10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didn’t Hinder Their Careers

It seems that external defects and glory are incompatible, except perhaps in rare cases. But our selection suggests otherwise – sometimes some visible flaw, on the contrary, can become the “calling card” of an actor.

For example, British actor Liam Neeson was engaged in boxing in his youth, because of which he broke his nose. This did not prevent the actor from gaining world fame!

If others skillfully emphasize their flaws, turning them into a highlight, maybe we can do the same? Let’s learn from celebrities to live, accepting and loving their appearance defects.

10 Britney Spears (psoriasis)

10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didnt Hinder Their Careers


Psoriasis is a non-communicable disease that affects the skin. Reddish spots with white cups appear on the body. It is not transmitted by contact with a person, but is inherited.

Britney Spears has this disease. Sometimes the spots disappear, and sometimes the disease reminds of itself – the skin is covered with scales. Inflammation is exacerbated by skin wounds, stress, or excessive drinking or smoking.

The pop singer herself believes that her illness is associated with the difficult lifestyle that she leads.

9. Denzel Washington (protruding pinky)

10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didnt Hinder Their Careers

Denzel Washington also has a flaw, but that hasn’t stopped him from being one of the best and most successful actors in Hollywood. Due to an old basketball injury, his little finger on his right hand protrudes at a 45° angle.

He did not go to the hospital in time, so now his little finger is protruding. It’s hard not to notice, but the actor is so amazing that it doesn’t matter.

Is anyone going to pay attention to his fingers if Denzel is doing an excellent job in his profession?

8. Joaquin Phoenix (cleft lip)

10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didnt Hinder Their Careers

The cleft lip is a congenital defect of the facial region, in which the upper lip is divided into two parts. Joaquin Phoenix was born with this anomaly.

He has a scar above his lip, and some mistake it for a scar that was left after an operation to correct his defect, but this is not so. This scar is not from the operation, it is a cleft lip, that is, a hidden cleft, since the tissues have grown to the point that they can connect.

Despite this, Joaquin is one of the most successful actors in Hollywood, a three-time Oscar nominee, Golden Globe winner, etc.

7. Whoopi Goldberg (no eyebrows)

10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didnt Hinder Their Careers

People, viewers who are attentive, probably could notice that Whoopi Goldberg (real name Caryn Elaine Johnson) – an American actress, has no eyebrows.

How many rumors go around them! Some claim that she has a rare disease trichotillomania (in which people tear their hair), but the actress herself once shaved them off, and when the eyebrows began to grow back, they itched and did not look very good.

Therefore, Whoopi Goldberg shaves them to this day.

6. Daryl Hannah (missing index finger knuckle)

10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didnt Hinder Their Careers

American actress Daryl Hannah is missing the tip of her left index finger. She lost it in an accident that happened to her as a child.

The girl was visiting her grandmother, playing, (as you know, children are curious) Daryl stuck her finger into the hole in the wall. Unfortunately, the finger could not be removed and the tip had to be amputated.

Daryl Hanna very skillfully hides her flaw, so that you won’t notice it – she wears a prosthesis.

5. Kate Hudson (protruding ears)

10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didnt Hinder Their Careers

In her youth, actress Kate Hudson was very complex because of her large and protruding ears. She had to use ear correctors and wear bouffant hair so as not to draw attention to her ears.

But only with age we begin to accept ourselves and love. In youth, almost everyone engages in self-flagellation and looks for “flaws” in themselves. So Kate accepted her ears, the way they are, only with time.

Now the actress not only does not hide her “flaw”, but can easily show them by wearing a short haircut. You need to take an example from the stars!

4. Natalie Dormer (facial paralysis)

10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didnt Hinder Their Careers

The charming British actress Natalie Dormer has facial paralysis (by the way, Dmitry Nagiyev has the same ailment, which has become his “calling card”, probably everyone knows his “signature” squint).

She received it due to a birth injury, and hides it behind a “Hollywood” smile. We can say that Natalie’s paralysis is not so pronounced, her mouth is distorted only slightly. When the actress relaxes her face, pinching is visible at these moments.

But on the screen, almost no one pays attention to the defect of the actress, because the make-up artists successfully correct it.

3. Halle Berry (six toes)

10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didnt Hinder Their Careers

The always slender and attractive actress Holly Beria has 6 toes on her foot. Such defects are easy to eliminate in childhood (it happens in one of 5000 newborns, and the finger is immediately removed), but the actress’s parents did not want to take risks and give the girl for surgery.

The actress is not at all shy about her flaw, and can freely wear open shoes, even at a public event.

Many should learn to accept themselves from her!

2. Paris Hilton (Lazy Eye Syndrome)

10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didnt Hinder Their Careers

The American actress, designer, heiress of the family business has the outrageous Paris Hilton “lazy eye” syndrome (in other words, amblyopia, this is a decrease in vision, in which one eye is partially or completely not involved in the visual process).

If you look closely at the photographs of Paris, you can find that she always tries to turn her face to the camera on the right side. This is due to the fact that the left eye seems much smaller than the right one, because its muscles are weak.

1. Forest Whitaker (congenital ptosis of the upper eyelid)

10 Stars With Noticeable Defects That Didnt Hinder Their Careers

The famous African-American actor Forest Whitaker “suffers” from congenital ptosis (in this disease, the upper or lower eyelid is omitted, this disease occurs during the period of intrauterine development of the embryo).

The problem can be solved with the help of surgery, but the actor is in no hurry to change his appearance.

Due to a defect, the upper eyelid of Forest’s left eye is almost always in a slightly open state, this look is his “highlight”.

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