Livnev

10 successful Russian film producers


If you look at the family of Sergei Livnev, it becomes clear that he had no other way than cinema. His mother was a cameraman and director, his father was a director, screenwriter and teacher at GITIS, and his grandfather was an inventor of film technology. Sergei knew from a young age that he would follow in the footsteps of his parents, which eventually led him to the position of director of the Gorky film studio, which he held from 1995 to 1998.

After that, he left the country, as he was sure that cinematography was dead in Russia. Until 2006, he lived in the United States, but then he nevertheless returned, starting active work. The most famous films, to the creation of which he had a hand, are Assa, Hammer and Sickle, In June 41st, PiraMMMida.

9. Georgy Malkov

10 successful Russian film producers

Sometimes it happens that the name of a person is absolutely unknown to the majority, but the name of the company he created is known to everyone. Georgy Malkov is a typical example of such a situation. He does not even have his own Wikipedia page, but the Enjoy Movies film company, one of the founders of which he is, is known to every domestic viewer.

“Pregnant”, “That Carloson”, “Elusive”, “Defenders” – these “masterpieces” are difficult to erase from memory if you look at least once.

8. Vladimir Polyakov

10 successful Russian film producers

Another figure who works closely with Enjoy Movies, although not related to its creation. Among the works of Vladimir, it is worth highlighting the sports drama with a slight touch of crime Elastiko, as well as the recent film Temporary Difficulties with Ivan Okhlobystin.

She was ambiguously met by the public, but it is also impossible to call the film frankly bad. Polyakov also participated in the production of “Defenders”, “The route is built”, “Santa Claus: Battle of the Mages” and other less noteworthy projects.

7. Konstantin Ernst

10 successful Russian film producers

If not everyone knows the names of the previous participants in our selection, then the name of the General Director of Channel One is definitely familiar to everyone. Konstantin Lvovich was born in the family of a biologist (father) and a financier (mother), and he himself initially built a completely different career.

He was only 25 when he defended his PhD and received an invitation to Cambridge for a two-year practice, but the dream of the world of cinema forced him to give it all up and refuse. Ernst acted as a producer of such films as “Turkish Gambit”, “Night Watch”, the series “Deadly Force”, “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive” and dozens of others.

6. Alexander Tsekalo

10 successful Russian film producers

Alexander did not immediately come to producing and in his youth he was better known as a screenwriter and especially a showman (marriage to Lolita also added to his popularity). In 2008, he founded the Sreda company, giving us such series as Method and Major, recently bought by Netflix, as well as the films Radio Day, Trotsky and others.

In addition, he is actively engaged in the production of television programs: “Big Difference”, “ProjectorParisHilton” – all this was created with his direct participation.

5. Alexander Boyarsky

10 successful Russian film producers

The name of this person may not be familiar to you either, but you probably heard or even watched “Three Heroes and the Shamakhanskaya Queen”, “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, “Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin the Serpent” and other cartoons that are cult for us.

Boyarsky, who loved animation since childhood, worked on each of them: somewhere exclusively as a producer, and somewhere also doing voice acting. In “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”, for example, he is the performer of all the songs.

4. Anatoly Maksimov

10 successful Russian film producers

Maximov, in addition to producing, is actively involved in voice acting, especially dubbing. So, in the film “Wanted,” Morgan Freeman speaks in his voice, and in 2014 he was one of the commentators on the opening of the Olympic Games in Sochi.

As for the production activities, in collaboration with the already mentioned Konstantin Ernst, he worked on the films “Border. Taiga Romance”, “Special Forces”, “Night Watch”, “Viking” and many others.

3. Iva Stromylova

10 successful Russian film producers

The only woman in our selection who got here absolutely deservedly. Working in cinema and advertising since the age of 18, in 2006 she was able to take the post of general producer of the Bazelevs company and release several hundred films in this position.

Some of them have received such awards as Epica Awards, Advertising festival, Young Director Awards 2011 in Cannes and others. The most famous paintings to which she is related are the first 3 parts of the Yolki franchise, Black Lightning, Phantom.

2. Timur Bekmambetov

10 successful Russian film producers

One of the most successful figures in modern Russian cinema, who loudly declared himself at the beginning of the XNUMXs with the release of Night Watch and its sequel. He worked on this dilogy as a director and screenwriter, but after that he rarely sat down at the pen or in the director’s chair, focusing mainly on producing.

He managed to work not only with us, but also in Hollywood: it was he who shot the action movie “Wanted” with James McAvoy, Angelina Jolie and Morgan Freeman, and in 2018 he produced the thriller “Search” with John Cho in the title role.

1. Sergey Svetlakov

10 successful Russian film producers

They say that a talented person is talented in everything, and Sergei Svetlakov can be cited as proof of the veracity of this statement. A talented KVN-schik, producer, screenwriter and actor, he was able to become successful in every role.

In addition to cinema, he is engaged in business “on the side”: he has his own chain of stores in Yekaterinburg, pizzerias, as well as restaurant chains in Russia and Ukraine. The only thing that saddens a little is his immersion in the rather boring Yolki franchise: over the past 5 years he has starred in 5 films (not counting cameo appearances or cameos), 4 of which relate to it.

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