10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying

We are used to seeing these people rich, famous and prosperous. They are loved by millions, they are quoted, they are trying to imitate.

These stars have contracts for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and some even became the owners of their own star on the Walk of Fame.

Looking at them today, it is hard to imagine that their childhood and youth cannot be called happy. We’ve rounded up 10 stars who had a terrible childhood.

10 Jack Nicholson

10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying Jack Nicholson is a very textured actor with remarkable talent. His childhood can not be fully called terrible, but it kept a big secret. And the salt lies in the way in which this secret was revealed.

It turned out that Jack’s sister was actually his mother. She was 17 years old when she became pregnant and could not accurately name the father of the child. Then her mother, actually the boy’s grandmother, called him her son and raised him like a son.

It turned out after her death, and one of the reporters unearthed this fact, Nicholson did not know anything.

9. Woody Harrelson

10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying The audience loves Woody Harrelson for his talent and invariably bright roles. He has acted in such films as Illusion of Deception, The Hunger Games, True Detective, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri, and others.

Fortunately, he chose a career as an actor and did not follow in his father’s footsteps. After all, when Woody was only seven years old, his father was sent to prison – he was a hired killer.

Even 10 years later, the father killed the district judge and received two life sentences for this. Woody is the middle son, he has two brothers.

8. Eminem

10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying If we talk about a difficult childhood, Marshall Bruce Mathers, known as Eminem, immediately comes to mind. There is a lot of genuine pain and real stories in his lyrics.

He was only six months old when his father left his wife and child, never to appear in their lives again. Mom, Deborah Mathers, raised her son as it turned out. And it didn’t work out very well. She often broke down on the little Marshall and raised her hand to him.

In addition, in search of work, she moved from state to state, dragging her son with her. Marshall had to change school after school, where he endured all the delights of being a freshman each time.

Eminem recalls being beaten regularly, in the classroom, the hallway, the school toilet and in the yard.

7. Charlize Theron

10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying Charlize Theron as a child had to taste all the “charms” of life in the family of an alcoholic. Her father drank a lot and often behaved inappropriately. It got to the point that he and his mother could never fully feel safe.

Once, in a drunken stupor, Charlize’s father grabbed a gun and started shooting, aiming at his wife and daughter. Fortunately, not only the man had weapons, and the mother was able to protect herself and her daughter.

As a result, he died. Later, in an interview with Charlize Theron, she said that she considered her mother a heroine and would have done the same in her place.

6. Demmy Moor

10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying Demi’s biological father left her mother while still pregnant. Soon she found a new man, but became addicted to alcohol, and together they often drank themselves unconscious.

In a state of intoxication, the stepfather often scolded and beat the children. It was difficult for him to find a job, and therefore Demi’s family often moved from place to place. Therefore, it was difficult for the girl to make friends and build relationships at school.

At the age of 16, Demi dropped out of school and went to a modeling school, and a little later, following her neighbor Nastassya Kinski, she decided to try herself in the cinema.

Starting to earn money, Demi offered her parents treatment for addiction more than once, but they refused. She reconciled with her mother only at the very end of the life of a parent.

5. Mike Dixon

10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying One of the reasons for his success, Michael Jackson considered the strict discipline that his father established. And Michael suffered the most from her.

Johef used cruel and sometimes strange methods of education: he beat children, punished them. At the rehearsal of the “Jacksons” quintet, Joseph did not appear otherwise than with a belt. Michael said that it was worth doing something wrong, and the father immediately skillfully brought the children to hysteria.

One day, the boys forgot to close the bedroom window, and Joseph climbed in wearing a scary mask, yelling and snarling. Since then, Michael has been having nightmares about being kidnapped by monsters.

Joseph’s upbringing left an indelible mark on the personality of Michael Jackson.

4. Jim carrey

10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying Jim Carrey was born and raised in Canada. His mother was a singer, but after the birth of children she left her career. There were four children in the family. Jim’s father, Percy, lost his job when the future actor just started school.

Percy was forced to work in a factory that made tires and metal rims. The salary was so low that after school the wife and children went to help their father, mopping the floors, cleaning the toilets. Jim experienced this period very hard and became a withdrawn child.

When Percy lost that job as well, the whole family lived in a van. The mother’s neurosis did not make life easier either. She was a hypochondriac and constantly invented new diseases for herself.

Hollywood became Jim’s dream and his chance for a better life. Fortunately, his talent was recognized, otherwise he would have been forced to return to the factory.

3. Mark Wahlberg

10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying Mark Wahlberg is a talented actor, known to the audience for the films “Transformers”, “The Lovely Bones”, “Max Payne”.

But in his youth, Mark was a very problematic child. According to him, he had about three dozen drives to the police. Mark could be called a racist, he was arrested more than once for attacks on the Vietnamese.

One day he was walking with a club in his hands (it seems that this was the norm for Dorchester, in Massachusetts) and attacked a Vietnamese, crushing his skull. Mark did not even begin to deny his guilt.

In addition, he had problems with cocaine and other types of drugs. Having become a famous hip-hop artist, Mark did not calm down and at one of the parties he quarreled with Madonna and got into a fight with her agent.

2. Drew Barrymore

10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying Famous Drew Barrymore became very early. She played her first role at 11 months old, but real fame came to her at the age of 7, when she took part in the filming of Steven Spielberg’s film.

Little Drew could not cope with the unexpected success that fell on her. She started smoking at the age of 9, at the age of 11 she became addicted to alcohol. Then it came to drugs. Drew entered rehab for the first time at the age of 14.

In 1990, her father and mother were deprived of parental rights, and Barrymore herself took her head and never returned to a rebellious lifestyle.

1. Oprah Winfrey

10 stars whose childhood and youth can be terrifying Oprah Winfrey is a popular American TV presenter, producer and public figure. Forbes has repeatedly recognized her as one of the most influential women in the country. But it was not so easy for a woman, especially a dark-skinned woman, to reach such heights.

Opry spent her early childhood with her grandmother, who worked a lot with the girl, took her to church, but also punished her misdeeds wholeheartedly.

Oprah later moved in with her mother, who was even less supportive of her daughter. These were the hardest years of her life. She was molested by her brothers and uncle from the age of 9, and was later raped.

At the age of 14, Opry ran away from home, became pregnant and gave birth to a child who died shortly after birth. Dissatisfied with her daughter’s behavior, her mother sent her to her father in another city.

The father was very strict, but approached the upbringing of his daughter with responsibility, helped her get a decent education and break out into the people.

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