- 10 There are many books in the house
- 9. child goes in for sports
- 8. Prone to activities that develop fine motor skills
- 7. Child goes to music school
- 6. Likes to be in the clouds
- 5. Likes to talk to adults
- 4. You have an impressionable and emotional child
- 3. Child learning a foreign language
- 2. The child has a young father
- 1. He has a smart mom
For a mother, her child is the best, most capable and smartest. But sometimes it’s important to be objective. When developing a child’s abilities, you need to understand that all children are different. If you demand too much from the baby, you can achieve the opposite result: he will have an aversion to learning. On the other hand, if he has the makings of a genius, it is important not to miss the moment and engage in his development.
Now there are schools for gifted children, which teach according to special programs. An experienced child psychologist will be able to determine how your child is developing, whether his development is normal or slightly ahead of his peers. Brilliant children have similar traits that make them stand out from the rest.
10 There are many books in the house
Scientists from the Australian National University, along with their colleagues from the United States, have established an interesting pattern. It turns out that there is a relationship between the number of books in the house of a child and his abilities.
Interestingly, it doesn’t matter if he reads these books or not. The study was conducted over four years, examined people living in 31 countries. First, scientists found out how many books were in the apartment of a teenager when he was sixteen years old. Then they all went through a series of tests.
The researchers were amazed by the results: the more books, the better the test scores. Scientists say that it is worth buying books, even if the income in the family is low, because. it is good for the development of the child.
9. child goes in for sports
Some parents still believe the myth that sports make their kids dumb. This is not true. Of course, if a child devotes all his free time to training, forgets about studying, self-education, this will affect his development. But alternating mental activities and physical exercises help children learn well.
German scientists have found that after playing sports, the child’s memory improves, he memorizes words 20% faster. And all because it increases blood flow to the areas of the brain responsible for memory and learning.
8. Prone to activities that develop fine motor skills
Scientists have long been able to prove that the development of fine motor skills of a child affects his mental development. G. Hildert and N. Mann examined children at the age of 6 months. They took an encephalogram. Then, for months, they worked with the children: unbent and bent fingers, massaged the hand.
A new study showed that such training accelerated brain maturation. Scientists have suggested that the development of fine motor skills contributes to the development of “speech centers”, and they are associated with thinking. Maria Montessori, a famous teacher, also believed that the talents of children are at their fingertips.
7. Child goes to music school
The IQ of children who play musical instruments is slightly higher than that of others. The differences are not very noticeable, but they are there. Most likely, this is due to the fact that classes help train fingers, develop fine motor skills, and this affects the logical thinking and mental activity of the child.
So, playing the piano, the child uses all the fingers, not only the right, but also the left hand. The study of musical notation contributes to the development of logical thinking. It was once considered an exact science. To play well, you need the ability to concentrate and attention, and all this develops in a music school.
6. Likes to be in the clouds
Gifted children grasp everything on the fly, so they get bored in ordinary lessons at school. They are busy with their own thoughts and often do not hear what the teacher is talking about. In this case, you should talk about individual lessons.
Maybe the child should pick up additional puzzles or examples that he can solve, instead of counting crows. Or you can transfer him to another school, with in-depth study of subjects.
5. Likes to talk to adults
Usually children become constrained in the presence of adults, they do not communicate with them so much. Smart children are interested in discussing with those who are older what worries them. Sometimes they choose friends not among peers, but among older children. But they also need to communicate with their peers, so it’s worth sometimes inviting classmates to visit.
4. You have an impressionable and emotional child
People with similar character traits often have creative abilities. But this gift also has a downside, because. the psyche of the child is very “fragile”. Children can be moody and often cry. To cope with this, the child needs a close person nearby who can calm him down.
3. Child learning a foreign language
Scientists, after conducting a series of examinations, were able to establish that after 3 months of learning a foreign language, a person has an increase in the volume of gray matter, i.e. the brain grows, and not figuratively, but literally. It was also found that children who grew up in a multilingual environment have better memory than their peers. They better remember the sequence of events and objects.
This difference begins to appear at 5-7 years of age and remains for life. In addition, bilinguals (those who know 2 languages or more) are better at reading, counting in their minds, etc. They know how to concentrate and literally grasp everything on the fly.
2. The child has a young father
Now many men become fathers after 40 years. And this is understandable. At this age, they manage to make a good career, earn an apartment and everything they need, and are able to provide for their families. But late fatherhood is not very good for the health of the child. With age, mutations appear in spermatozoa.
In Sweden, a study was conducted in which the health of 2,6 million people was analyzed. As it turned out, the IQ of the children of men who became fathers after the age of 45, on average, is much lower than that of those who came from young men. They were 2,5 times more likely to not even finish high school. In addition, they have a 13-fold increase in the risk of hyperactivity syndrome, 13-fold increase in the risk of mental illness, and they are more likely to become drug addicts.
But it is impossible to name the exact age at which it is desirable to give birth to a child, however, experts advise not to delay this, the critical threshold is 40 years.
1. He has a smart mom
Scientists have been able to prove that the mental abilities of a child depend on the genes that he receives from his mother. It is the X chromosome that determines those parts of the brain on which the child’s thinking, his memory and perception of the world depend. And from his father he inherits instincts, as well as the mechanisms responsible for mood.
However, scientists warn that we are talking about basic abilities, i.e. by itself, a child is not born smart, even from parents-geniuses. The baby’s brain needs to be developed, and his abilities depend on this.