Any representative of the fair sex dreams of lush, shiny, flowing and healthy curls. But not everyone succeeds in achieving this.
Many girls do not understand why the hair continues to look deplorable, despite intensive care. The fact is that hair requires a special approach, we ourselves, without noticing it, often perform procedures on them that harm them. Trichologists have compiled ten simple tips to follow to improve the appearance of your hair and make it healthier.
10 Refusal to wash your hair daily
Experts believe that daily washing harms hair. The fact is that water and shampoo wash off the natural layer of fat from the head, which serves as protection for curls from environmental influences.
The protective fatty film makes the hair moisturized, strong and elastic. To restore this layer, the hair needs a couple of days, and washing your hair every day does not allow it to recover.
Gradually, the hair becomes dry, breaks easily, the tips of the curls suffer most from daily washing. Also, frequent “washing” provokes increased production of fat by the skin, from which the hair gets dirty faster.
9. Do not wash your hair with hot water
Wash your hair with water no higher than 37-39 degrees, it should be boiled, you can use filtered water. Washing your hair with hot water threatens with a strong heating of the skin of the head, which improves blood circulation. As a result of this process, the skin on the head receives an excess amount of nutrients. In connection with the above, the work of the sebaceous glands is accelerated, the hair begins to get dirty faster.
8. Timely haircut
You can improve the quality of your hair with the help of a timely haircut of the tips. Regular hair washing, blow-drying and other procedures lead to thinning of the tips.
The protective film from the fatty layer does not reach them, so they are exposed to aggressive action more than the roots, as a result of which they deteriorate.
The ends of the curls begin to split, this spoils not only their appearance, but has a negative effect on the structure of the entire hair, it collapses along the entire length.
Cutting the ends of the hair is recommended depending on the speed of their growth and type. On average, girls update the ends of their curls once every two months.
7. Do not brush wet hair
Trichologists do not advise combing wet curls for the following reasons: 1. This prevents the hairs from absorbing moisture. 2. Wet curls become heavier, it is easier to tear them off, stretch them out, violate the integrity of their structure. 3. Combing freshly washed hair contributes to the formation of split ends. 4. After washing, the skin is steamed, because of this, it is easier to damage the hair follicles with a comb.
It is also important to choose the right comb, experts believe that it will be better if it is made of wood and has large teeth. A massage with coarse and hard bristles is also suitable.
6. Correct application of shampoo
Few of the fair sex know that in order to make your hair healthier, you need to learn how to wash it properly.
Before applying the shampoo to the hair, it must be thoroughly moistened. Next, you need to pour about one teaspoon of the product into the palm of your hand and apply it to the roots of the curls and the skin of the head, not forgetting to make light circular movements.
If the product glides poorly on the skin, then it should be slightly diluted with water. It is not worth applying shampoo to the rest of the hairs, flowing foam is enough. Then the product is left on the head for a couple of minutes, washed off and the manipulation is repeated again. Then finally wash off, rinse your head with a little cool water.
5. Refusal of cheap funds
Beauty experts advise against cheap hair care products. This is due to the fact that they often contain poor quality components, the manufacturer does not want to spend money on expensive raw materials.
Substances of unnatural origin have a detrimental effect on the health of curls. Various surfactants, parabens, silicones contained in inexpensive shampoos and other curl care products negatively affect the scalp and hair.
4. Headgear is required
In the hot summer season, be sure to wear hats, caps and other headgear, they protect the hair from fading and overdrying.
In winter, you should not forget to wear hats, as this will save your hair from hypothermia. Preference should be given to knitted hats, rather than heavy fur ones, as they do not allow curls to breathe and press them too much, because of which they lose volume and attractive appearance.
3. Don’t rub your hair with a towel
Trichologists remind that wet curls are very fragile and easily damaged. If you rub wet hairs with a towel, then the scales on them open up, which leads to a cross section of their tips, loss of shine.
After washing, it is better to gently blot the hair with a terry towel, this will remove excess water without damaging the hairs.
2. Hair needs to rest.
Curls need to be allowed to rest, so it is not recommended to constantly tighten them in a ponytail, bun or braid. Hair follicles from these manipulations become weaker, which increases the likelihood of hair loss.
It is better to collect hairstyles from curls every other day, you should also go to bed with your hair loose.
1. Proper nutrition
If, despite proper care, the curls continue to not please with their appearance, for example, there is no shine, density, they fall out a lot, then the problem most likely lies inside the body.
Perhaps you should reconsider your diet and include more foods fortified with vitamins. For healthy hair, it is good to eat fish, which contains omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, green vegetables (broccoli or spinach), nuts (walnuts, almonds, cashews), eggs, legumes, oysters, dairy products, carrots. You can also improve the quality of your hair by taking special vitamin complexes.