10 stars who became parents early

Celebrities sometimes do not get tired of surprising us with their “skeletons” in the closet. Either the paparazzi will dig up about some kind of addiction to toxic drugs, or they will raise the topic of “homelessness” in the past, or they will talk about mental disorders.

Well, the topic of early motherhood, as you know, will never lose its relevance. It is interesting to watch the stars and find out which of them managed to “bring in the hem” at an early age.

Let’s get acquainted with the famous women who became mothers at an early age.

10 Solange Knowles

10 stars who became parents early The younger sister of the pop diva Beyoncé, Solange, may not have gained the same crazy popularity, but she managed to get pregnant and give birth to a baby much earlier than her sister, who experienced problems in this regard.

Solange managed to get married at the age of 17, and a year later her first child was born. Marriage to football player Dani Smith lasted only 3 years, followed by a difficult divorce, but the singer still does not regret that she decided to leave the child – because he is a real blessing in her life.

Now the woman has moved to New York, works as an actress and singer, has the opportunity to give her beloved child a normal life.

9. Sofia Vergara

10 stars who became parents early The famous beauty, actress Vergara gave birth to her first son at the age of 19. At that time, she was married to Joe Gonzalez, however, the marriage could not stand the routine, and even the appearance of a noisy baby in the family.

A year later, the couple divorced, and Sofa was left alone with a small child in her arms, which was not easy to raise. But still, her beloved son gave her strength and helped her move towards a common goal.

8. Kylie Jenner

10 stars who became parents early Socialite and Instagram star Kylie Jenner shocks the public with various antics. It’s no secret that the girl wanted to give birth at the age of 20, and even from an inexperienced 25-year-old guy Travis Scott.

Young people meet recently, and have already planned such an important step as the birth of a child. So the star daughter was born and has already become a little Instagram star, like her fashionable mother.

The main thing is that Kylie has the wisdom and love to raise a child socially adapted and mentally healthy, and not spoil him, as modern rich stars like to do.

7. Reese Witherspoon

10 stars who became parents early Reese and Ryan Phillip had a stormy romance during the filming of Cruel Intentions – they played love not only on the set, but also in life.

So, the actress turned out to be a married lady at the age of 22, and a couple of months later her daughter Ava was born. Neither Witherspoon nor Phillip regret at all that they gave birth to a baby so early – after all, it was a desired child from great love, even if the marriage did not take place.

The actress considers her three children a gift of fate, but recalls with bitterness how difficult it is to raise one child. Therefore, she does not want such a fate for her maturing daughter and recommends that all girls sort themselves out before marriage, which, in her opinion, is possible not earlier than 25 years.

6. Anna Nicole Smith

10 stars who became parents early The Playboy star led a wild and daring life, so it is not at all surprising that she gave birth to her first child, Daniel, at the age of 17. At the same time, it is noteworthy that Anna was officially married to promising chef Billy Smith.

Soon after the birth, the couple fled, and the model raised her son alone. Maybe that’s why the gap between the eldest and subsequent child (daughter) was as much as 20 years.

Unfortunately, Dani’s fate did not work out – he was on heavy medications and died of an accidental overdose in 2006.

The woman was heartbroken and lived without her beloved son for only a few months, after which she also rested in peace. They buried the star mother and son in the Bahamas nearby.

5. Edith Piaf

10 stars who became parents early The legendary French singer, contrary to prevailing social mores, met her first husband at the age of 16. From ardent love, a beautiful daughter, Marcel, was born.

Of course, her husband wanted Edith to devote herself to motherhood and housekeeping. But Piaf, at that time serving in a cabaret, had huge ambitions and wanted to connect her life with music.

A divorce followed, as a result of which the ex-husband made the fateful decision to steal his little daughter. The baby fell ill with tuberculous meningitis and died at the age of 3 years. More Piaf did not dare to have children until the end of her life.

4. Britney Spears

10 stars who became parents early The famous “virgin” of American pop culture did not sit in the girls for long. A stormy romance with the brutal dancer Federline – and now she is already married and at the age of 23 she is raising her first child.

Probably, Spears’ marriage was so inspiring that the weather brother Jayden was born next.

Whether stress or a different worldview, but the star spouses fled with scandals and lawsuits 2 years after the wedding.

What happened after that with the former cutie Britney remains to be remembered with pity and indignation.

3. Jamie Lynn Spears

10 stars who became parents early Britney’s younger sister decided to play adulthood even earlier, as she became pregnant at the age of 16.

It is noteworthy that the girl had dreams of becoming a famous actress, but she had to take a decree to raise her growing daughter.

And the engagement with the baby’s father did not work out – there was no official marriage, because he was, for a second, only 18 years old. Young men at this age are now infantile and not ready for responsibility.

It is noteworthy that Jamie nevertheless found herself in show business, performing good country tracks.

2. Whoopi Goldberg

10 stars who became parents early The Hollywood actress has been battered by life a lot – she is familiar firsthand with both alcohol and drug addiction, as well as vagrancy and lack of money for normal food.

The street life of the future star led to the fact that she gave birth to her first child at 18 years old. The father of Martin’s daughter wanted Whoopi to be a good mother, and helped her overcome her addiction and find a job.

The couple broke up when Goldberg nevertheless decided to conquer America by getting a job in the theater. Martin refused to move from the capital. Later, the 16-year-old daughter followed in the footsteps of her mother, giving Whoopi a grandson.

1. Aretha Franklin

10 stars who became parents early The legendary R&B singer, who sang sermons in her youth, managed to become the youngest mom in our review.

The first time she gave birth at only 13 years old, and the second child was born two years later. The sons were raised by their own aunt, while the girl was making a career in the music business, using her natural gift to the fullest.

Aretha has managed to become a mother and one of the most in-demand R&B singers on the planet.


Many famous women deliberately decided on pregnancy in their youth and even were officially married.

Others, due to their youth and stupidity, went on a big spree, and the child became a consequence of a responsible choice in life.

But in any case, at such moments we understand that they are also people with their own dilemmas, problems and difficult fate.

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