
“Movement for the equality of men and women in various spheres of life”, “a movement that sees men as a threat”, “the desire to achieve gender equality”, “a perverted concept of gender equality” … Feminism is such a familiar word that everyone understands to his own. We have accumulated a lot of questions, and we decided to ask them to the «feminist philosopher», as she calls herself, Olgerta Kharitonova.

1. The very idea of ​​feminism is absurd: purely biologically, men and women are different. Is it possible, with this in mind, to talk about social equality?

“Today’s feminism is a perverted concept of gender equality with a shift into an absurd polemic with society for any reason,” says Alexander, 39. “Feminism has perverted the normal concepts of woman and man. At the same time, he will never make a man and a woman biologically equal. We will always be different, both physically and mentally. I think that ardent fanatics from feminism should be sent to serve in the army, sent to work in the mines, for other hard work. All feminism ends when they are uncomfortable, they immediately become weak women. I haven’t seen feminists talking about equality in the normal sense of the word.»

Purely biologically, a woman and a man belong to the same species of Homo sapiens. They have different reproductive systems and due to this, there are some differences in physiology. But only. In terms of mental, mental and physical characteristics, there are no qualitative differences between women and men. Why should a difference in sexual systems entail a difference in legal or political status?

Few people have heard about the list of professions prohibited for women, in which there are 456 items.

From the point of view of society, a woman and a man should have equal social rights and opportunities.

Many men like to use the example of working in a mine or serving in the army. At the same time, few people have heard about the list of professions prohibited for women, which includes 456 items (mostly industrial specialties). Mining is included in this list, but women work as miners in towns and cities where there is no other work. Officially, they are enlisted to work «near» the mine (which is allowed), but in fact they work in the mine itself and receive not by work, but by appointment.

Feminists are fighting to have this list of banned professions abolished. And women have been serving in the army for a long time (though only under contract, and they also advocate that the entire army should switch to a contract basis).

2. Women in Russia are already equal in rights with men: they receive the same salaries, they can study, be elected to the government. What are you actually fighting for?

That equality has already been achieved is nothing more than a myth. Knownthat for the same work in the same position a woman in Russia receives 30% less than a man.

And do not forget about the so-called «glass ceiling» that limits the career growth of women. There are very few women among directors of enterprises, top managers, heads of universities. And not because they don’t want to or can’t handle it. We are simply not allowed. How many women are in the State Duma? About 70 is 15% of the total number of deputies. Despite the fact that in the country more than 50% of the population are women. This is what we are fighting for — not only for equal rights on paper, but also for equal opportunities for their realization.

3. If feminists are fighting for equality with men, does this mean that such a woman carries heavy bags on an equal basis with men?

If women in Russia carried heavy bags on a par with men, who would feed the family? Who would bring the harvest from their summer cottage? Alas, while men carry cigarettes and cash in their pockets, women carry food, children, building materials, suitcases and other belongings.

4. What about the restaurant bill? Feminists against being paid for?

If, paying a bill in a restaurant, a man buys a night with a woman, then we are against such a sale. In general, we are categorically against the fact that a woman is considered as a commodity.

But let’s imagine such a situation. A man understands that the state underpays his female colleague, and overpays him “for beautiful pants”, and decides to correct this bias, at least in this particular case. He invites a colleague to a restaurant, pays the bill, and then takes her to a XNUMX-hour supermarket, buys food for a week, drags bags to her apartment, wishes her good night and leaves to spend the night with him. Feminists will not only not condemn such a single action of protest against labor discrimination against women, but, on the contrary, will welcome it in every possible way.

But, alas, it is difficult for many to even imagine such a thing.

5. If a man opens a door or offers a hand, is this an insult to a feminist?

“In my opinion, initially the idea of ​​feminism was correct, feminists advocated equality, but now I personally imagine lonely neurasthenics who do not allow themselves to open the door or spit in the face of a man who gives his hand when descending from the bus,” writes Maria, 34 years.

If a man opens the door in front of a person with heavy bags, in front of a wheelchair user, in front of an elderly person, if he simply holds the door in the subway — this is an elementary courtesy that is not alien to women.

