10 signs your husband is cheating

Infidelity, sexual debauchery and the pursuit of animal pleasures are the modern vices of society, which are becoming increasingly difficult to eradicate. From childhood, the boy in the form of cartoon heroines is planted with incorrect ideas about the sexuality of a woman, as well as about marriage and family values. He sees Jasmine and Barbie, framed in bodies, who smile languidly from the screens and are ready to fulfill all desires, while wives and mothers are presented as either grumpy old women or unkempt ugly women. The media and journalism develop similar thoughts in adult men, forcing them to secretly dream of a fatal seductress for the sake of one-time pleasures.

Not surprisingly, the statistics of male (and female) infidelity in some cities already exceeds 50%. At the same time, thanks to the same men’s magazines, films and more “developed” friends, men learn a “valuable” skill – to hide the traces of their infidelity and spree. Of course, it’s so convenient to satisfy your instincts with a suitable “female” on the side, and return home to a cozy and understanding wife who, after a hard day’s work, will listen and feed, and endure children afterwards.

Below we give 10 signs that your man walks “to the left.” Keep your finger on the pulse and expose the traitor – can such a man set a healthy example for a future (or growing up) son or daughter?

10 Inappropriate reaction to jokes and thoughtfulness

10 signs your husband is cheating

The man began to react strangely to your words, especially when you exude positive and cordiality. The conscience is not clear and makes him feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and you dare to be cheerful as usual. An inadequate reaction to jokes is irritation, reproaches for the “plane of humor”, etc. Playful hints or anecdotes about infidelity, uttered by you personally or in a company, are especially aggressively perceived. For a man, this is an occasion to “stand up” and begin to defend himself. But the best defense is an attack … What is your man protecting himself from, is it not from exposure? Another reaction to such remarks may be stupor, confusion and thoughtfulness. A man hides in the usual “cave” and tries to balance his internal state, to overcome pangs of conscience.

9. The scent of another woman

10 signs your husband is cheating

One of the surest reasons that a man is unfaithful to you. Of course, modern ladies pour perfume on themselves from head to toe, that even from an ordinary “kiss on the cheek” of a familiar woman, her plume can settle on clothes for a long time. Therefore, “flavors” are considered as evidence only in the case of repeated repetition. Pay attention to whether these are the same perfumes or different ones, how persistent they are in strength, whether they coincide “on schedule” with the hours of the husband’s absence in the evenings or weekends. Also suspicious will be the excessive cleanliness of the man, which had not been noticed before. For example, after work, he immediately goes to the bathroom, and puts things for washing.

8. The man became a workaholic

10 signs your husband is cheating

There are different periods in life – sometimes enough work really piles up, forcing you to stay in the office until late or even spend the night. In this case, you can safely call a man, and he will quickly pick up the phone and talk to you without too much fuss, whispering and strange words, he will not hesitate to say personal things, for example: “I miss you.” If the impulses to work are accompanied by turning off phones and mystery, returning home in the morning, and they didn’t even offer extra pay for extracurriculars – well, this is a reason to think.

7. Changes in the car

10 signs your husband is cheating

When a woman cheats, she invests money and time in the main “commodity” – her body. A man, on the other hand, understands that it is possible to interest a curious lady who is greedy for image and status with a cool car and other branded things. It is very strange if a man begins to put the car in order with amazing enthusiasm – repaints, polishes and waxes, regularly washes, purchases accessories (seat covers, fragrances, etc.). Also, a thought may come up with infidelity when your passenger seat suddenly finds itself in an unusual position, wet wipes, chewing gum or other new little things are found in the glove compartment, and there may be several cigarette butts in the ashtray, etc. By the way, regular car breakdowns are also an excuse to be away from home several times a week for a couple of hours.

6. New things in bed

10 signs your husband is cheating

Before that, no variety for years, and then suddenly an unusual inspiration? At the same time, note that the man does not approach this issue in terms of joint training. He clearly knows what he is doing, and wants to “work it out” for you. At the same time, he is visited by sincere confidence that girls like this, so asking your opinion is not at all necessary. Yes, and to healthy questions “where does such agility come from” or “where did you learn from” you can get irritation or the branded phrase “I saw it in the cinema” in response. Usually in the family they watch movies together in the evenings … Where did he manage to quietly watch such “educational” films?

5. Change of image

10 signs your husband is cheating

Men, especially aging ones, also begin to sharply invest in their “body” after the appearance of the first mistress. Perhaps she even clearly dictates to him what changes she wants to see. A man is faced with an unexpected moment for him, because for years his wife accepted him as he is – with gray hair, old underpants and socks, unshaven, sick and sweaty, and here you need to be an elite “male” with good perfume and high-quality underwear. Yes, yes, men also begin to “upgrade” their wardrobe without saving on themselves. You suddenly notice that your husband understands fashion trends, switched to expensive suits and shirts, acquired status accessories and even began to choose underpants-socks himself. Changes also apply to appearance – your man can become a regular at the barbershop, as well as enroll in the sports section.

4. Unusual behavior

10 signs your husband is cheating

Jittery insecure behavior is a sign of some kind of trauma, a conflict with inner conscience and honesty. If a man walks to the left, then with a high degree of probability he will break loose at home, attack you over trifles, invent stupid reasons for quarrels. On the other hand, a categorically opposite conduct may also appear – he suddenly begins to cherish and cherish you, bring flowers and gifts, try to spend time together, make love more often.

3. New habits

10 signs your husband is cheating

Along with changes in appearance in the life of a spouse, new unexpected addictions and habits may appear. For example, you may have noticed that he changed his brand of cigarettes, bought extra eau de toilette, lifted the toilet seat, or removed tea bags from your favorite tablecloth. Or maybe new parasitic words suddenly appeared in his vocabulary, which, moreover, are more characteristic of the female style. Also, among the acquired habits, there may be cheeky bold behavior, frank flirting with other girls, jokes on erotic topics.

2. Forgetfulness and fatigue

10 signs your husband is cheating

You have noticed that without objective reasons, a man suddenly forgot all the memorable dates and requests, no longer knows how to keep his word, forgets to put on a wedding ring. Your husband constantly feels tired and empty, but at the same time happy enough. Surprisingly, his imaginary “tiredness” manifests itself mainly in relation to his wife, when she wants to have sex or spend time together. Of course, why is this a man who has already “ate sour cream” elsewhere.

1. Jealousy and calculation

10 signs your husband is cheating

Psychologists have noticed that if a person fiercely criticizes shortcomings in another, then he, as if in a mirror, subconsciously sees them in himself. Attacks of jealousy and nit-picking in your direction may indicate that the man himself is “unclean” and feels guilty. He suddenly, for no reason, began to check your social networks, take your mobile phone for you during a call. Also, a very ingenious calculation may appear in the behavior of a man. In order for his wife not to disturb him at “important moments”, the man paints his load almost hourly, showing unprecedented employment and the inability to answer calls.

We urge women to be vigilant but prudent. Far from always, these signs indicate the presence of a mistress – a man may have a difficult period of life, or he generally began to rethink his behavior, grow up, grow wiser. No one has yet canceled trust in the family, so do not rush to ruin the marriage with your attacks and suspicions. Healthy dialogue and mutual understanding, as well as a little observation, will help you confirm or refute the theory that has arisen in your head.

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