10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

Traveling people are familiar with the state of surprise, because sometimes some customs and rules of foreigners really delight, or, conversely, scare …

Did you know that the British, for example, are a very free people who do not accept infringement of their rights? And also the fact that people in the UK are big animal lovers? There are no homeless animals on the street, because they all live in shelters.

If you want to be like the magnanimous, pedantic and reserved English, read on – you might be able to borrow something from them.

10 attitude towards cold

10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

We are used to dressing as warmly as possible in winter: we wrap a scarf around our neck, put on boots with insulation, a fur coat … But the British have a different attitude to winter – it can snow outside, while the British walk in a sheepskin coat and light shoes.

Perhaps the whole point is that in England there is no harsh winter. In the UK, there are only small frosts, but it’s cold in their houses, especially at night – there are big problems with thermal insulation in British homes. They do not have central steam heating, and everyone warms up as best they can. They are used to the cold.

9. Tea drinking

10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

The stereotype that the British like to drink tea is quite justified. The British drink tea with elegance and pleasure – for example, adding cream or full-fat milk to it. When an Englishman asks his guest, “Would you like some tea?” I’m talking about tea with cream.

The inhabitants of England are used to bringing tea to their households in the morning right in bed, unless of course there is someone to bring it. During the day, the British can drink tea as many times as they like, but after lunch and dinner they usually do not. Tea is served with scones, jam or clotted cream.

8. Fish and potatoes

10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

Fried fish and potatoes is a traditional British cuisine. Potatoes are fried in deep fat, and fish is cooked in batter – such a duet perfectly complements any holiday table and is always included in the restaurant menu.

In the UK, both potatoes and fish (it can be saithe, haddock, cod, etc. – white fish) are fried in beef fat, but recently cooking with vegetable oils is not uncommon.

7. Love to the animals

10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

In England, in addition to a huge number of pet shops and veterinary clinics, there are hotels for dogs (in case the owner is away somewhere or gets sick). There are also crematoria and cemeteries for four-legged pets.

In 2007, the Animal Welfare Act was passed. What is strange: the British are not used to showing their feelings and excessive love and affection for their children, but they give all their tenderness and kindness to their pets.

Several animals can live in one house, and the owners do not spare money on them. In addition, the British are very careful about nature, and in England everyone has a well-groomed garden.

6. Rules of Good Tone

10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

Each of us, probably, faced the fact (or were in this place ourselves) that hospital visitors tried to go to the doctor’s office without a queue with the words: “I just have to ask”, “I just have to pick up a certificate”, but in England there is no such thing – everyone waits their turn without asking who needs to get into the office as soon as possible.

The same applies to other places – no one pushes, does not hurry and does not breathe in the neighbor’s ear – they consider this a sign of a silent insult. On the escalator in the subway, people keep to the right side, and the left is for those who are in a hurry.

5. Pub culture

10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

UK pubs are not the pubs that we have on every corner. A typical pub is an integral part of the culture of England. In pubs, they don’t just drink, they communicate, get acquainted, fall in love there …

The British usually go to them after a working day, the main drink of this establishment is beer, which you can choose according to your taste: light, dark, Dutch, etc. To sit in a pub – you don’t have to order something – you can just go read the latest newspaper and chat with friends.

4. Tolerance

10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

Tolerance of the British cannot be called a kind attitude towards other people, rather it is a tradition. They respect other nations, their traditions and customs. For example, in polyclinics, terminals issuing coupons are equipped with an interface in several languages.

In addition, in England they treat people well regardless of their orientation – no one will look askance if a man lives with another man. The British are free people – this is proved by the way they behave and how they dress.

3. The habit of wearing shoes

10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

This habit cannot be called only British, rather European. People, entering the house, are not used to taking off their shoes – the British do this only as a last resort, for example, when it is very dirty and it is raining outside.

But usually the British trample in their shoes right on the carpets, the clean floor. In the evening, they can take off their shoes and walk barefoot, by the way, the British have a “strange” relationship with the floor. In a movie theater, people can put their jacket right on the floor, or let a child sit on the floor in a public place.

2. Pedantry in everything

10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

Who among us has not sinned by throwing a candy wrapper past the trash can or running across the road at a red light? Take a selfie in the museum or go around the lawn with a lawn? Nobody in England does that.

The British, even if there are no cars, wait until the green light turns on to cross the road, they always throw plastic cups, candy wrappers into the trash, and in the store, if they accidentally dumped a thing on the floor, they will definitely pick it up and hang it back. The flip side of their pedantry is the condemning looks after those who do not follow the rules.

1. The special concept of friendship

10 simple and ingenious things to learn from the British

We can only call friends those whom we have known for a long time and who have gone through life’s difficulties and trials with us. Among the British, a seller from a neighboring street is considered a friend on a par with someone whom a person has known for 20 years …

If an Englishman says: “My friend works in a pub,” it may be that the person met him last week. For the British to call friends those whom they met only a couple of times, or even one at all, is considered the norm.

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