But when a man deliberately opens the door or gives his hand to an interesting woman and does it to attract her attention, this may be the beginning. harassment, and this is definitely a violation of personal space.

It’s time to change behavior patterns and not consider a woman as prey, give her more freedom for self-expression

Anticipating a possible question: yes, of course, this can also be the beginning of courtship or flirting. But this is in any case an invasion of the personal space of another. And before making it clear that a woman is attractive, you need to ask if she wants to hear about it, especially from you.

It is customary for us to believe that a man is a conqueror and that he can speak, make compliments, start courting an unfamiliar woman. And a woman should be modest and be glad that they paid attention to her. But, in my opinion, such an idea of ​​behavior models reproduces not only the myth of a man — a mammoth hunter, but also the very time of mammoths.

It’s time to change patterns of behavior and not consider a woman as prey, give her more freedom for self-expression, treat a woman as a person. This is the attitude that feminism offers.

6. Why don’t you live in peace: isn’t it nice when they protect, protect and “bring a mammoth”?

Protection is a moot point. Wouldn’t it be better to ensure that no one «attacked» anyone, which means that no one had to be protected from anyone? How much strength will be released for life without fear! But when a woman does not need to be protected, will she need a man? Perhaps this is the question that men are afraid of. They do not believe in their attractiveness unnecessarily, so they continue to win women, and then protect them.

Even if the conditional mammoth is large and allows a woman not to work, this is a golden cage that deprives any prospects

The myth of the mammoth is like the myth of the protector. The primitive tribe survived not by hunting mammoths, but by gathering, which was done by women. What can we say about the present? In the overwhelming majority of Russian families, women are forced to work, because otherwise the family will not survive. And for the “pseudo-mammoth” from her husband, the wife takes on all the housework, the labor of raising children and the sexual service of a man.

Even if the conditional mammoth is large and allows a woman not to work, stay at home and take care of her family, then this is a golden cage that deprives her of any prospects. A mammoth hunter may meet another, and the woman will be left without education, profession, work experience and, ultimately, a normal future.

So, when they protect, protect and “bring a mammoth”, this may be pleasant, but it is very dangerous and unreliable. This is an illusion, which is better not to fall into from the very beginning, so as not to be disappointed later.

7. Feminism and femininity — concepts incompatible?

If femininity is understood as “glossy” beauty, tenderness, sex appeal, high heels, or, on the contrary, modesty and girlish honor, which is supposed to be protected before marriage — the whole set of cliches that require compliance from a woman, then yes, these concepts can be considered incompatible.

8. Some companies introduce a rule: there must be women in the management. But if a male candidate is more suitable? Isn’t this a kink?

Isn’t the transfer of the throne to a male heir, while his sister was born earlier, not an excess? If until now women have not been allowed to lead anything, then it’s time to fix it. Allow them to get an education, get an internship, practice problem solving, and open doors to the top for them.

9. How common are male feminists?

There are men who call themselves feminists, but they have the “sin of mansplaining”: in conversations with women, they use simplified language, making allowances for our gender. So we have great respect for pro-feminists who listen to women, start from their interests, support their initiatives, protect and defend the ideas of feminism.

10. The letter that an engineer from Google wrote and for which he was later fired, is it horror-horror?

Google employee wrotethat there are biological differences between men and women that prevent women from pursuing careers and leadership positions in technology companies. Imagine what he would have written: Russians are arranged in such a way (“no offense, historically it happened, probably, it’s all about physiology”) that they steal well, but they don’t rummage in mathematics in principle. Not given to them. They can steal factories, withdraw capital through offshore zones, ride yachts, but they are not able to solve a simple logarithmic equation. Neural circuits in the head, apparently, do not allow the development of mathematical abilities. Again, no offense.

How would we take it? How stupid, of course. This is the only way to treat such manifestos. Actually, that’s what Google did. Preserving the dignity of the female part of the employees turned out to be more important for them than one not very smart employee who promotes harmful gender stereotypes and violates the code of corporate ethics.

In my opinion, neither a sexist, nor a nationalist, nor a racist can be smart people simply because of the limitations of their thinking. They are imprisoned in a cage of patterns, stereotypes, and one of the modern tasks of feminism is to open such cages. But to get out of them or not, everyone decides for himself.

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