10 stones that grant wishes

Each stone has its own character, just like a person. People have known since ancient times that minerals can influence a person and his destiny.

Noble ladies, for example, specially selected certain stones for themselves so that they would bring happiness, joy and love into their lives.

Many people choose a stone according to the principle “I like it”, however, its choice should be approached more responsibly, because an incorrectly chosen talisman, on the contrary, can bring misfortune.

In this collection you will learn about stones that grant wishes. But before choosing a mineral for yourself, find out if it suits your zodiac sign. See the amazing selection and choose!

10 Amethyst

10 stones that grant wishes

Amethyst is one of the most mystical purple stones. If the name is translated into Greek, then the stone means “non-drunk”.

This is due to an interesting legend – God Dionysus fell in love with the beautiful nymph Amethys. But, unfortunately, her heart belonged to someone else. Dionysus did not give up and tried to win over the beauty. The goddess Artemis found a way to resolve the love drama – she turned the nymph into stone, in memory of the unrequited love of Dionysus.

According to legend, the stone prevents “from intoxication with love.” Amethyst also protects its owner from alcohol addiction.

9. Lapis lazuli

10 stones that grant wishes

The mineral has a bright blue color, came to us from the East. The stone was used in construction, for a long time Eastern and Western artists used it in their works.

The mineral was crushed into powder and ultramarine was made – a deep blue resin-based paint. A magic stone can change the life of its owner for the better, get rid of diseases.

Interaction with the stone should be carried out with love and pure thoughts, lapis lazuli is a powerful talisman, but it helps only those who are kind and sincere.

8. Aquamarine

10 stones that grant wishes

Aquamarine means “sea water”. In the distant times of the Sumerian civilization (the ancient population of Southern Mesopotamia), which existed 2000 BC. e., gently bluish stones were a symbol of a long and happy life, youth and health.

In Rome, the mineral personified real genuine love and devotion, and was the protector of sailors.

In the Middle Ages, aquamarine was used to return former feelings to the relationship of partners and melt the chill.

7. Turquoise

10 stones that grant wishes

Turquoise is a fragile mineral, its color is sky blue, but other interesting shades can be found.

The stone is considered one of the most mysterious, for a long time it managed to absorb a huge supply of energy from our ancestors, so it has useful properties.

If you hold a stone in your hand in the morning and look at it with love, then the day will be good and bring good luck.

Turquoise was mined in Persia and was called “firuze” as a lucky stone. In Rus’, a woman in love with a man used turquoise to evoke reciprocal feelings.

6. pink opal

10 stones that grant wishes

A romantic pink stone, opal has been popular with people for centuries. The Romans called the mineral “Cupid’s stone”, believing that it personifies purity and romance.

Various legends were composed about opals, for example, according to Indian legend, it is said that the body of the goddess Rainbow crumbled into minerals, which was pursued by men who longed to be with her.

Interestingly, opal is not a crystal, but an amorphous substance, it contains water. If you get into the habit of wearing a pink opal bracelet, then the mineral will help rid its owner of depression and negative thoughts.

5. Onyx

10 stones that grant wishes

Onyx in Greek means “nail”. It is called so because of one funny story – according to legend, once Eros jokingly cut Aphrodite’s nails with an arrowhead when she was sleeping. Petrified, they turned into an amazing stone.

Onyx gives its owner confidence, fortitude and fortitude of thoughts. And the stone is also useful for those who are inactive, got into a life impasse and are passive – onyx causes a desire to live and experience joy from every moment. Most likely, wearing it, you can find a way out of a difficult situation.

4. Ruby

10 stones that grant wishes

Ruby is a stone of extraordinary beauty, from which it is impossible to take your eyes off! The mineral helps in love affairs: those who have not yet met their love can rely on the ruby ​​as an intermediary, the stone will definitely help you meet your soul mate, leading you to the right time and the right place.

If you are already in a relationship, then the stone deepens the feelings of lovers, making them more passionate and sensual.

Ruby also helps its owner fight fears and overcome negative thoughts.

In Rus’, the ruby ​​was considered a stone that was able to protect from bad dreams.

3. Chrysoprase

10 stones that grant wishes

Many people choose this stone as their talisman for a reason, because chrysoprase is considered a stone that brings happiness: good luck, luck, material wealth and success with such a talisman will not make you wait for your owner.

Its owner always remains a winner and his thoughts become positive, including about himself and his life.

Green stones are so beautiful that they are confused with emeralds, although chrysoprase is a semi-precious stone.

Alexander the Great always carried this wonderful stone with him, so he was accompanied by success and good luck.

2. Malachite

10 stones that grant wishes

Malachite is a bewitching stone that includes all shades of green, even black and green.

This mineral is one of the best talismans for children. He is able to bring good luck and ward off bad events, calm and give strength.

Malachite is not only a healing stone, it is also useful for those who like to travel, the stone is able to protect on the way, protect from any unpleasant events.

Also, green malachite has long been considered a stone that fulfills the most secret desires.

1. Cornelian

10 stones that grant wishes

An amazing bright mineral occurs after volcanoes. It can form in lava bubbles.

For many millennia, magical properties were attributed to the stone, and Russian people associated it with the heart because of its shade.

Mineral deposits can be located in any country, usually they are brought by water to the ocean.

The carnelian has many magical properties, first of all, it is a wonderful talisman in love affairs. He is able to improve the relationship of lovers and evoke passionate reciprocal feelings.

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