10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

Many kidney diseases are asymptomatic at first. Due to the special structure of this organ (there are no nerve endings in the parenchyma), the kidneys do not hurt for a long time. Pain sensations appear only after this organ has suffered severely enough, the kidney tissue has become edematous. She begins to put pressure on neighboring organs, because of which a person feels pain. Any disease is best treated at an early stage. This also applies to kidney disease. You can recognize their presence by the symptoms described below. When at least half of them appear, you should contact a nephrologist, the sooner the better. He will conduct an examination and make an accurate diagnosis. The most effective treatment will be that started at an early stage of the disease.

10 Bad sleep

10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

When a person develops diseases of the urinary organs, their consequence is kidney failure. Against the background of this deviation, self-poisoning of the body begins. Due to excess toxins, the patient may have sleep disturbances.

9. Headaches, fatigue and general weakness

10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

Due to the constant poisoning of the body, a person complains of headaches, reduced performance, constant fatigue. If intoxication does not stop, nausea and vomiting may occur. The last symptoms are most often bothered in the morning. Due to the fact that the kidneys do not work well, an excess of urea nitrogen accumulates in the bloodstream. The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract reacts to this, so the person feels sick, vomits. Another cause of constant weakness is anemia. The human kidneys are responsible for the production of the hormone erythropoietin. It is needed to make red blood cells. Due to the disease, the hormone is produced less, the number of red blood cells in the blood decreases, and the patient develops symptoms of anemia.

8. Dry and itchy skin

10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

If the skin suddenly becomes dry, itchy, there are a lot of acne, you should go to the doctor. Skin problems can begin due to the fact that toxins accumulate in the body. When kidney function declines, toxins are flushed out through the skin, which can cause it to rash and itch.

7. Bad breath and metallic taste

10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

With kidney disease, the patient smells bad from the mouth. This smell can appear due to problems with the stomach or teeth. With regular visits to the dentist and healthy organs of the housing and communal services, bad breath is a reason to be examined to rule out kidney disease. Due to the fact that they began to function worse, the level of urea in the blood increases. Urea in human saliva breaks down, ammonia is formed, that’s what it smells like. For the same reason, an unpleasant aftertaste persists in the mouth.

6. Confused breathing (shortness of breath)

10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

Sick kidneys do not filter potassium well, it accumulates in the blood. Because of this, a person’s heart rhythms are disturbed, shortness of breath appears. The increased level of fluid in the lungs also interferes with normal breathing. Another cause of shortness of breath is anemia, it is also provoked by kidney disease.

5. Swelling of the ankles and hands

10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

The kidneys remove excess fluid. If they cannot work to their full potential, this fluid remains and causes swelling. In most cases, the hands and feet swell, as well as the face.

4. Pain in the back

10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

Lower back pain indicates that the situation is serious. When this symptom appears, you should go to the doctor or call an ambulance. The doctor will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis can provoke the appearance of pain. If there is a sharp pain, this may be a sign of the passage of a kidney stone. It can be a sign of hydronephrosis, polycystic disease, the appearance of a kidney tumor. When this symptom appears, you should not self-medicate, because. it will only make the situation worse. It is necessary to consult with a nephrologist.

3. Puffiness around the eyes

10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

Edema under the eyes can also provoke other diseases: pathologies of the heart, liver, allergies. But edema caused by the kidneys has characteristic features. They begin to spread from top to bottom, i.e. the face swells first, and only then other parts of the body. And with cardiac edema, on the contrary, the legs swell first, and then they spread to other parts of the body, moving up. Most often, renal edema appears in the morning, and disappears in the evening. At the site of edema, the skin remains warm, pale, mobile and soft. If you press on it, a hole forms in this place, which immediately disappears.

2. High blood pressure

10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

There is such a term: “renal pressure”. So the people call nephrogenic arterial hypertension. When a person’s kidneys are affected, they begin to produce an increased amount of renin. This enzyme produces angiotensin. Excess angiotensin leads to the fact that the body produces a lot of aldosterone. This hormone increases blood pressure. Signs of renal pressure can be dizziness, shortness of breath, headache, weakness, decreased performance, a feeling of strong heartbeat, pain in the lumbar region. Kidney disease can also be suspected by the following sign: the patient has a slight difference between the lower and upper pressure, which does not exceed 30 mm Hg.

1. Change of color of urine

10 signs your kidneys are not working properly

Problems with urination can also indicate the presence of the disease. Frequent urination at night and an increase in the amount of urine indicate a violation of water reabsorption. It can be both a decrease in urine output with the appearance of edema, and an increase in its amount. The color of the urine also changes. Usually it is transparent, yellowish in color. Urochromes give it a yellow tint. If a person has chronic renal failure, then urochromes are practically not formed, so the urine is light. But a change in color can be triggered by the fact that a person drinks a lot of liquids, eats foods with dyes, takes medications, etc. Sometimes the color of the urine changes due to the admixture of blood, this is called gross hematuria. It may indicate urolithiasis, a tumor, or glomerulonephritis.

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