10 Successful Actresses Without Outstanding Forms

Apparently, in the minds of the vast majority of girls there is a standard that, if observed, will inevitably succeed. The rate, as a rule, is made on the data laid down by nature.

The figurine should be like an hourglass. Height and weight such that it does not blow away with the wind. The relief of forms is strictly required. Otherwise, cosmetic surgeries and surgeries that model the figure will help. Well-known brands in clothing, lingerie should complement this “vinaigrette” in the head.

In life there is a place for all sorts of miracles. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

10 Claire Foy

English actress. Born in 1984. Height – 1.62 meters. A striking feature of this talented actress is that she lives every moment in the life of her characters. Without judging, without embellishing them.

With a sense of gratitude rethinks their lives. Cardinal reincarnations are not a problem for the actress. Here is a sports lover, and paparazzi, and a zealous hostess, and a romantic young lady. Everywhere original, intriguing and talented.

9. Cameron Diaz

10 Successful Actresses Without Outstanding Forms

American actress and model. Born in 1972. Height – 1.74 meters. According to the memoirs of the actress, since childhood she was shrouded in an atmosphere of love and care. Trusting relationships with parents made it possible to develop the child’s personality virtually without restrictions.

Modeling career opened the way to show business. Non-standard thinking, love of life, love of freedom: everything went into the treasury of future successes.

Having a light character, she easily converges with people, and if she has to part, she maintains friendly relations with them, highly appreciating the time of communication bestowed by life.

8. Alicia Vikander

10 Successful Actresses Without Outstanding Forms

Swedish actress, dancer. Born in 1988. Height – 1.68 meters. The very charm of femininity. Emotionality is an integral part of her nature. The main thing is the event and the feeling that accompanies it.

Stylishness in everything. From hair styling to the comfort of a little toe in a dainty shoe. The airiness of her figure is complemented by jewelry.

Alicia is a sought-after actress. She equally thrillingly manages both the roles of the Russian aristocracy and the heroines of action films.

7. Cara Delevingne

10 Successful Actresses Without Outstanding Forms

British model and actress. Born in 1992, height – 1.73 meters. Weight – 51 kg. Super stylish model of the fashion industry. A sharp look and a sense of the moment are clearly felt in it.

Combined with an inimitable sense of humor, this is already an explosive mixture that begins to gush with infectious laughter.

Freedom in communication, self-confidence – brought up in one of the most famous aristocratic families in Britain.

On the one hand, starting from “such family sites” is not at all difficult. On the other hand, family traditions are a harsh thing all over the world, not only in foggy Albion.

The versatility of the young actress is obvious. Currently, cooperation with Luc Besson has begun. The film “Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets” has already captivated the audience.

6. Audrey Tothou

10 Successful Actresses Without Outstanding Forms

French theater and film actress. Born in 1976. Height – 1.6 meters. Romantic in appearance and in internal harmonious settings.

Sincere and spontaneous. The way she speaks easily betrays in her a person who is deeply thinking, confident and convinced of her rightness.

She hates all sorts of clichés. Whatever it is. A riot of female forms, weights. Romantic on the screen, the same in life. Big-eyed conqueror of men’s hearts and an icon of femininity and grace.

5. Milla Jovovich

10 Successful Actresses Without Outstanding Forms

American actress, musician, model. Born in 1975. Height – 1.74 meters The most Russian Hollywood star.

In life, fragile and tender. On stage is a superwoman with inhuman abilities. And the next moment, a comedian. Cheerful and witty. So light and jumpy that you will admire.

The actress has a small hobby. She loves to dress up. On the one hand, this is due to the status. On the other hand, a purely feminine desire to have at home all the most beloved in clothes, from incongruous things to create changing images for herself, just like that.

4. Kate Hudson

10 Successful Actresses Without Outstanding Forms

American actress. Born in 1979. Height – 1.68 meters. What can you expect from a child who grew up in the Hollywood hills. Only success. There are currently 39 roles played.

Succeeding in acting is not an end in itself, it seems. Healthy lifestyle. Nutrition. Fitness. Everything that makes a person beautiful. A book has been published on this topic, and on this topic, a personal brand of clothing for fitness has been created in real life.

To look perfect, stylish, sporty-elegant – the actress does great. Be true to yourself, your dreams – and everything will work out.

3. Kristen Stewart

10 Successful Actresses Without Outstanding Forms

American actress. Born in 1990. Very young in years of life and work in the cinema. Comet Girl. The highest paid actress in Hollywood.

Despite the small number of years of life, the actress managed to demonstrate the skill of reincarnation to the cinema world. From a diva with a cute glossy look to a modern icon.

Previously, the girl was ready to endure any inconvenience, even physical, if public opinion required it. Fame liberated her and allowed her to break the walls of conventions that she met. Realizing that by isolating from people, she herself loses a lot. Including in terms of money.

2. Natalie Portman

10 Successful Actresses Without Outstanding Forms

American theater and film actress. Born in 1981. Height – 1.6 meters.

Artistic activity since 1994. The actress played a role in the film “Leon”. And even then it became obvious that a new Hollywood star was rising.

Sensual, not false. Passionate. Uninhibited. A person who can painstakingly perform difficult work both in life and in work on the image, bringing it to perfection for as long as you like.

An experimenter in life, striving not to repeat herself, but to move forward and develop. At the same time, as if relying on inner vision. As a vector of the right path.

1. Keira Knightley

10 Successful Actresses Without Outstanding Forms

English actress. Born in 1985. Height – 1.7 meters.

The child’s carefree childhood lasted until the age of seven. The girl made her debut as just a little girl. The game, incredible mobility, brilliant education was preserved for life.

A tall thin figure of an eternal elegant teenager. Sunny, glowing from within. In appearance – self-confidence. Light, impetuous, self-confident actress.

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