10 Stars Who Don’t Like to Talk to Fans

Being a world-class star is not at all easy, because for the sake of fees, popularity and the opportunity to do what you love, you sometimes give up your individuality.

Why did obsessive fans suddenly decide that all celebrities are extroverts who sincerely adore the public and do everything to please them? Doesn’t it occur to you that people have their own world, the limits of personal communication?

Many of the stars do what they love only because they have a soul for it, they just get high on stage or on the set, and do not at all pursue the goal of being popular and everyone will like it.

That is why the media world is so excited about the idea that some stars do not like communication with fans and try to avoid it in every possible way. Today we present 10 Hollywood stars who do not want increased attention to their person and may well do without fans.

10 Cameron Diaz

10 Stars Who Dont Like to Talk to Fans Everyone considers Cameron one of the most smiling and friendly actresses, however, this is not entirely true. Even colleagues in the shop complain that it is not always easy to work with her because of her specific nature and desire for solitude.

As soon as Diaz confronts the fans, it’s like she’s being replaced. She is very reluctant to communicate with fans and take pictures, does not like to answer questions from the paparazzi, avoids the need to sign autographs. The last duty of her is completely burdensome, so one day she sincerely discouraged a fan by refusing to sign him. Cameron argued this by the fact that if he gives an autograph to him, then everyone else will have to.

9. Ariana Grande

10 Stars Who Dont Like to Talk to Fans The young star quickly gained popularity and against this backdrop turned up her charming nose. Ariana has been caught more than once for eccentric behavior and harsh statements.

The singer does not like signing autographs, and once wished a crowd of fans with notebooks to go to the next world. Ariana does not hesitate to declare that she does not love America and the people living in it, without thinking about her many fans. Of course, she later apologized on social networks, but the offensive trick will be remembered for a long time to come.

8. Britney Spears

10 Stars Who Dont Like to Talk to Fans The era of the sweet innocent girl, when Britney happily smiled at the fans, signed her seductive posters and waved to the raging crowd during concerts, has passed.

After certain events in her life, everything went awry. Now Spears is far from being so friendly to fans, insistently demanding protection from her bodyguards from them.

Britney authoritatively states during a fan meeting not to touch her without permission and not to carry gifts. And the grumbling singer does not really like to sign autographs.

7. Ewan McGregor

10 Stars Who Dont Like to Talk to Fans The famous Star Wars Jedi literally stunned fans five years ago by admitting that he hates them.

Of course, the aggression was directed mainly at the fans who solicited his attention personally and insistently demanded an autograph. McGregor called such persistent people “fucking wankers” (excuse the “French”) and “dependent scum.” At the end of the interview, the actor added that he sincerely does not consider them true Star Wars fans.

6. Shia LaBeouf

10 Stars Who Dont Like to Talk to Fans Another well-known brawler, who was caught every now and then for various tricks. Shaya has some very strange performances – either he will fight with the actor, or he will threaten the fans.

For example, once Shaya started a classic fight in a bar, from which a fan helped him to emerge victorious. But instead of gratitude, the unfortunate fan received a spitting artist who threatened to stab him so that he would not get under his feet.

It is impossible to see such a person with a sincere and warm smile signing autographs for fans in love.

5. Rihanna

10 Stars Who Dont Like to Talk to Fans The very expression of Rihanna’s face is always squeamishly haughty, so it’s hard to imagine how she hugs fans with great desire and signs autographs for everyone.

In addition, the singer has been accused of cyberbullying more than once (bullying an ardent fan on the Internet). Rihanna retweeted a photo of a cute fan, berating her wholesome and interesting impersonation.

4. Kim Kardashian

10 Stars Who Dont Like to Talk to Fans The socialite has long been a symbol of pathos and narcissism. Everyone wants “a bag like Kim’s”, “a car like Kim’s”, “an ass like Kim’s”, etc. But Kim herself does not want anyone to imitate her, therefore she does not like fans.

Rumor has it that her character deteriorated after a relationship with a specific person and brawler Kanye West. Somehow, Kardashian dropped a careless phrase that she would now choose which fans to take pictures with and which not.

Even the expression on the face of the star acquired some kind of arrogance and narcissism. It seems that fans will now think 100 times whether to take a selfie with the world favorite.

3. Madonna

10 Stars Who Dont Like to Talk to Fans Madonna’s Star Trek is staggering – she drew giant stadiums of fans, and fans still remember the wonderful moments of meeting a celebrity.

However, Madonna is a well-known brawler who periodically scolds fans, allows herself to be late for concerts for hours without even bothering to apologize to the crowd.

From time to time, the diva gives obscene phrases to fans, and instead of autographs, unpleasant swear words may appear in notebooks. There is a limit to the patience of the fans, so the aged singer has already received the nickname “Queen of Evil”.

2. Christian Bale

10 Stars Who Dont Like to Talk to Fans The actor of large-scale blockbusters perfectly gets used to the role, perhaps precisely because he is quite aggressive and eccentric in life. At the same time, during the “attacks”, Bale’s entire entourage gets – colleagues, friends, film set workers and, of course, frightened fans.

Christian has repeatedly lost his temper during meetings with fans and requests for an autograph could bring them to hysterics. Bale once sent a death threat fax to a fan.

1. Justin Bieber

10 Stars Who Dont Like to Talk to Fans After the artist’s popularity began to skyrocket, his behavior deteriorated dramatically, especially with regard to relations with fans.

For example, six years ago, Bieber spat at fans from a balcony. And 3 years ago, the singer defiled the flag, which he received as a gift from an Argentinean fan. In the same period, the singer decided to fight with a fan.

After some time, an enraged Bieber wrote on Instagram that he did not want to be photographed with people at all, because at such moments he feels like an animal in a zoo.

Some stars are just trying to protect their personal space from the annoying attention of fans, while others cross the line and lose their human appearance. In any case, fans and stars should respect each other’s time and habits, and then everything will be fine.

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