Spiritual values are those things that never go out of fashion, and they are the same for all time. These are non-material things that underlie the formation of a person as a person, his aspirations, the search for himself, an individual view of the reality that surrounds him.
Spiritual values help a person to make a choice, to make those decisions that turn out to be right.
So what can be attributed to these spiritual values? We learn from the article.
10 Time
Most people use only the material value of time, taking care of entertainment, gaining social status and accumulating money.
But time also has a spiritual value – a person, unlike animals and plants, has the ability to self-consciousness, and the mind and self-consciousness lead to self-knowledge and save a person from material suffering.
It is important to accept the fact that time is running out, and it should not be wasted, but should be engaged in spiritual practice. Before death, people think only about one thing: “I wasted my time wrong”, this is due to the fact that we think about material things, are attached to material things, and it hurts us when we lose everything.
But a person engaged in spiritual practice is not attached to the material, knowing his spiritual nature (eternity, bliss, knowledge) understands more and more what the spiritual value of time is.
9. Knowledge
The knowledge that we receive helps us to discover the true meaning of life, allows the mind to be in harmony with logic, faith and feelings. We are also given to know the fundamentals of nature.
A person not only cognizes the world, but also tries to understand the meaning of his existence. Knowledge is an important component of consciousness; without it, human development cannot be imagined.
A person striving for the truth will always try to accumulate in himself as much knowledge as possible. Probably everyone has heard the phrase “Knowledge is power”, it is true, but not everyone thinks about how to gain this power.
Useful knowledge is information that has passed through time. This is a kind of instruction that we apply to our lives.
8. Development
As you know, nature is changeable, and all living things are always in motion. Everything changes: our views, tastes, interests, the old is new, etc.
Development is evolution, movement. Changes occur naturally, and no matter how hard anyone tries to stay in place, no one can do it.
Development is also a spiritual value, many take development for some kind of life changes, material growth, but spiritual development is the evolution of personal qualities, the improvement of one’s inner world.
The main goal of development is to realize one’s nature, to open oneself. You will never be able to lose the fruits of spiritual work, which cannot be said about material accumulated things.
7. Freedom
Freedom is a very ambiguous concept, but it can be characterized. A person can always feel when he is free and when not. If he acts on the basis of his principles, desires and is responsible for the result of his actions, he is free.
That is, he is responsible for his actions and decides for himself how to act. This means free will and no coercion from outside.
6. Beauty
Beauty is the most mysterious spiritual value, each person understands it in his own way. If you do a survey among people, the results will be different.
For some, beauty is a bird that pecks seeds from a person’s hand, for someone it is a luxurious English garden … Therefore, we can say that beauty is what surrounds us. It exists in human relationships, in us, in others, in nature.
It is beauty that inspires to create – it encourages musicians, writers to create real masterpieces that do not lose their uniqueness through the centuries … This is a very subtle substance, and only a sensitive person can understand it.
5. Art
Art is the spiritual self-realization of a person through sensual and expressive aspects – drawing, sound, writing, light, etc.
Art helps every person to feel the beauty, makes him spiritually richer, gives energy and brings meaning to life. If there were no art, then we would live only by those things that surround us (ordinary), and there would be no opportunity to grow, to progress.
A person who is connected with art is filled with energy and is able to create the surrounding reality. Most often, the creator begins to look for his own meaning, which was not previously found among people.
4. Creation
Creativity is inherent in every person, but not everyone discovers it in themselves. This is the creation of something new, something that has not been seen before.
It is usually believed that creativity is the creation of a work of art, writing classical music, but a little girl, for example, who wrote a couple of lines in her notebook about a bear cub walking in a meadow, is already creativity, she is a creator and created something new.
Creativity is the ability to create something new, it always elevates the soul and ennobles the personality.
3. Truth
People have a sparkle in their eyes when it comes to the search for truth, the truth. This is a natural desire of a person to know the world in which he lives, as well as himself. Truth is a spiritual value, it gives a lot to a person – with its help we can analyze what is happening, our actions, consider certain actions that we perform, for morality and correctness. For everyone, the truth has its own understanding – for one, that which has no significance for another will be sacred. Truth is something that has been tested by time and experience.
2. Love
Love is the highest spiritual value imaginable. Without it there is no human existence.
Many mistakenly believe that if they do not have a loved one, then there is no love. However, love is ourselves, our essence. You can love a bird singing outside the window, a new day, a spring wind, a smile of a loved one …
Love is different – spiritual, physical, material, friendly, etc. Love helps a person become better, ennobles him.
1. Good
Kindness is one of the most important spiritual values. It manifests itself in the desire of a person to improve life on Earth, not only for himself, but also for others.
A good person always strives for truth and justice. A good deed is manifested in sincerity – this is not when a person does something for gain, but when he tries to do something for another disinterestedly.
Kindness has always been valued, but people, because of their sensitivity and concern for others, sometimes suffer greatly. Kindness is the spiritual need of everyone, when we do something useful and good, we feel better, more confident, and our soul becomes lighter.