10 soothing and tonic tincture recipes

Herbs are good not only in the form of teas and raw materials for medicinal decoctions, but also as a basis for alcoholic pomace and infusions that have no less healing properties. One of the common effects of drinks that include herbal raw materials and strong alcohol is a sedative.

Many tinctures have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, help to cope with insomnia, stress, tension and even depression.

Oregano tincture

The composition is good as a sedative, hypnotic, relieving nervous tension and hysterical states of the remedy. It is also used to prevent atherosclerosis. You need to use the infusion before meals, 35-45 drops three times a day.


  1. Dry mixture of leaves and herbs of oregano – 10 g

  2. Alcohol – 150 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Grind oregano, pour into alcohol, seal the vessel, shake.

  2. Leave the liquid to soak at room conditions for about 1 week.

  3. Drain the infusion, squeeze out the thick mass, add the pomace to the first liquid.

  4. Pass the drink through a multilayer filter.

Lure Tincture

The product is suitable for improving the condition in depressive, hypotonic and asthenic disorders, outbursts of irritability and decreased performance. It has a pronounced tonic effect when taken three times a day, 40 drops before meals. The course of admission is 20-30 days.


  1. Alcohol – ½ l

  2. Dried rhizome lure – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. Crush the raw materials into small pieces, pour into a prepared container, soak in alcohol.

  2. Seal the vessel tightly, transfer to darkness and coolness for 6-8 days.

  3. Drain the liquid into a small bottle, after straining.

Golden root tincture

The drink has an intense tonic effect: it increases efficiency and resistance to harmful environmental influences, improves memory and attention, stimulates metabolic processes and the nervous system. Vodka can be replaced with a mixture of alcohol and water, taken in equal proportions – 50 ml each. Take 30 drops three times a day.


  1. Vodka – 100 ml

  2. Golden root dry – 10 g

Method of preparation

  1. Grind the root, put the mass in a glass vessel, pour the raw material with alcohol.

  2. Transfer the sealed container to the dark for 10 days.

  3. After the expiration date, filter the liquid and pour into a prepared bottle.

Lemongrass tincture

The tool has a tonic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, well relieves fatigue and signs of a cold. The drink helps with overwork, diseases of the respiratory, visual and digestive organs, impaired kidney function and blood diseases. Infusion is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, cores and nervously excitable persons. Drink from 40 to 90 drops per day, dividing the dose into 2-3 doses.


  1. Alcohol – ½ l

  2. Dry mix of berries and seeds of Schisandra chinensis – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. Mash the fruits, add the mass to the seeds, pour alcohol.

  2. Keep the liquid in a closed container in a cool place for at least 1 week.

  3. Strain the finished infusion, drain into a clean container.

Tincture “Maral root”

The drink is recommended to be taken as a tonic: to stimulate the respiratory processes, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve performance and blood supply, and recover from a protracted illness. The infusion helps with depression and overwork. Take the remedy three times a day, 25 drops.


  1. Dry maral root rhizome – 100 g

  2. Alcohol – 100 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Grind raw materials, put in a vessel with alcohol.

  2. Let the liquid soak for 20 days in the dark.

  3. Drain the infusion, move to a small container.

Melissa tincture

Helps to cope with neurosis and insomnia. Drink 15 drops 3 times a day.


  1. Melissa dry – 10 g

  2. Alcohol – 100 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Finely grind the grass, fall asleep in alcohol.

  2. Leave to infuse for 1-1,5 weeks.

  3. Strain off the liquid.

Mordovnik tincture

It is used as a general tonic, to improve the overall tone of the body, as well as in the complex treatment of hypotension, sciatica and paralysis. Takes monthly courses of 10-20 drops twice a day before meals.


  1. Mordovnik seed – 100 g

  2. Alcohol – 100 ml

Method of preparation

  1. Pour vegetable raw materials into alcohol

  2. Keep the drink in the dark in a sealed vessel for half a month.

  3. Drain through the filter, place in a small bottle.

Motherwort tincture

Has a strong sedative effect. Take 40-50 drops three times a day to eliminate the state of nervous overexcitation and the initial symptoms of hypertension. Both fresh and dry grass are suitable as raw materials.


  1. Vodka – ½ l

  2. Motherwort – 100 g

Method of preparation

  1. Grind the grass, place in a jar, pour in alcohol.

  2. Close tightly, hold for 10-20 days, drain.

Tincture “Elixir”

This multi-component remedy perfectly restores vitality, improves health, fights against general weakness and overwork. Take the infusion half an hour before meals, 12-25 drops three times a day. Fruit pomace for making a drink is made from a mixture of essences of cherries, pears, plums, barberries and rum.


  1. Alcohol – ½ l

  2. Sugars – 50 g

  3. Water – ½ l

  4. Cilantro seed – 4 g

  5. Dill seed – 4 g

  6. Parsley seed – 4 g

  7. Walnut partitions – 3 g

  8. Tarragon leaves – 3 g

  9. Rose petals – 2 g

  10. Thyme – 3 g

  11. Cover – 2 g

  12. Black tea – 2 g

  13. Coffee – 2 g

  14. Mint drops – 2 g

  15. Fruit pomace – 10 g

  16. Ground ginger – 2 g

  17. Elderberry (flowers) – 1 g

  18. Carnation (flowers) – 1 g

  19. Sweet peas – 1 g

  20. Black pepper – 1 g

  21. Nutmeg – 1 g

  22. Cardamom – 1 g

  23. St. John’s wort (flowers) – 1 g

  24. Celery seed – ½ g

  25. Aniseed – ½ g

  26. Cumin seed – ½ g

Method of preparation

  1. All components, with the exception of the first three, mix, pour into a saucepan, pour water.

  2. Simmer over low heat for half an hour, cover with a lid, let the drink cool.

  3. Express the decoction through a cloth, squeeze out the mass, combine the resulting liquid with the first.

  4. Pour alcohol into the drink, sweeten, mix well, pour into a small bottle.

Hop tincture

Used as a natural sleeping pill and sedative, taking 5 drops dissolved in warm water in the afternoon.


  1. Vodka – 100 ml of strong vodka

  2. Hop cones – 25 g

Method of preparation

  1. Crush vegetable raw materials, throw in vodka.

  2. Shake the mixture, keep 2 weeks under a closed lid.

  3. Drain the infusion, squeeze the mass and add the resulting liquid to the first.

  4. Pass the drink through a multilayer filter.

Relevance: 08.11.2018

Tags: Liqueurs, Liqueurs, Tinctures, Recipes for tinctures

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