10 stereotypes from different countries that turned out to be true

There are stereotypes about every country, but we do not always take them seriously, realizing that in reality everything can be different. But some beliefs and stereotypes are very much in place – they do not come from nowhere, and those who have traveled in other countries can tell their compatriots about it.

For example, on the Internet you can read that the British are not used to expressing their feelings, and in their manifestations they are very restrained – this is true, but until you visit another country, you will not know for sure.

We invite us to believe, and if you are not going to travel to different countries in the near future, learn from us which stereotypes are true.

10 Italians: emotions and gestures

If you decide to visit Italy, then be prepared for the fact that Italians love to use gestures in communicating with people, in addition, they speak loudly and emotionally. To establish contact, you will have to copy their behavior.

Every behavior has a reason – once the Apennine peninsula (the famous “Italian boot”) was divided into kingdoms, and people spoke different dialects of Italian. They had to use gestures to understand each other. They are really emotional and have a stormy temperament, but not to such an extreme as they are presented.

9. Japan: Residents don’t like to say “no”

In the land of the rising sun, they never say the word “no”, they just don’t have this denial. For example, you arrived in Japan and went to visit someone, the owner offers you to taste tea and delicious food, but before that you visited a cafe and were fully satisfied. Saying “No”, you can’t, because it will ruin the positive atmosphere in the house, but you can refuse in another way, saying: “Thank you, but I’m full.”

The roots of this behavior come from timmoki (the art of silence in communication), people would rather remain silent than offend someone.

8. Canada: people often use “hey”

At first, you don’t pay attention to the Canadian “hey”, but then you realize that the people of Canada constantly use the word-parasite. Canadians constantly “eye”, which means they are surprised, tender, annoyed … just a lot of emotions.

This stereotype causes a lot of jokes, including among Americans. Out of habit, Canadians do not miss the opportunity to “eye” at the end of a sentence.

7. Great Britain: politeness and equanimity

In the UK, they are very scrupulous about the norms and rules of conduct. Parents almost from the cradle tell their children how to behave. The British will never find it difficult to apologize and thank someone for a service rendered.

The inhabitants of England remain steadfast in any situation, it is almost impossible to piss them off. They are always very polite and phlegmatism even prevails in their character. When communicating with the British, it is difficult to guess their emotions, because it is not customary for them to show them.

6. USA: people always smile

As soon as you get off the plane upon arrival in America, you will see smiling people everywhere. They are always ready to help their neighbor, their faces are full of smiles and joy.

The smile of Americans is not hypocrisy, as many believe, but education. Already from childhood, people are taught to respect their neighbors, to be kind, and it is generally accepted that if Americans give their neighbor a good mood, then he himself will have a good day.

In addition, Americans love to say nice words even to strangers – how can you not smile here?

5. Brazil: people are in no hurry and late

Brazilians know how to enjoy life, they are not in a hurry, they do not stand in traffic jams. They have something more important than deeds – what is called life. Yes, they are often late, but everyone is used to this, so if you come to Brazil and want to invite someone to visit, do it at least one hour in advance.

If you are a person who is always in a hurry when walking around Rio de Janeiro, you will slow down your tone of habitual walking. In Brazil, punctuality is considered bad form, and it is not worth arriving on time for a meeting here. There is never a rush and fuss in Brazil.

4. France: The French always go on strike

Strikes were much more frequent in previous generations, but in today’s world they happen regularly too. Everyone is on strike: postmen, officials, electricians, doctors, and so on. This is due to the vigorous activity of trade unions, high taxes and the crisis.

The French do not always achieve what they want, but others constantly suffer from their actions: transport stops, and people are late for work, events are canceled and various institutions are closed.

3. Argentina: everyone loves football

Argentines love football, and for them it is not just a ball game, but a real passion. When championships are held in Argentina, people get exemptions from work and training because these days are considered days off.

Children of elementary grades are well versed in football and are sure to support any local club. The stadium has an atmosphere that cannot be expressed in words … It is unique and worth seeing with your own eyes.

2. Australia: Christmas is celebrated in the summer

We are used to the fact that the New Year holidays fall in the winter – at this time it gets dark early, the streets are decorated with beautiful lanterns, garlands, everything sparkles and creates a magical atmosphere … it’s hard to imagine, but in Australia, when the whole world celebrates Christmas, real summer is people sunbathe on the beach and swim in the sea.

Christmas gatherings are held here on the beach with a barbecue at a temperature of +30. Otherwise, Argentines also decorate their houses, buy Christmas trees, souvenirs, etc.

1. Russia: the most beautiful girls

Of course, beauty is a relative concept, and attractive people can be found in different parts of the Earth, but since there are a huge number of people with genes of different nations in Russia, girls with an interesting appearance are born here. Their appearance is unique, peculiar, inimitable, and such beauty is considered rare.

For foreigners, what is new will always be prettier, because we love the unusual and far from the unified, so the Russians, on the contrary, seem to be more beautiful girls of other nations.

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