The intestine is an important organ of the digestive tract. Many doctors agree that it is necessary to clean it periodically, because due to intestinal blockage, we have chronic diseases. In general, the state of health worsens: fatigue, apathy, etc. appear.
But some believe that it is not worth cleansing the intestines, because this orderly cleans himself. And in order to bring this important organ back to normal, it is enough just to make a fasting day.
However, if you decide that you want to experience the effect after a colon cleanse, then you have opened the right article. Consider the most popular options in it.
We bring to your attention a list of 10 simple ways to cleanse the intestines at home. Methods to help check the small intestine and improve its function.
10 Soda
Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, stage 3 cancer, hypertension, individual intolerance, gastric ulcer.
Baking soda is in almost every home. Its popularity is due to the fact that it is suitable for various tasks: whether it is teeth whitening or washing dishes. Let’s try to cleanse the intestines with it?
Recipe: add 1 teaspoon of soda to warm water – 50 ml, mix. We drink the remedy in the morning on an empty stomach (this will help to gently cleanse the intestines, as well as eliminate constipation).
Advantages: improves intestinal peristalsis and digestion, eliminates gases.
Disadvantages: not suitable for everyone, health problems may occur (consult a doctor is necessary).
9. Herbs
Contraindications: intestinal obstruction, cystitis, hypokalemia, spastic-type constipation, not recommended for children under 12 years of age, inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
Before herbs played an important role in the treatment of various diseases. Today, despite the abundance of drugs, they have not lost their relevance. Herbs have various properties, including helping to rid the intestines of toxins. We will tell you about senna grass – memorize the recipe.
Recipe: take half a teaspoon of senna grass, fill it with cold water. Put on fire and bring to a boil. After 10 minutes, filter, and then insist for 60 minutes. We drink the finished broth 2/3 tablespoons in the evening and one in the morning for a week.
Advantages: fast effect, improves peristalsis.
Disadvantages: prolonged use leads to discomfort in the intestines, dehydration.
8. Kastorovoe butter
Contraindications: not recommended for pregnant women, children under 4 years of age. With fever, liver disease, diarrhea, you can also not take the drug.
Kastorovoe butter popular since ancient times. In folk medicine, it is used as a means of getting rid of toxins. This is a rather unpleasant procedure, but very effective. Those who spend it say that their condition is improving significantly.
Recipe: mix 1 teaspoon of oat bran with 1 tablespoon of low-fat kefir. Add 1 teaspoon castor oil. The tool is ready. We take it in the morning in full – on an empty stomach.
Advantages: treats constipation, improves intestinal microflora, promotes weight loss.
Disadvantages: a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora, can disrupt digestion (if you plan to abuse castor oil).
7. Flax seeds
Contraindications: pregnancy, kidney stones, intestinal obstruction, exacerbation of liver disease, allergic reactions, diarrhea.
A clean intestine is the key to the flawless operation of all internal systems, strong immunity and excellent skin. One of the safest, but working ways to cleanse such an important organ as the intestines is flaxthat promotes the elimination of toxins.
Recipe: Pour 1 teaspoon of seeds with water -250 ml, put on the stove. After boiling, cook the remedy for 10 minutes. When it cools down, we filter and take it in full every evening before going to bed for 2 weeks.
Advantages: gently cleanses the intestines, normalizes digestion, helps to lose weight.
Disadvantages: you can harm the body by increasing the daily dose of seeds. Flax fruits contain toxic substances – if they accumulate in the body, this can cause negative consequences.
6. Fresh Juice
Contraindications: people with peptic ulcer should not drink carrot juice, as well as radishes and sweet peppers. Also, you can not drink freshly squeezed juices suffering from diabetes.
Freshly squeezed juices is a storehouse of vitamins. For cleansing, you will need fruits with high acidity: apples, cherries, plums, etc.
Recipe: from any of the listed fruits we get juice. It should be enough for the whole day – be sure to consider this. We drink one glass of juice per hour. On the day of the procedure, we do not eat or drink anything (only juice). Cleansing is carried out no more than 2 times a month.
Advantages: accelerates the cleansing process, is useful, improves well-being. Beetroot juice cleanses the body of toxins.
