10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

Malignant neoplasms are the “sore spot” of modern medicine, since a universal cure for cancer of all stages and forms has not yet been invented. There is an opinion among doctors and scientists that oncology refers to the problems of psychosomatics – that is, stress, neuroses and a chaotic lifestyle cause the reproduction of malignant cells. Therefore, it is not surprising that a terrible disease often occurs in show business stars with their busy schedules, great responsibility to the crowd of fans, bad habits and chronic stress.

Unfortunately, a strong financial position and connections with the world’s best specialists in the medical field do not always help to defeat an unfortunate disease. Because of him, we have lost many worthy pop and cinema stars.

But still, today we will look at those celebrities who did not back down from the fight and in the end were able to defeat oncology.

10 Robert De Niro

10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

Charming and charismatic American actor in life is not always so smiling and self-confident. At the end of his 60s, he was diagnosed with a common disease for such an age – prostate cancer. The forecasts were quite optimistic, so the actor was in no hurry to put an end to a well-lived life. To recover, he had to endure a radical prostatectomy (amputation of the gland) and a fairly quick rehabilitation. Yes, Robert’s sex life is over (and even at his age), but the chance of a recurrence of the disease is also unlikely. After treatment, De Niro managed to star in more than 20 films – the dangerous disease did not affect productivity.

9. Kylie Minogue

10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

The adorable petite Australian was quietly touring Europe when she was suddenly diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 36. The tour had to be postponed – a serious operation and a course of chemotherapy were brewing. Fans supported Kylie and did not even return tickets bought for concerts. The tumor was successfully removed, followed by an 8-month course of debilitating drug therapy, as a result of which the singer lost her beautiful hair and health. But still, she survived and now carries information to the masses on the issues of timely diagnosis of cancer and the fight against it, supports sick women in cancer treatment centers.

8. Yuriy Nikolaev

10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

The famous Russian showman learned about the terrible diagnosis in 2007 – intestinal oncology. At this moment, the world for the TV presenter “turned black”, and even wanted to give up. But he courageously took his will into a fist and trusted the domestic Moscow doctors, who performed several successful operations on him and the necessary course of medical treatment. Nikolaev believes in God and was grateful to him for being able to survive. Now, during the period of remission, the presenter successfully performs in various projects (“In Our Time”, “Property of the Republic”, etc.), not forgetting to mention the painful topic of the fight against cancer.

7. Hugh Jackman

10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

Literally 5 years ago, the famous Wolverine was diagnosed with a dangerous subtype of oncology – skin cancer (basal cell carcinoma). It is sad that going to the doctor about strange spots on the skin can turn into such a shocking diagnosis. An operation was performed, however, a relapse soon followed, and the cancer returned. Jackman now undergoes a quarterly examination and advises people to carefully monitor their health, do not hesitate to apply a cream for a safe tan. By the way, basalioma rarely metastasizes, so the chances of recovery are slightly higher. However, malignant tissues tend to grow rapidly.

6. Anastacia

10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

A popular American singer with an interesting voice twice heard the words of the verdict from oncologists. For the first time, the star learned about breast cancer at the age of 34, and she became really scared. The woman was urgently operated on with the condition of removing a lobe of one of the mammary glands. It seems that the disease receded, but in 2013 there was a relapse. Having canceled the tour, Anastacia disappeared for half a year for the fans and again successfully defeated cancer. Then the singer founded a foundation named after her, which educates women on the diagnosis and treatment of this form of oncology.

5. Julia Volkova

10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

A miniature singer with a gentle voice in 2012 had to show real fortitude, because she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Julia fought the disease on her own and only a few years later she decided to announce her battle publicly. The fragile girl had to go through a difficult operation, which was successful. However, a medical error was made – the singer’s vocal nerve was damaged, as a result of which she could only whisper. To restore her voice, Yulia underwent 3 more surgeries in Korea and Germany. Even now, she is paying the price of the removal of the tumor – she speaks with a slight hoarseness.

4. Andrey Gaydulyan

10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

A young and promising actor found out about a terrible illness 3 years ago. He immediately canceled his career plans and went to a well-known German clinic for treatment. Oncology of the lymphatic tissue is a serious and extremely dangerous business, in some cases with disappointing prognoses. However, Andrei fought for his life for a whole year and soon entered the theater stage. A little later, the actor publicly stated that he had achieved remission of the lymphoma.

3. Michael Hall

10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

The star card of the actor was the role of a charming and “fair” maniac in the series “Dexter”. His character was unpredictable and elusive, successfully avoiding all life-threatening situations. In life, Michael was less lucky – even in the process of filming in 2010, he admitted that he was being treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma. The actor defeated the disease, got the coveted Golden Globe and continued to act in the cult series. Now the actor is in remission, so we wish him good health and more chances to play unique characters.

2. Vladimir Pozner

10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

In 1993, a Russian TV presenter in one of the US hospitals was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis – oncology. Cancer was detected at an early stage, so the forecasts were optimistic, however, the words of the doctors knocked the ground out from under the journalist’s feet. He even refused a course of chemotherapy, limiting himself to an urgent operation to remove malignant tissues. More than 20 years have passed since that time, and Vladimir is still regularly examined in clinics for reinsurance. The showman also became an international ambassador for the Together Against Cancer program.

1. Cynthia Nixon

10 Stars Who Beat Cancer

The self-confident and cynical “Miranda” from the cult female series in life turned out to be an equally strong woman who had to fight breast cancer in secret from the fans. The mother of the actress also had a disease, which increased the risk of hereditary cancer in her daughter. Cynthia’s surgery was performed over the weekend so that she could return to work during the week. This was back in 2002. After remission, the actress played in the theater the role of Vivian Bearing, a teacher with cancer. For this, the woman again had to shave her hair.

This is how celebrities struggled with a terrible diagnosis – who alone with their families experienced trouble, and who found support and responsiveness in the hearts of fans. The main thing is that for these people, cancer is left behind, leaving valuable experience and the opportunity to enjoy life more correctly and fully. We wish them good health and new creative successes.

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