10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

Dreams, according to people, are not as important as what happens in reality. But dreams are important information that comes from our subconscious.

If a person knows how to decipher messages, then dreams can help him in any area of ​​life. Sometimes, for example, if a person dreams of the same thing, this means that he is receiving a signal to think about it – perhaps there are some unresolved problems that need to be solved. Some in dreams come up with answers to exciting questions …

Dreams never lie to us, we can deceive our minds, but the subconscious always knows what is really needed. From the article you will learn about the strange intersections of dreams and reality.

10 Strange dreams are sorting

10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

People who suffer from amnesia, like everyone else, remember what is happening, but cannot remember. Then the brain replays these events in a dream. Strange dreams (for example, a planet flies up to you, you sit down on it and fly away somewhere) can be explained by the fact that the brain is trying to find connections between different stimuli.

The brain finds the memory “file” associated with the planet and compares what you know about the flights – this is to see if they are worth keeping together. Sometimes it really connects, and sometimes it doesn’t.

Interestingly, the stranger the dream, the more active the brain is looking for connections.

9. in the dream is a schizophrenia that everyone has

10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

The dream is very reminiscent of the state of a schizophrenic, just a sick person during the day forgets to “turn off” this strange state. At night, when we dream, each of us plunges into a schizophrenic state, insanity.

Fantastic dreams may mean that you have weak connections in the brain – the brain is trying to extract something specific, but instead it receives incoherent images that become a strange dream.

People with schizophrenia feel the activation of weak ties at any moment, because of which, in the waking state, they experience the same thing as a sleeping dreamer.

8. Nightmares affect mood

10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

If you are suffering and experiencing depression, ask yourself, “Am I having nightmares?” Researchers in their field are convinced that a person’s psychological state is caused by what kind of dreams he has, and vice versa.

If a person is depressed and depressed, they are more likely to have nightmares. It turns out that nightmares can cross the border of sleep and wakefulness.

If you are worried about nightmares, there is no need to rush to see a doctor. First you need to make sure that there are no external stimuli that cause them.

7. Smell can change your dreams

10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

It is already known that external stimuli can intrude into a dream. For example, if a person is thirsty, he will dream of drinking, and if a bright light is turned on, he may dream of sunny weather.

Smells also greatly affect the content of sleep. During the study, sleeping participants were allowed into the nose through a special tube different smells: rotten eggs or flowers, and then asked them what they dreamed about. Those who were to smell the eggs said that the emotional background of the dream worsened.

For example, one participant dreamed of a Chinese woman who was disgusted with him.

6. A dream can predict the future

10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

How is this possible? We will try to explain in simple terms the “law of large numbers”. For example, if the horoscope says that a Taurus person will try a new dish on Saturday, then, given the huge number of Taurus around the world, one of them will definitely do it.

In other words, when we add together many factors, there is a chance that something that was not expected will happen.

This hypothesis is difficult to prove, but it is possible that someday people will be able to predict the future from dreams.

5. Dreams are frequent guests, just not everyone remembers them

10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

There is an opinion that we see the most vivid dreams only during REM sleep. Considering that this phase occurs every 90 minutes, each of us sees a huge number of dreams during the night.

We do not remember boring dreams, but only those that seemed interesting and unusual to us. The rest are similar to reality – for example, in a dream we can do cleaning or take a walk.

Crazy dreams are remembered in the same way as a strange situation from life.

4. Loneliness makes dreams worse

10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

Our relationship with the outside world affects dreams. Insecure people dream almost every night, and they remember them in detail.

Confident people are less likely to remember dreams. It is also interesting that people suffering from self-doubt see more painful and frightening dreams.

This can be explained by the fact that the temporal lobe “fills the void” of those people who are not in a relationship and who do not feel affection for anyone.

3. Video games help induce lucid dreams

10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

Many people want to induce a lucid dream, because it opens up tremendous opportunities for a person – this is a state in which a person understands that he is in a dream and can control what is happening himself.

There are a lot of books written in which authors share their tips on how to induce a lucid dream. But, as it turns out, everything is much simpler – just get carried away with video games.

The sensations that a person experiences during the game are related to how he perceives a dream. Therefore, it is much easier for gamers to realize themselves in a dream.

2. Animals, like people, remember their dreams.

10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

An interesting experiment was conducted with rats – when they ran in circles, their brain activity followed a strict pattern.

When the brains of rats were examined while they were sleeping, it was found that its activity during the REM phase was repeated – in their dream, the animals continued to run in circles.

Scientist Matthew Wilson believes that the purpose of in the dream is to reinforce a memory. It is easier for people to remember what they have learned before going to bed.

1. People suffering from amnesia have strange dreams

10 strange intersections of dreams and reality

In a dream, memories of the forgotten can return to people suffering from amnesia. For example, it could be some skill they have but don’t remember it.

Waking up, people may be overwhelmed with a sense of discovery, but soon what they see is forgotten again. After some time, the same thing will be dreamed, and the person with amnesia will feel it, as for the first time.

A person who has amnesia sees objects in his dreams as very strange, because he cannot remember where and when he saw them in reality.

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