Disadvantages: use in excessive amounts may be harmful.
Pay attention! In order not to damage the enamel of the teeth during juice therapy, it is better to drink juices through a straw.
5. Vegetables
Contraindications: gallbladder disease, peptic ulcer, diarrhea, type 2 diabetes, gastritis, bowel disease, severe kidney damage.
If you take note of this vegetable salad, then not only safely cleanse the intestines, but also lose weight! This salad is recommended to be consumed within 3 days. As a result, your intestines will be cleansed and accumulated toxins will be eliminated.
Recipe: grate 3 parts of cabbage, 1 hour of beets and 1 hour of carrots. You can optionally add seasonings: cloves, garlic, thyme. The main thing is not to salt the salad. Add lemon juice to the mixed ingredients, and at the end pour the salad with high quality vegetable oil.
Advantages: provide the body with fiber, give it minerals and vitamins. Cleanse the digestive system, improve skin condition.
Disadvantages: you can not eat other foods during the diet, bloating with prolonged use.
4. Bran
Contraindications: gastric ulcer, liver disease, gastritis, diarrhea, abdominal adhesions, pancreatitis.
Cleansing the body bran improves well-being, saturating it with vitamins and nutrients. Bran perfectly “sweeps” fecal debris from the intestines. The intestinal microflora is stabilized thanks to this natural product.
Recipe: take wheat bran 30 minutes before meals a day 3 times 2 tbsp. l. spoons. Be sure to drink two glasses of water. Cleansing course: 1 month once a year.
Advantages: relieves constipation, the product contains vitamin B, toxins are removed from the body, weight is reduced.
Disadvantages: improper use disrupts the digestive tract, if you do not take liquid, coarse fiber will damage the intestinal wall.
3. Apples
Contraindications: stomach ulcer, allergy, gastritis, pregnancy.
Apples contain fiber, which has a great impact on bowel function. Sour varieties contain fruit acid, which dissolves toxins and helps in cleansing the digestive tract.
Recipe: take 2 kg. sour (green) apples and water. We eat apples in equal portions every 2 hours. We also drink non-carbonated water. We don’t eat anything except apples throughout the day. The procedure is carried out no more than a couple of times a month.
Advantages: saturates the body with vitamins, disinfects the intestinal cavity.
Disadvantages: apple diet can be harmful if you do not know the sense of proportion. Apple pips contain hydrocyanic acid, a substance that can be harmful, so they should be disposed of when peeling apples.
2. Cereal porridge
Contraindications: pregnancy, urolithiasis, chronic diseases, temperature.
Some cereals perfectly cleanse the intestines. We are talking about cereals, from which porridge is prepared. The dietary fiber contained in them contributes to the gentle cleansing of the digestive tract. Let’s try to cleanse the intestines with rice porridge.
Recipe: cook rice porridge without salt and sugar (enough to last the whole day. The diet is designed for 5 days). When dieting, do not drink water after 20:00 pm and before bedtime. For 5 days we use only rice. After cleaning for 30 days, it is not recommended to abuse salt.
Advantages: chronic fatigue, headaches go away, stool normalizes, fat deposits are burned.
Disadvantages: a long-term diet can be harmful (better consult a specialist), requires a balanced diet, cannot be combined with other cleaning methods.
1. Water
Contraindications: chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, arterial hypotension, heart failure, impaired renal function, pregnancy, weak immunity, pancreatitis, gastric ulcer.
The simplest but most effective action that you can do for your body is to drink plenty of clean water regularly – at least 10 glasses.
Tip: to make water pure, just boil it.
For this method, we will use salt water – it was practiced in ancient India.
Recipe: take a 5 liter bottle and squeeze 300 ml into it. lemon. We put 4 tablespoons of sea salt, and then pour hot water to the brim. After the healing agent has cooled down, we drink it (250 ml every 20 minutes). In between, it is recommended to do exercises that accelerate the flow of fluid into the intestines. The procedure takes approximately 2 hours (one day only). On the day of the procedure, only rice porridge is included in the diet. Eating begins an hour after drinking salt water.
Advantages: quick result, recovery of the body, normalizes weight.
Disadvantages: salt water cleansing carries health risks, so you need to follow the instructions exactly.